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Posts posted by mfdencolo

  1. Err why not? I mean whats the difference between doing that and just putting an alt in the 2nd guild in the first place? The points arent being double counted, you (presumably) only get the reward for whichever guild your toon is in at the end of the week right?


    You are missing the point. We are not talking about when an individual player does this. The exploit happens when several allied guilds purposely send a large number of their members to one guild to help that guild win. The characters join the guild run CQ events, earn points for the guild, and then leave the guild. The guild keeps the points. More characters from the allied guilds join the guild, run CQ events, and then leave the guild. This scenario is repeated for several days. This allows the guild that has been selected to win to bypass the number of character limit. Having one guild benefit from the points earned by 1500 or so characters when all guilds are limited to 1000 is cheating. It is done purposely and willfully, and is an exploit.

  2. I understand how you view it...I have that same loyalty that you do...but not everyone does. Some of my favorite people play in multiple guilds...if they add points to a rival guild, I really don't have any right to say anything about it. Maybe they don't like me, maybe they play at different hours than I do and only play with me out of our friendship, maybe someone in our current guild has pissed them off, maybe they have friends in multiple guilds...whatever the reason, I don't see it as an issue at all. I don't have to like it or agree with it, but I also don't think it's anything other than a tiny annoyance at best.


    I think you are missing the point. There is nothing wrong with what you are describing.


    When guilds form alliances to help each other win planets, this is what happens: first the allied GMs decide which guild they will help. Then several players from each helper guild leave their home guild and join the guild that has been selected to win and run Conquest events, then they leave the guild. Several more players join that guild and do the same thing, and so on and so forth. The next day the same scenario is repeated until Conquest ends. Whether individual players get to keep their points is not the key issue. The exploit is that the guild that is being helped bypasses the maximum number of toons allowed and gets to keep all those points. This is what's happening on Satele Shan and was happening for years on Harbinger previously.

  3. It isn't an exploit to change guilds. The points you earned for a guild stay with them. If you made personal conquest before leaving to switch guilds you can't earn it again. You can however get points for your new guild.


    None of that is an exploit. It is NOT a flaw in the game that people can move freely between guilds. The reason that a person changes guilds is their own and has no bearing on whether they should be 'allowed' to change guilds.


    FYI Exploit does not mean 'action that I do not like in game and should be barred because I say so.'


    No, it isn't an exploit when an individual player leaves a guild and join another, but when several guilds collude together to pool their resources/members to win a planet, it is an exploit. Scenario: The allied guilds decide that for a given week they will help Guild A win Planet X. Members from the allied guilds take turns joining Guild A, run Conquest events (lockouts, WZs, etc.) and then leave Guild A. Then other players from the allied guilds join Guild A and do the same thing. The next day the same scenario is repeated, and so on for the duration of Conquest week. It is cheating and most certainly is an exploit.

  4. In you rework of Conquest, will you be addressing the exploit that some cabals of guilds use to cheat the system by shuffling toons in and out of guilds and earning points for more than one guild, and bypassing the maximum number of members allowed? Or will you be ignoring it...again?
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