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Posts posted by Kadax

  1. I really don't get this  decision...

    The only people that will suffer are those that are poor or new to the game.

    Those with billions will continue to fast travel, and still be able to easily make enough credits to absorb the cost without thinking.

    This really needs to be undone and rethought.....it is closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

  2. Hiya folks


    I've not long started playing a Vigilance guardian, but really seem to be struggling in Heroics.

    I've been doing some on other characters np, but the guardian just seems to fail a lot and I am only on Taris.

    We seem to be lacking any way to disable one of the enemies temporarily, that all the other classes i've played seems to have. This results in me getting squished even with my companion in healer mode. Two or more golds and I am dead.


    Any help or tips please?

  3. Are all the class capable of soloing heroics now or is it limited to just some classes?


    Also since I am going to be trying to explore the entire maps should I only consider stealth capable classes?

  4. Hiya folks


    Ok a quick one for you.


    I want to pay through everything possible on a single character. This means every quest, including heroics, discover everything on every planet, basically if it can be done by one character with only his companion for help.:eek:


    Now this class must be able to solo the Heroics on each planet and get everywhere he needs to. Later on I will be extending his pay to include all the group content as well, but I have a lot of work ahead of me first.


    Now this character will be an ongoing project and I don't expect it to be quick:D


    Ok so what class would you use?

    Any tips you could give me?

    Any ideas on things that i could include?

    Obviously it has been done before so any problems those people came across?


    Any help you give would be most appreciated so thanks in advance.;)

  5. Clever, however, not the point. I don't believe it's a good idea, because people excited about being new to the game shouldn't have to share a sub-forum with why people are upset with the game and leaving. Hence the thing about bird poop and cars and metaphors and dry humor.


    silly question but why the hell would you put something that daft??....Do you honestly believe that new people only read one forum???

    If they are going to read the forums they would read several sections including the general discussion, which is exactly where your post is...so why should they have to share a sub forum with an elitist who is throwing his crayons out and leaving.


    Post it in the appropriate thread and save us all from the whining, if we want to read it we'll go there to read it.

  6. Started using it 2 days ago....


    Performance across the board is equal if not slightly better in swtor than win7


    It takes a little while to get used to the new system but it is fairly straight forward.


    The only real problem I have had is the xbox live stuff.....I don't own an xbox so what the hell is it doing on my PC??


    All in all I like it...similar to win 7 only better

  7. none for you..go back to runescape


    GMs Please remove this guys post, this is the sort of answer you expect in eve, not in this game.


    If you have nothing useful to say then why bother...


    To the OP the classes in this game are fairly well balanced the only thing I would say , but not from my experience, is that the Jedi Knight classes seem to have a harder time of it at pvp.

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