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Posts posted by warcrafty

  1. I have things that I like and don't like.


    The show is fine and good, but the really only things that I don't like are:


    Anakin's padawan- she can be so annoying. I'm waiting for Grievous or Ventress to kill her off.


    Grievous- From famous Jedi killer, mass murderer and great military leader to... a chump. I mean seriously, this guy has a reputation for genocide just for the heck of it, killing Jedi with ease, and out-witting the best Republic tacticians and they turned him into the guy that gets his butt kicked on a regular basis. Grievous killed several Jedi during the battle of Geonosis with only one lightsaber, now he has four and can't beat Ahsoka. General Grievous fought both Mace Windu and Kit Fisto at the same time and fought them to a draw. Now he can't beat Kit Fisto in single combat on his home turf. To me, they trivialized him.


    The Mando's- Pacifist Mandalorian's. I never thought I'd see the day. From brutal warrior culture that thrived on fighting Jedi, to pacicfists. I understand not wanting to make them OP like Traviss' mando's but bringing them down to pacifism is wrong. They make me want the Death Watch to win.


    That's what I don't like on the show.

    Why is Anakin's padawan annoying?
  2. I hate picking over corpses. It's ghoulish. I think instead, loot drops should just be rarer, and inventory in general should be pared down to a few basic items. Why would I want to steal pants off of the dead slime-covered alien pig-man I just shot?


    It reduces the otherwise heroic figures of the game into loathsome back-alley muggers. It's a terrible game mechanic.


    I agree ,Itry to think of it as just finding it near the enemy.

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