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Posts posted by Utheron

  1. Geez....


    i never seen so much whine about everything!

    JUST realize this is a new game, it's still developing!!

    They will need time to make everything allright, until then if you have any faith in this game?


  2. Hello everyone!


    Maybe this is just a l2p problem, but am i the only one that feels that the Jugger needs more AoE threat skills? Sure im only lvl 20, and i know that slash is trainable at 28. But im talking about the mobility at this level.


    I Usually start with Force Charge and opens with Force scream (Specced).

    Then a smash to pick up the loose adds!

    Changing/tabbing targets to do sundering/vicious and then go back to nuke target and uses ravage.



    Group starts dpsing marked target, and yes, they are also doing AoE attacks.

    So i quickly loose aggro from the rest off the adds and it starts panicing.

    Using taunt, and chilling scream to slow them down a bit.

    But still it feels hard to get hold off everyone?


    Maybe im doing something wrong, but it really feels weak in some way...

    or am i wrong? Maybe it's gets better when i learned slash?


    And yes, im totally new to this game.

    Played as tank in high end in WoW, but im not compairing it :).

    Im just curious!



    Best Regards


  3. It IS a technical problem .... your-PC-wise

    Try doing a little test.

    Go to first person camera look at the floor/bottom and start activating abilities? 50 fps right? minimal lag right?

    Try fixing your PC plz




    It's still not a PC issue!!


    Let's say you press ability number 1, and then press ability number 2!

    Then it takes like 0.5 seconds before your character actually does the ability number 2 attack. It's not a FPS problem! It's designed that way, and that's the problem!

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