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Posts posted by Brolide

  1. Here is my reasoning:


    Edit: Just wanted to add in that this is a very long read, tl;dr at the bottom


    There is not enough end game content for PvP yet. This is probably the biggest reason. I did the same three Warzones (mainly Huttball at that) for a couple weeks straight. World PvP is nonexistent due to major faction imbalances and there are no arenas or anything else really besides three Warzones and a dead planet. Getting my gear wasn't even a fun experience, mainly because LITERALLY. EVERY. GAME. was against a premade which = instant loss (unless the fates smiled upon me and I got grouped up WITH said premade which was rare). Yes I did have a few games where I played with friends, but the majority of the grind was solo and against premades. So I was pretty much PO'd for several weeks straight. At least in WoW when I solo BG's there's a decent chance I won't be fighting a premade. I'm also fairly certain BG's are grouped somewhat (although not completely) off of gearscore which helps make things more enjoyable as well.


    Ranged classes are pretty much ridiculous, this being a close second as far as reasons I'm cancelling. Now I rolled an Assassin and learned how to play the class pretty well. I can pretty much 1v1 anybody that has equal gear to me and win 95% of the time. But this game isn't about 1v1, it's about group scenarios. If I wanted to I could disappear if too many rangeds were on me. But as I mentioned before, I have several friends who play with me.


    They cannot stealth like me, they rolled a Marauder and a Juggernaut and we had a friend on the verge of hitting 50 with a healing sorc. They are all quitting because 90% of PvP is ranged classes standing up on a ledge somewhere and blasting you into oblivion without much you can do about it, even if you get a metaphorical mile away. My Warrior friends charge then immediately get knocked right back down. And if my disappear cooldowns are blown I'm pretty much in the same boat but without a charge, so I just sit there in a hail of lightning and gunfire and go down pretty quick with nothing I can do about it because ranged has too MUCH range. The game is pretty much range biased when it comes to PvP (especially after the infamous OP/Scoundrel nerf). And since my friends are quitting due to this, I'm not playing an MMO by myself, I'm quitting too.


    Besides all the horrible bugs/glitches riddling this game (which I know they're getting fixed, BW is definitely trying here and I recognize that but the ability delay at the VERY LEAST should have never made it out of beta and should NOT have taken as long as it did to be patched) my close third reason would have to be the PvP gearing system. I actually have two problems with the system (well technically three but 2 of them go into the same category). First, the RNG nature of the bag system/how long it takes some people to gear up. I lucked out and had most of my Champion stuff by Valor Rank 42, but it was still frustrating because I never knew what I was going to get every time I opened a bag, or the fact that I spent a bunch of commendations for my legs and then I opened two more bags and got the champion version. There are other people my Valor rank who haven't gotten jack squat or they've gotten a couple things like a relic and an earpiece. There's no reason for m to be fairly decked out and have other people around my play time with no gear.


    I get that in PVE it's random so they tried to extend that to PvP. Problem with that logic (and I can't believe these high paid developers didn't realize this) is that PVE ALWAYS stays the same difficulty based on which instance you choose. It is consistent and you can choose what content to do based on your gear level. PvP is completely random. If you're a fresh 50 and you get a premade of Battlemasters, it's like trying to run the hardest hard mode with greens equipped. But there's no control over that like there is in PVE, so random gearing doesn't work for PvP. Not to keep going back to WoW, but even blizzard got that. You could outright farm honor and buy whatever pieces you wanted to LONG before they really toned down the random nature of PVE gearing which led to a MUCH more enjoyable PvP experience.


    This brings me to my second problem with the gearing system. How long BW took to change it. With this next patch you will receive 15 Centurion commendations guaranteed from Champion bags along with a chance at some Champion comms. People had pretty much been complaining about this gearing system since day one. Not just a little complaining, I mean every time I logged on the forums my screen was LITTERED with topics complaining about how stupid the bag system is. Yet it took THIS long to implement a fix for it.


    Not to be a conspiracy theorist here or anything, but this was more than likely intentionally drawn out in an attempt to make it take longer to gear at 50 for as many people as possible while they attempted to design more endgame content. There's not a lot of end game content like I stated earlier, so once someone gets geared out there's not a lot of motivation to keep playing. BW HAS to know this, so they kept stupid systems in place for the sake of keeping subscriptions in place. But they essentially cut their noses off the spite their faces. Yeah, it kept some people playing longer, but now everyone is so PO'd at the game, nobody wants to play any more. They should have designed more endgame content before releasing the game, plain and simple, which was my biggest beef to begin with.


    Too long/ didn't read: Not enough to do at 50, endless premades in WZ's gets old, gearing system is stupid/broken/took too long to fix, and ranged classes need to be toned down in how much range they actually have and/or how powerful they are.

    • Last night was 2/3 for my daily
    • Won last one
    • Didn't count
    • Servers reset
    • Missed out on a daily because the one I should have been able to turn in didn't count
    • Won two more today to just try to get the last of my 3 victories
    • Neither wins count
    • Rage!!!
    • Make post complaining about stupid problems that were supposed to be fixed and should have been fixed weeks ago

  2. If your sole goal is to get gear its probably good you cancelled.


    Getting gear to tackle bigger and better content is pretty much the reason anybody plays any mmo.... unless you're just one of those people that likes to go exploring or whatever. Imagine trying to run end game heroics in level 40 greens, that's what it's like for new 50's trying to PvP. Except they don't have any easier instances to go through. They just have to sit there and get the crap beat out of them for weeks on end HOPING to get gear to make it fun.

  3. What is the reasoning behind the random bag system? Quite a large number of players have expressed downright hatred for the system. People have even suggested alternatives that involve the same general amount of time, just more guaranteed results and less RNG. Why hasn't it been changed yet given 99.9% bad feedback from players?


    This isn't a troll or anger post, I'd really just like an answer and whether or not we can expect any changes to the system.

  4. Game is in beta


    Game just released


    Game only been out for a week


    Game only been out for a month


    Game only been out for 3 months


    Game only been out for a year


    Sorry, your excuse wont last forever.


    His point was that IT WON'T last forever because for as much as you like to whine BW IS in fact working on fixing things. If you're all so good at balancing MMO's then why aren't you all working in high paying careers designing MMO's?

  5. The problem is that if you are PvPing solo, I don't expect to beat the premades, it's just that I don't think I've been in a single game without a premade, which is stupid. EVERY GAME I come up against a premade, or if I am VERY VERY lucky I'll be placed on the same side a the premade. But it's like this: Get placed with premade, I win. Get placed with randoms, I lose.


    I don't want to be guaranteed a win against a premade, I just don't wanna *********** fight one EVERY TIME I queue for a Warzone

  6. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome that i have literally not gotten a single "Random" Warzone since I hit 50 4 days ago!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOO cool that I've only won 4 Warzones in 4 days because I keep getting steamrolled by premades!! Keep up the great work BW!! Also, I just LOVE the gear bag system!! Don't ever change it!! Players don't know what they really want, all this complaining by everyone means nothing :)
  7. PremadePremadePremadePremade. Pretty much sums it up at 50. They need to sort out a system where it's more likely (not forced but more likely) to get a premade if you're in a premade and random if you're solo. I've been trying to win one game for the last 3 days to finish my DAILY and i can't because I keep getting steamrolled by premades all day long
  8. Make it so that A) Your level of gear helps to determine the other players you will be facing in WZ's and B)Make it more likely to face randoms if you're not in a group and more likely to face premades if you're in a premade. Between last night and tonight I've lost like 10 games in a row because I KEEP having to face uber geared premades that steamroll us
  9. So, why are so many people against arena pvp?


    Its much better then this PVP system where reward is given by time spend grinding...


    3v3 4v4 5v5 matches focus on skill rather then grinding, so much more fun ...


    And no im not looking for the E-peen i was never an awesome pvp player in wow i was sitting at about 2.1/2.2k raiting.


    They dont even have to give gear based on arena raiting, just give people 2 choices


    1) Grind warzones for gear

    2) Play arena get the same gear, in less time (If you do well and reach towards the top ofc)


    Not reading everyone else's replies, but the reason a lot of people don't want arenas is because of the way WoW implemented them. What I mean is, they were the only way to get high end gear, and since only certain comps were viable, even if you were a skilled player you had to spec a certain way and play a certain class or you didn't get gear. This also led to a lot of annoying class balance changes and nerfs to specs a lot of players liked and buffs to a lot of specs that people didn't necessarily want to play for "Arena balance". It ALSO meant that if your friends weren't on or you didn't have any friends, you couldn't do arenas to get gear.


    I would be all for Arenas as long as PvP wasn't balanced around them and they weren't the only way to get top end gear. If they were just a fast way of getting the same old gear bags or commendations for skilled players that could win a lot, that would be great. Otherwise, hell no.

  10. I came from WoW. 6-7 years of endgame PvP on WoW and I saw the beginning and most recent parts of WoW. One thing that always bugged the hell out of me about WoW was HOW LONG it took for Blizzard to release updates, fix things, and HOPEFULLY fix what everyone was complaining about in the lengthily spaced patches. Not to mention that even though they worked on PvP, they DEFINITELY put it in the backseat in light of their (pretty lousy) PVE.


    The dungeons themselves were pretty cool, but the story and voice acting were horrid. But I'm going off topic here. What I'm trying to say is I really like how much BW is listening to the community and actively trying to fix things while GIVING FEEDBACK. I logged onto the website to check the forums and see if anything was announced about the ability delay problem and BOOM. BIG LETTERS. UPDATE ON ABILITY DELAY (which is like 2/3 of my gripe with PvP which I really like except the horrible gearing system)


    Thank you Bioware, PLEASE stay on top of things the way you are now. By the way, it's a new MMO guys, there's gonna be a blot of problems and a lot of drastic class changes before things start to cool down. When WoW was launched, Hunters could use SHIELDS and you could duplicate gold in instances up to the gold cap. So yeah, you gotta let things settle down before you really start freaking out that you're having problems.

  11. Posted this over in customer service but decided this may be a better place to ask this because people seem more on top of things here... anyway


    This isn't meant to be a sarcastic post or anything, this is an honest question. Are the ability delay/Warzone lag issues considered high priority issues? It seems like they worked a whole lot on adding some new content and they fixed some bugs, but the bugs that seem to be the most gamebreaking/annoying for a lot of players didn't get addressed or even mentioned from what I read.


    One of my friends who has a fairly higher end computer has a fairly difficult time in PvP because half of the time the ability delay stops his moves from going off when pressed and people lag all over his screen pretty constantly. Not to mention his FPS is lower than mine even with a better graphics card. And he plays on low settings because for some mysterious reason when he maxes his settings there is no visual difference (which seems to be another bug/issue for some people), yet when I max my settings I see a HUGE difference.


    Too long/didn't read, are these issues of above average importance?


    *Edit: fixed a typo*

  12. I'm not a huge tech person so I personally do not know exactly what my specs "mean"


    They are:

    Windows 7 64-bit

    AMD Athlon II X4 635

    6.00 GB dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz

    ATI Radeon HD 4850.


    I am having very bad pvp lag issues, I would say latency but it says I am running at 22ms while playing, but that is obviously not the case.

    Hope my specs help what ever you were trying to accomplish.


    You posted exactly what i wanted to see, thank you. And also for the poster with the i5, thank you as well, that debunks my theory but I'm heavily into IT so I'd like to see more system builds so I can get an idea of what may be causing it

  13. Could you please post your system specifications? Be as detailed as you want or as simple as you want, but at least say what sort of CPU you have, what kind (speed, not brand) of memory you have, and your graphics card(s). I've noticed that neither me nor any of my friends that use intel don't seem to have issues, but the one friend that uses an AMD quad is getting hit with the latency issue.


    By the way, I use an Intel Q9400 OC'd to 3.4ghz, 8 GB DDR3 OC'd to 1700 mhz, and 2 gtx 275's at stock speeds. No unreasonable latency on my end. But my buddy who uses an AMD quad with 8GB DDR2 and it was either an ATI 6950 or 6970 but can't specifically remember what. I took my computer over his house and using his internet connection and side by side my performance was fine and yet all the people on his screen were lagging all over the place for him.

  14. Everyone complaining about world PvP, what, pray tell, do you want BW to do about it? People choose Empire, it seems most people want to explore Dark Side and what it has to offer. There are some minor imbalances between the factions, but the classes aren't so different that i necessitates "Empire or go home". Everyone is in an uproar because someone claimed that a Sorc spell went through armor and the Sage mirror spell didn't. That is false, they both consider armor.


    That being said, Bioware can't just magically make world PvP happen, they can only encourage it (which they are working on). Blizzard didn't do anything special before they added BG's to encourage PvP, there were just SOOOOOOOO many people on both sides trying to kill each other that it just happened. Let more people start playing and hopefully they will roll Republic to balance out the population imbalances

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