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Posts posted by BrightMojo

  1. Scoundrel surrender (threat drop) has gone, a key smuggler ability, the class trainer has been demonstrating it for 10 years. This is a important ability for scoundrel as we have a high dps ability that can only be used from behind (back blast). During vet fp, without a tank i often get threat and use surrender to drop threat and maintain dps, gun slinger still has surrender.


    Smuggle scoundrel group stealth has been made a talent, smuggle has no in combat benefit and in its current form would be not used until you want to skip a trash pack, then your default combat benefiting talent would be reset after the effect ends. Making smuggle a bit of a wasted talent.


    Why not put surrender in smuggles spot on the talent tree, that would make the level 73 talent row more of a difficult choice as all 3 abilities have in combat benefits and give us smuggle back base line as its part of the core class fantasy, don't get me wrong I would rather keep smuggle, surrender and trick move base line as i currently dont see the other talents being as useful as trick move, but i get what your going for and i think this is the best for what your aiming for.

  2. Regarding the abilities getting messed up when switching spec, that's what the load outs are for, set a load out for each spec, you may have up to 10 different load outs that will change gear, button position so you can go from tank to healer and be ready to play in seconds no sorting out anything
  3. I get you may want to change your original play style to the opposing factions play style an assassin using the shadows abilities for example, but that's the adv class you levelled suggesting you want to change your assassin to a guardian and sentinel is basically saying you want 2 free boosts to adv classes you never levelled.


    I think its great the changes they are making and for my shadow to go from someone who has to pay to swap from tank and dps and set up my talents gear etc to pressing a button from my load out screen to pick whether im ranged melee healer or tank is way better.


    If you want access to 2 adv classes you dont have levelled then level them or boost them

  4. Why do we have to do the first planet to get a level boost, even once we have done the 1st planet we have to do the next planet to get our ship to unlock our second combat style (advanced class), time is precious and our time is being wasted on 10 year old content to be able to test the new content.
  5. Stop pre ordering games, this is why so many games come out full of bugs, look at the state of New World, if they hadn't of had pre orders there's no way they would have released it like that. I get you maybe wanted to get some gear and clear your inventory before the expansion but the gear will save you maybe an hour or 2 during levelling and that gear will probably be replaced within a day at 80, if your still wearing it
  6. On the PTS row 73 of our talents you will choose from flash bang, blind upto 8 enemies, trick move, teleport to target and smuggle aoe stealth to hide group.


    Trick move (teleport to target) in my opinion is the clear winner here, though i can imagine some pvpers picking flash bang.


    Smuggle (aoe stealth) is a useful ability but has no real in combat benefit, meaning if you pick it you probably picked a sub optimal talent and anyone who knows that will probably disrespect you for picking it, maybe we can switch load outs or talents during an op or fp to use it and switch back in which case putting it as a talent is pointless.


    Sadly i just see this as a dead talent and would hate to see such a good utility go away.


    Please make smuggle base line again and change the talent row, I think 3 variations of trick move would be a better idea eg option 1 run speed increase, option 2 teleport to target no run speed increase, option 3 aoe speed increase for group

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