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Posts posted by Asbiorn

  1. I already submitted a ticket but thought I would post it here, as well. This happened on Star Forge.


    I made a purchase on the GTN. I then got the notification that I had received the item in the mail. When I went to retrieve it from my inbox, there was no mail with said item. Not only that, but all of my previous messages have disappeared.


    *EDIT: Disregard. It seems that it has corrected itself.

  2. I'm playing Chapter V: From the Grave (KotFE), right now. The Gravestone is already populated. I am seeing many Alliance members performing menial tasks; and Koth's crew is already there, with him in engineering.


    This makes absolutely no sense. We just escaped the swamp. The only people who should be on board are the PC, Lana, Senya, Koth, HK-55, and a few refugees that we found in the swamp. We haven't even made it to Asylum yet. So Koth's crew should definitely not be present yet.

  3. In Jedi Under Siege, my character's voice seems to be extremely low during the cutscenes. Everyone else's voice seems to be perfectly fine; but I have to turn the volume way up, in order to hear my character.


    Also, my companion


    does not heal at all. When in the heal role; he won't even heal himself, let alone me.

  4. Now is this because Lucas has given up or because he sold LucasFilm to Disney?


    If its the latter then they have no say.. Lucas ONLY sold LucasFilm.. not any of the other subsidiaries like LucasArts etc.. so all Disney have a say on regarding SW is JUST the films.. not the games or anything else (unless the games are based on future movie projects)


    An yeah im happy with having Yoda as an unknown race, gives people the imagination in their own little pen and paper groups to make their own lore and make somthing up if they come across that species etc, but yeah keep it our of game.. plus the body type with height etc would be difficult to code in....HOWEVER if they CAN code in the hight etc.. then they would most likely add Ewoks (I know wernt around in this era) and Jawa's


    Actually, Industrial Light & Magic, Skywalker Sound and LucasArts were all included in the deal.


  5. Normally when I finish a planet doing all quests (minus the Heroics that I cannot solo), I am either right at the required level for the next planet or half a level away. If I use a 3 hour exp boost while doing all quests (minus the Heroics that I cannot solo) , then I am about 1-2 levels above the required level for the next planet.
  6. But it makes precisely zero impact on the rest of the game apart from LS/DS points. The only consequences I can think of are being too DS as a JK which

    affects your title General/ Jedi Master



    I played my JK as pure DS.

    Strangely at the end, Master Shan said I would not become a master and was promoted to a general, but my character did not receive the title General. Instead, I still got the title of Master


  7. Most Favorite

    Darth Caedus being my favorite Sith, I say Jacen Solo's character arc from the book Traitor to his becoming Darth Caedus.


    I, Jedi


    Everything by Timothy Zahn concerning Grand Admiral Thrawn:

    The Thrawn Trilogy

    The Hand of Thrawn Duology

    Survivor's Quest

    Outbound Flight

    Mist Encounter (short story printed in the paperback version of Outbound Flight)

    Side Trip (novella in Tales from the Empire)

    Crisis of Faith (novella included in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Heir to the Empire)


    The Darth Bane Trilogy


    Least Favorite

    The Emperor Reborn

    The Legacy comics


    I love the old movies, Revenge of Khan was my favorite. But i think you are stuck in the past. The franchise needed to go on a new direction or die. JJ made the right choice. Time from a new generation of startrek fans. Like it or not.





    You mean The Wrath of Khan was your favorite, right?

  9. This is why I never roll a stealth class when I start an mmo. The 3rd or 4th time through gets tedious so stealthing through at that point is preferred.


    Well actually when I started the free trial, I made the Jedi Guardian first as I figured that would be closest to a KOTOR III. When I reached level 15, I decided that I wanted to try a character on the Empire side. Then, being a huge Grand Admiral Thrawn fan, I had to play a Chiss. The Imperial Agent sounded very interesting so I decided to give that one a go. By the time I reached level 15 with that character, I just had to finish the story before going back to my Jedi.

  10. Well I know that the Gamestops around me do not display them on the shelf. They keep them in the back room. But the last time I tried to purchased one, the Gamestop employee told me that they were not going to be carrying them anymore due to the game going free to play. I explained that the game is still retaining the subscription just offering free to play with restrictions as another option. He still said that they will not be carrying them in stock anymore. I'm hoping that he is just full of **** and doesn't know what he's talking about. They do still have them on their website as that is where I purchased my last one. Just used the "SAVER" coupon code to get free shipping. I'm just glad it arrived before my subscription expired.
  11. Although I think it is unlikely, I would love to see this too. Maybe if they ever add another force user class to the game. I'd love to see a new class that has no affiliation with either the Republic or Empire. Maybe a Jedi that left the order because he/she doesn't agree completely with the Jedi code, and they could use their lightsaber in this way
  12. Currently, I am playing a Dark Jedi Guardian which is my second character, and I just got to Corellia. While I am enjoying the story, I grow very bored of the constant grind in combat. I find myself eager to reach level 50 and the end of the class story so I can start playing my third character.

    I really enjoyed the Imperial Operative which was my first character. I liked that I could enter stealth and sneak past enemies after I had killed the required amount for the various objectives and bonus objectives.

    I know that Scoundrel, Sith Assassin, and Jedi Shadow have stealth skills, but do any of the other advanced classes have stealth?

  13. yes,,he smuggles DRUGS,,and his employer is JABBA THE HUTT,,one of the biggest and baddest


    crimelords in the universe,,and how did he get the money for millenium falcon,,which wasnt his first ship btw


    and how will u catch a spaceship, without one urself?? call a cab? run REALLY fast?


    i know he would PREFER to take the chase personally, but as a drugrunner for the mob,,bounty time


    Actually, Han didn't buy the Millennium Falcon. He won it in the Cloud City Sabacc Tournament from Lando.

  14. LOL


    You sounds so dark.


    Well I really like some light side characters too as I did include Corran Horn and Kyle Katarn on my list. I, Jedi is one of my favorite books, and I loved all of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games. I do have fun playing/reading/watching the "good" characters, but I seem to enjoy the darker characters' stories more. Like when playing this game, I like the Republic side class stories but get a lot more enjoyment playing the Empire.

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