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Posts posted by Kenickie

  1. Nevermind… I had it on the right thread...


    I chose a PVP server because I thought that would best suit my playing needs. I don't want to easily be a target of a higher level character, but no non-NPC player can attack me unless I agree to fight, correct? I figure at some point PVP might be enjoyable, but not always. Is mostly everyone on PVP servers? Also, are there certain servers that you would suggest I use? The server I started up in seemed slightly barren (I don't recall the name). Then again, the game is less than a week old and it was past midnight on a Tuesday morning EST. I just want to be sure I'm starting out in the best place possible so I'm not regretting it later on.

  2. Excellent. I love these quick responses. I don't even know wheat schematics are at this point. When I play the game more and research this website to learn more, I'm sure everything will start making sense to me. I am driven to play more! I must just wait until tomorrow night after my day job and when I get a Microsoft mouse that allows right clicking!
  3. Thank you. That does help. I just really have no knowledge of this game but I want to be sucked into it. I want to be at work and thinking "damn, I want to get home and play that game because tonight I will [enter fun thing here]!!"


    I will need to restart the game at this point. I am only Lv. 2. I had to add Windows 7 to my MacBook and at first boot of the game, I had no sound. So to follow the storyline, I'm already lost because I couldn't hear a thing. I logged out though, ran my OSX Disk which added all the necessary drivers to my Windows 7 partition of my HDD, and now I have everything I didn't at first [most importantly sound and wireless internet]. So if the storyline is what is a main driver, I must restart my character.


    I would suppose restarting a character is a simple task?

  4. So, if I decided to become say, a biochemist for example - would it take me a long time to master it and make the best stims, medpacks, etc. as possible? And are they able to be sold into an open market and make some kind of monetary gain on them?


    What really keeps you coming back to the game time and time again? Is it the new quests? Improving your character? I just want to know where the drive is that is the thirst for this game.

  5. Hi. I am a beginner so I believe this thread would work best. I purchased this game really on the fly. I have been waiting over 8 years for a game that would be similar and stack up to the fun I had playing Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided back in mid-2003. What I'm really looking for is the more in-depthness to the game than just doing missions. Can someone please let me know if there are other things to do? I really liked that in the old game you could spend hours and hours working to Master the ability to have the best campsites (Ranger), medicines (Doctor), foods to improve fighting (Chef) or someone who improves fashion (Tailor) or can sell you the best weapons and armor (Blacksmith). You could find a remote area in the huge worlds and build a house by a stream. Those were some of the really cool things I enjoyed in SWG. Does this game provide the same attributes? Or is it simply single and group questing? Thank you for your input!
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