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Posts posted by Schus

  1. Just wanted to put out an appreciation thread to Kreea for his contributions to the community with in depth guides, sin/shadow tips, and streaming/youtube. I started watching his stream just recently, but he said tonight that due to personal matters he is done with streaming and swtor for the forseeable future. Best of luck man! Thanks for giving so much to the pvp and swtor community.
  2. Cool story bro. I'll hope you know we que on both sides and play anyway we can to get in ranked games. The fact of the matter is that imp side was dead before we came back to swtor and imp players still get discouraged doing solo ranked after pubs kick their *** all day. When we que up solo we let each other know that we are, but it's completely up to the game as to whether we get grouped up or not. If there isn't anyone queing imps though were more likely to end up together but in that respect pubs have killed solo que for the imps and thats what it leads to so if you want to start a blame game go ahead and see where it gets you.
  3. Seriously people "IT'S A PVE SERVER"


    The players make a server what it is, not what BioWare names it. So if we decide to have a pvp community on this server it shouldn't bother a PVEr like yourself. Also, the "jajajajajajajaja" makes you look like an ******e.

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