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Posts posted by WillCaedes

  1. Also, when I see "meh, I finished it in one evening" I already know that this is one of those thread that regularly pop up when a new game or expansion gets released.




    You know. If you gave up on any RL duties you can finish any game within a day or two. That's not a good argument against the content.


    So because I had a Tuesday off that just happened to coincide with the day the expansion dropped my argument somehow lacks merit? Okay.

  2. Speak with your wallets folks... it's the only way! BW ****ed up (again). :):eek::rak_04:


    No suprise or shock there. Truly a shame, they could have capitalized on the new movie and revitalized the game, but they took the easy way out it appears.


    @ the Battlefront content and "value" comments.. Value is a very opinionated thing. One mans value may be considered another mans trash. I'm not saying its ALL trash. I'm saying it feels like more work could have been put into it.


    @ "They're never happy, you can never please them! Such a game for you does not exist!" Actually turns out WoW has these things called raids, encourages group content with massive amounts of in-game events (one of which is called 'time-walking'). Plus I found a nice guild to help me and whatnot. For all the scoffing and hawing at WOW these days, it sure seems like I know a lot more about their upcoming expansion than I ever did about KOTFE's.


    You know, now that I think about it....it kinda feels like Blizzard's proud of the upcoming expansion. That they don't want to hide details of it in shame because they know players will talk about it on the forums.


    Another thing that causes me great pause is Bioware's recent censorship of critics of level-sync. Again, I have to wonder why.


    And to instinctively reply to those of you saying "Why don't you go play WoW if you dislike the new expac! Gosh!" Well, unfortunately I made the choice to do a long-term subscription to SWTOR prior to the expac's release. I trusted (hesitantly) that Bioware would provide a substantial amount of content to enjoy. I did not expect a storyline that could be completed in one evening without even trying.


    It would be awesome if a Customer Service Rep got in touch with me via PM's so we could discuss the possibility of a partial refund of my six-month subscription and cancellation of my account. I don't want to be here anymore than you guys want to see my posts. But...until then, I shall make full use of the features available to me on this forum as a current subscriber.

  3. Ah, subjective forum metrics. Love them, really. You realize that that's confirmation bias, right?


    Let's have a look at the list, shall we?


    Companions reduced to shells - Personally, I prefer this. I would consider this a great change.


    Player Characters reduced to emotionless voiceless husks - I do not like this, but we still have proper voices in story cutscenes, and it's an improvement over the Rishi/Yavin method of the NPC just talking at us in the world.


    Cannot customize companions anymore - You mean mechanically? I also prefer this, I would consider this a good change, as above. Can still do the old facial customizations and aesthetic gear customizations, which are - for me - the important parts.


    Removal of surge was a complete blunder, now it is one stat for two stats, makes no sense - Means I don't have to worry about as many stupid numbers and can get on with experiencing the story. I like this change.


    EXTREMELY short story line - I do not like this, but I do understand the reasoning. The more complex and numerous the cut scenes, the longer they take to create. Dialogue takes more time and effort than combat, in a video game.


    No new operations - I don't play operations, so I don't care about this. Others might call this a good thing, because it means no time or resources were spent developing this content.


    No new Warzones - I don't PvP, so I don't care about this. As above, others might call it a good thing.


    Required to pvp for pve stuff, beyond dumb. - Completely agree with you here, but others' opinions differ.


    Stuff people spent REAL life money on was taken away, never to be seen again. - This is the only one I would agree is probably universally bad, because you should never take stuff away that real money was spent on. I'm not sure if any other player would disagree with this assessment, but I don't think so.


    See? I agree with some, disagree with others, and can also accept that others may not share my opinions. Very little is completely, totally and universally bad. It just falls under the head of "Stuff I don't like, but others might."


    So basically you're the customer Bioware wants to cater to. You don't do group content, you perfer nothing but story. Thus enabling to put in minimal effort for maximum profit on an MMO.

  4. As a review:


    The expansion is a fun little story that one can knock out in one evening. That's it. Just one evening. Kinda bad really, especially the pacing.


    The story and the "bonuses" themselves were not worth subscribing for. In fact I would higlhy recommend that if you are here for the story that you unsubscribe and enjoy the story as a F2P. Frankly what has been released (including the lack of group content) is no where's near enough to justify a subscription anymore.


    The story telling has improved, and the cutscene's look much better and flow alot better as well I will applaud Bioware on that at least.


    I don't know if I will subscribe again, I really don't. The announcement of KOTFE releasing without new raid content to challenge caused several of my closest friends and my guilds GM to quit and leave for another game thus effectively killing my guild. Sigh what else...oh, the lack of actual changes in the galaxy or new zones post-SoR or KOTFE is laughable. Sure you hear bits about it in the story, but you never see changes to any of the core worlds. Also the companions being taken away and scattered throughout the galaxy to re-obtain is straight up ********. After experiencing it firsthand I can firmly state that it is one of the WORST decisions Bioware has ever made.


    One final note, as fun as the story was...it feels so far detached from the Star Wars mythos that it might as well be its own random space opera fantasy MMO at this point. Sure they are wielding lightsabers and crap, but the factions are so flat out bizarre its bad. Knights that use the Force as a tool for justice, random seers that use the force to forsee the destiny...bleh. Just feels wrong.


    Oh well, I've wasted enough time on this post. Plus there are at least 20 or so other posts on why this expac is bad so w/e.


    Bye Bioware. Maybe someone will think of setting up a private server for Vanilla SWTOR, cause the new expac feels nothing like the MMO I originally signed up for.

  5. I hope that raiders from guilds that enjoy raiding content show up and ask you some hard hitting questions on your plans for group content going into the new expansion. Questions such as:




    • Why did Bioware think it was a great idea to remove Nightmare Mode Content?
    • Why did Bioware not create at least ONE new Story Mode raid for the upcoming expansion?
    • How does Bioware intend to improve group content for guilds interested in end-game PVE content such as raiding or grouping for "challenging group content"?
    • Will end-game PVE raiding content suffer the same disdain and disregard as PVP until it dies out from Biowares silence?
    • How does Bioware propose to continue calling this a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game if in 4.0 your main focus is on nothing but single player story so far?
    • Will there at least be new tiers of gear for the recycled raid content you are pushing out?
    • What types of new group activities does Bioware have planned for SWTOR at end-game if any?
    • Will there ever again be challenging end-game content?
    • If there will be challenging end-game content, will Bioware actually have players test the Story Mode raids in unoptimized entry level raiding gear?
    • Will there be new flashpoints at least with the upcoming expansion? WIll those flashpoints have a new Hard Mode?


    My guildmaster and several of my fellow friends and guildmates have unsubscribed from Star Wars: The Old Republic thanks to Bioware's current take on raiding come 4.0. I would like some form of justification or excuse to continue playing Star Wars: The Old Republic as a raider. But I fear I won't recieve any, and shall most likely get trollish / defensive replies from well known forum members once this post circulates. :cool:

  6. Mods please close the thread this online bullying & harrasment is really not necessary... Question was answered Thank you!


    So your allowed to rage and throw a hissy fit about something you don't like, but when the community immeadiately turns on you, spits in your face and then tells you exactly how to bypass the 12x xp you suddenly ask for Community Manager intervention?


    You know what? I hope they leave the thread open, you deserve nearly every word that has been posted in this thread. Maybe next time you'll stop and think before you throw your own little hissy fit over something without researching.

  7. As an Agent, I went to Korriban to hunt Datacrons and lore. Datacrons were the easy bit of course, however SEVERAL (at least 4 total) lore entries were locked behind:


    a) Class quests

    b) LOCKED planetary quests


    What is the point of having lore at all if some lore is only obtainable by certain classes at certain times during certain quests? That is so gosh darn asinine its not even funny.


    Edit: Gosh Darn as an auto censorship? Jesus, I'd rather have the asterisks than that.

  8. Imagine that, one EA game killing another.


    First and foremost, I'm wondering how many PvPers will jump ship when Battlefront goes live, and if it proves to have a decent story or at least a story "feel", how many of SWTOR's general population will leave as well. You know, given the fact that KotFE seems to be a disaster in the making by many accounts, at least based on what we have been told to date.


    Folks, don't be fooled by beautiful cutscenes. They are not the game and do not represent the experience.


    The better question is, will SWTOR survive KOTFE? Cause uh, sure as hell doesn't look like it. Unless of course your one of the anti-social "I hate guildz cuz dey r elitst!" anti-group content carebears, apparently for the carebears this expansion is gonna be FANTASTIC!

  9. Even before Gamescon, they had said that their focus for this year was story, something that many players had been asking for a focus on pretty much since launch.


    Also, they aren't "forgetting" the multiplayer aspect at all. They're taking steps to ensure that more people get to engage in more multiplayer content at endgame, rather than 2 relevant operations, now all of the old operations will be relevant again. This is also something people have been asking for since 2.0.


    Sure, they aren't releasing any new operations with 4.0, but we already knew that. Hell, we had pretty much figured that out well before the announcement made it official.


    They may not be releasing any "new" multiplayer content, but what they are doing is fixing their baseline, so that existing content becomes relevant again, and stays that way, so that they have a better end-game structure to build upon.


    I'm as disappointed by the lack of new operations, flashpoints, and PVP maps as anyone, but to say they are completely ignoring the multiplayer aspect of the game is absurd. Sure, they're focusing on story, but the changes they are making to the existing multiplayer content is going to pay off in the long run by having more people at end-game actively involved in running content beyond just the two newest operations, which honestly intimidate many newer players, because they never got the chance to do the other ops before jumping into the hardest ones.


    How DARE you attempt to counter my antagonistic rant with a well thought out, logical and well written paragraph! How dare you!

  10. I have a feeling at some point, free flight open space will be implemented in this game. Just have to give it time for them to do other stuff first ;) Plus some ground combat thing with walkers and vehicles


    They wouldn't mention that with there not being a point to it.


    Please stop falsely promoting that stuff. You followed the same ol' schtick back during GSF launch. No one was suprised now, and no one is (or should be) expecting Bioware to put in the extra effort of free form Space.


    Clearly Bioware's long term plan and focus is to dumb down the game to Mists of Pandaria level and remove the multiplayer aspect of their MMORPG. New acronyms for the game floating around the office are SPORPG or MORPG.

  11. Man, 6 whole days.


    You'd think they were doing something like travelling to Germany, holding a press conference and a two day cantina event, travelling back to the US, and having their normal weekend off.


    No, it couldn't possibly be that.


    Clearly, the game is dead. Server shutdown 2016 confirmed.


    With whats being released out of Gamescon? I wouldn't be shocked to see a Server shutdown notice between 2017 to 2018. Apparently Bioware has forgotten the multiplayer aspect of Massive MULTIPLAYER ONLINE Role Playing Game.

  12. And He Who Develops Behind The Rows did say, "I will send outlanders amongst you: a pub and an imp. And these outlanders will be unbelievers and whiners about the content. And the players will sorely test you, for they have great butthurt, even greater than that of the Salty Man!


    Well spoken Brother. Come, let us spread the word of Outlandorus together.

  13. Wow. I think the forums just went nuclear over the complete lack of information regarding KOTFE compared to other games companies.


    But Bioware are you really shocked at all? Time and time again you do the same exact thing. It's almost like you're attempting to shove a square peg into a round hole and expect a different result. Forums member after forums member has given you legitimate and intelligent ways for you to communicate with your forums yet you continue to ignore them as if they are contagious.


    Here's what is in the employee manual at Bioware regarding events and press releases:


    Player Question: Feature XYZ release date?

    Bioware Patented Response: Soon


    Player Question: Rebalancing? Group Content?

    Bioware Patented Response: Um please come find us later when our "media" department isn't around. (So they can't be officially quoted on anything and held to it of course).


    Player Question: What about hood toggle?

    Bioware Patented Response: *Bioware Employee uses Dodge! It's Super Effective!* Uh come uh, see us later uh, about that uh, "performance issues" with uh chat bubbles uh.


    Player Question: Bioware, what is the definition of an MMO?

    Bioware Patented Response: A single player game that we charge an online fee for and crank out cosmetic items for in gambling packs that we claim that we'll have group content for "Soon"?


    The more I hear about KoTFE the more I fear of it. It sounds like a absolute train wreck of a revamp that will strip out the need or the want for group content and replace it with a single player story (that isn't unique btw, it's shared by BOTH factions and all 8 classes) that they can charge an online fee for. Disgusting.


    And don't even get me started on the "subscriber benefits" of subscribing prior to its launch. A companion, a blaster set, a speeder and a duster? Bribe much Bioware? Are you THAT unsure of the direction you are taking this game? Says alot really if you think about it.


    But alas, I must "behave" lest someone get an itchy trigger finger at the office again. :rolleyes:


    I'd like you to know, that my character has been the Emperors Wrath since launch, a Cipher Agent and a Dark Council member, but in October the only title that will apparently matter to him at all is that of the "Outlander".


    Queue Children of the Corn moment, with Bioware wording.



  14. I'm a 590 year old servant of our dark Lord and Saviour C'thulu.


    I play from Innsmouth using a Hellomcast connection of 10 pentagrambites every six hundred and sixty six seconds.


    Does this answer your question?

  15. Kinda funny how they took the time to fix the furry cat race up all nice and pretty with its upgrades across the entire game. Yet when they released the Togruta, they failed to standardize the Male togruta throughout the game. For example the male sith Togruta in Chap 2. of Inquisitor story. Long Leku, short top horns.


    Yep. Quality Assurance.

  16. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh


    Personally I think Sarfux is now fully broke. A force which normally sides with neither party is now aggressively taking a stance against those who "insult, bash, and attack other forum members" by posting an almost equally aggressive post on the forums.


    Hypocrit much?


    I also love how the sarcasm in the first two posts seems to have went straight over his poor little head. Lol.

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