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Posts posted by Elly_Dawn

  1. i made those characters on Dec. 25 2011, when Sedyn Kyne was a server, and i'm willing to bet the people that got the names probably didn't have them that far back... hardly seems fair to me...

    they should have figured out what to do about multiple names before merging... if Cryptic and STO can do it then Bioware and SWTOR can too, this outdated obsolete naming system has got to go...


    i've always used Magenta here, i like how it looks on the black background...

  2. Elly & Elhaym were my lightside mains... i never got them (or any other character for that matter) past the core game because i didn't like the changes such as taking my companions away and making my character mute, i still used them for crafting and just messing around and having fun with, so they got frequent use... maybe they took my mains names because i didn't like the game after Eternal Throne and Fallen Empire and refuse to play that part of the game... but those 2 are my oldest longest played characters... Narenya is one i made on the fly to test out builds and stuff...

    i knew a server merge would do this, that's why i was always against it, it's happened on every merge, i lose about half my character names... they need a better naming system because those people with 50, 70, 100+ characters have taken the complete naming pool... look at Cryptic they know how to let everyone have the name they want, never had a problem with names there, Bioware could learn a few things from looking at the competition...

  3. the servers aren't dead, it's just the PvP & Raid cues that are dead... i log in and see people on every planet happily playing the actual game... it's all a skewed perspective, when people say the servers are dead what the really mean is nobody cares about their favorite side-content, players or devs... Raiding has killed itself with jerkwad elitists that complain that they can't get a group together because they keep dismissing and passing up on the "scrubs" that wanna join them, and PvP killed itself with a sub-population of sore winners and losers, that typically tell newbies they should just give up and have no business playing PvP... in kind it appears the devs have stopped caring about the toxic activities as well, since nobody except a handful play them, why bother making new ones if the elitists are just gonna run off anybody new... otherwise play the actual game and see how many people are on the planets playing the actual game as opposed to standing on fleet looking for a group and trash-talking any "scrubs" that wanna join... the only servers that are truly abandoned were originally PvP servers, that's telling in and of itself...
  4. TUX you know better than hyperbole like that, i'm sure you know full well that's not what i mean... i didn't think i could be much clearer that it's silly to come to a game and expect that one piece of side content to be the "be all end all" of the game... without the side content, people would be gone the moment the story/chapter/expac is over, that side content keeps them playing for a bit longer, but it is not and should not be the main focus of the game...
  5. as a matter of fact i am... it's just side/bonus content, diversions while one waits for the next expansion... it's not and never has been a main part of the game, otherwise it would have an actual impact on the story...

    if i wanted a PvP game i'd play something like CoD, a game that's like 10% story 90% PvP... but i don't because, that'd be silly of me to play a PvP based game when i want story and a rich world to play in... SWTOR is a story based game, it was never focused on PvP, nor was it meant to be... so it seems silly to me that "PvP only" people would come to a story focused game purely for PvP and nothing else, and demand that the focus be PvP... it makes about as much sense as a Wookie on Endor...

  6. yeah, i never understood those people that buy a game and/or subscribe to a game yet refuse to play the game and only focus on the side/bonus content... then they whine, complain, and raise hell that the side/bonus content is not the main focus of the game... really bizarre...
  7. i couldn't care either way right now... until we get confirmation on our companions coming back and my characters get their voices back i'm not playing any of these latests expansions that took those things away, if they can't get the original VA they can always get a sound-alike...
  8. the game is not dead or dying, the servers are not dead and dying, PvP is dying, and that's what all these chicken littles are not wanting to face so they say game is dead or servers are dead... the reality of it is PvP is dying in RPGs that were not built around it in the first place... every RPG i play there's always a handful of the same people complaining about how much PvP is totally inactive... the poor sports of PvP have killed it to where nobody wants to play with them, besides RPGs are for story (and/or roleplay) anyway... PvP has naturally moved from RPGs to MOBAs and Shooters... if you're only looking at PvP sure almost every RPG will look dead to you, because lets face it PvP in RPGs is going the way of the dodo... i will not be leaving Jedi Covenant because i see people all over the place every time i log in, JC isn't even close to dead, but PvP, now that's taking it's last gasps in the RPG genre...
  9. switching, lol, why switch, play both... i never understood the "switching games" mentality... to me it makes about as much sense as those people that debate getting rid of their old Nintendo handheld when a new one comes out... just keep/play both, i didn't just throw my PS3 away when i got a PS4, nor did i trash my PS2 when PS3 came out, that's just silly... switching games, systems, ect. sounds like self-imposed limitation to me...
  10. what i take from the OP is they want to play in Biowares house but don't wanna help pay the bills... you can play outside in the yard all day long, they're being generous by allowing you to do that, but if you want to play inside you need to pony up the cash...

    it is rather silly that they say their brother came from WoW and they're comparing the free demo of this game to a full Pay to Play game with no free trial mode beyond their occasional 30 day trial... SWTOR has no time limit to it's trial, it has other limits and if you want them removed you have to pay up like in every other online game out there... you can not logically compare a full game to the trail mode of another game, it makes about as much sense as a wookie living on Endor... if they paid up and got a sub then made their comparisons i'd take the complaint more seriously but as it is it doesn't have a leg to stand on... comparing a trial mode to a full game is just plain silly... i call shenanigans on their claim, it seems they just want to play for free with no restrictions whatsoever...

  11. personally i avoid the fleet as much as humanly possible... i wonder how many others do the same while the doom-sayers use fleet numbers as their be-all-end-all evidence... all low fleet numbers tell me is people aren't hanging out on fleet and are out playing the game...
  12. Ah typical closed minded MMO players.

    As someone who has actually tried one, i cant see any real use for it in swtor, but the immersion factor for sims and fps games is insane, it is far from a gimmick.


    When mine arrives im going to try and use some of the 3rd party drivers to see if i can get it working in anyway in swtor, just to see


    unless the screens wrap to the side providing peripheral vision than it's still running/driving/flying around with blinders on and far from an "insane First Person experience"...

  13. it would seem that everywhere the Pot5 people go they bring destruction and doom along with them, not surprising considering a good portion of the "hardcore PvPers" are bad sports (losing and winning) and run players that just wanna have fun off to other servers with their nonsense... sadly the it would seem the good PvPers are bringing the trolly ones along with them... they killed Pot5 their next goal is Harbinger, i hope they don't set their sights on JC, that server's not too heavy and not too light, it's just right...
  14. yeah how hard is it to wrap ones head around; credits are easier to get so GTN prices go up while RMT prices go down, i mean it's a really basic concept... at this point i'm thinking, either the OP is willingly ignorant, looking for an argument, or they're an RMT worried that other RMTs are horning in on his territory with lower prices by using an exploit they wont tell him about, but that's just my guess form this discussion so far...
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