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Posts posted by NeoIshamael

  1. Speaking as someone who's cleared all of Alex savage(aka nightmare), minus the last floor, I don't agree... The newest tiers were easier than the previous by a large gap. They tuned down the DPS check a little too much IMO.


    Yes they did. That was because Gordias and Midas turned a lot of people away. Biggest problem is there is not a Mid-Core hopefully they will address that.


    BTW in case BW or anyone else wants to see a fun "OPS" fight


  2. FFXIV's normal modes are extremely casual friendly and stress free. Also, you do not need a guild to raid them. Normal raids pop within 15-20 minutes. Sometimes insta pops on certain classes.


    I'm not exactly trying to sell FFXIV, just letting raiders know that it's a good option... since clearly SWTOR isn't planning to offer that sort of content anymore.


    I would have to agree. It is a great first choice or second choice game. It is easy to catch up.

  3. To be fair "raids" (or group instances in general...well most of them) in FF14 are way more "newbie" friendly and have a lower entry level even with PUG's, which makes them more popular than they are here.


    I would have to disagree. The latest 24-man was not that easy. Yes. The story mode Alexander is fun but not challenging. However, Savage Mode Alexander is rough. The extreme primals take some people a few hours of play time to clear. Let us also be fair the music is intoxicating

  4. Pretty please.. tell me what those greener pastures are I'd be gone from here in a blink.. Not trolling. Reaching the end of my patience is all


    FFXIV or WOW from what I hear. I personally play FFXIV. It truly is a great game and the story (not so much ARR but Heavensward) is really good. Not nearly as much voice acting as SWTOR but way more stuff the do. The only problem that I have found is the community is difficult to crack. Trying to find that "right" guild is more difficult in FFXIV than SWTOR mainly due to the fact that a lot of players have been in their groups for a long time (it could also be the fact that I am on the end game server). There is no real barrier to entry for group content with their duty finder.


    There is new story every patch. A lot of side quests, minigames, crafting updates, QOL improvements, and so on. It is a really great game.


    However, FFXIV takes the cake with their Producer Yoshi P. This guy loves his game and is very open and honest with the player base. I do not have the exact quote but he has stated (a few weeks ago) that if you get burned out go to another game and come back later when new content is released. There is a Fan Fest in Las Vegas next week that will talk about the upcoming expansion. Price point is 12.99 per month for one character or 14.99 a month for multiple characters (although you only need one). The subscriber rewards are fantastic.

  5. Nobody notice or going to talk about how they wrote chapter/uprising is dropping the most powerfull items ingame?

    or how single player story / uprising has 3 different mode, sm, hm and NiM?


    that means operations will give worse gear than story chapters


    I did not see that. I must re-read.


    By the way, here is what a patch of content looks like in FFXIV. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/159309cb1ef0706cf37a9a91e3e18865b70097a6

  6. Back to console games for me. I'm not paying a years worth of sub money for a game that offers less content than a single player rpg. I'll also never purchase a game with any of these developers on the ticket again. I'll hold out hope for the rest of the day until the cantina is over. But yeah that hope is fading or gone.


    Worst part is this is STAR WARS my favorite IP and my least favorite MMO. Do not get me wrong I loved the game for about 2 years until the year long DF/DP fiasco.

  7. So I just came back and love the game after not playing since probably the first year or part of the second. I have to say.. I've never done an OP, ever. Mostly because the Group finder usually has one listed, and it has NEVER joined me up with one the many times I have tried.. Kinda hard to say I want more OPS when there is a barrier to entry on any existing ones for new / returning players.


    With the frustration of people dropping out of group flashpoints, or just being idiots, not sure i'm missing anything.


    Here is the point. What is their to do at endgame? Stand around? I understand your point about the group finder. I really do. The group finder is HORRIBLE. That is why most people shout on the fleet. Bioware decided for whatever reason to make the group finder server only. It means that ques take forever. What happens is pre-mades form on the fleet and then que for the bonus.

  8. 1) Operations. Are we done with these?

    2) How can you justify Uprisings being end-game content when they are limited by the group dynamic of 4 players (for example no tank swap)?

    3) How do you keep level 70 (veteran players) in the game and active when there is not elder game content?

    4) Can we just merge the Servers in NA due to the PvP instance?

    5) What is the better than Cross-Server?

    6) New Star Wars MMO?

  9. This is exactly it. If you have any wits about you, you'll figure out that they're being shady on purpose. If you enjoy raiding, find another game because SWTOR isn't it anymore. I've got a few months left on my sub (already cancelled because I figured this was the direction they're headed), but to be honest - I don't think that I'll even bother playing it. I'll just check out the cut-scenes on youtube instead.


    I just came back to the game because I felt I was getting burned out on FFXIV. However, this news really gives me nothing to look forward to. The story has not been good since 1-50 and most of the community has left for greener pastures. I remember even in ROTHC the game was doing well and the community was active. People would group up for OPS or the Gree event.


    Very sad what became of a game with so much potential. Was it the producer? Devs? Hero Engine? It has always seemed like BW was a day late and a dollar short with this game.


    The most unfortunate part is that there will probably never be another Star Wars MMO. EA sees profit in DLC which is essentially what these expansions are. It is humorous in a way that I just looked at the patch notes for FFXIV 3.4 and it has more content that the last two expansions in SWTOR.

  10. Both suck way more. Wait for Star Citizen if you wanna leave SWTOR


    FFXIV is really good (I have not played WOW in years). Every 3 months you get 2 new dungeons, a raid (odd patches are the 24 man), new story, crafting, relic quests, primals, and some new systems (diadem, gold saucer, lords of verminion, grand company squads, palace of the dead, and so on). The only downside is that the community is sometimes difficult to crack. Finding a static or good guild is not as easy as SWTOR. Also PvP exists but it does not have the same appeal because of a longer GCD.

  11. Hopefully we do not have all of the details as of yet. I will say though that if they were going to release new operations on 12/2 my guess is it would be posted on the page with the other information. The uprisings are what many of us suspected; 4 man content, which I think will be disappointing to to a lot of players.


    There is one question that still remains unanswered which has been asked in many forms for the past year. Will BioWare return to development of 8/16 man operations as part of this game? BioWare owes the community a very straightforward answer on this question, but I do not believe they respect the player base enough to answer it in a straightforward and honest way.


    As far as the trailer, honestly, I didn't think it was that good. I'm sure I am in the minority and don't get me wrong, I'm glad others like it and I am sure more chapters will be fun for some folks.


    Here's to hoping we get more details later today regarding operations.


    You hit the nail on the head. Be upfront and state whether or not a new Operation will ever happen. It has been 2 years so I am sure everyone can see the writing on the wall. It would still be a shout out to your player base. To try to make uprisings (watered down flashpoints) end-game group content is a slap in the face.

  12. LMFAO. Man you must be blind. hahahahahahahaha. This update is the biggest joke since launch. Glad you and the few like it. Theres a hell of a lot more players who disagree with you


    Butt-hurt much? I am a big critic of the game but this is the best expansion so far. Yes. The endgame is pathetic (EV bugged) and PvP remains the black sheep. However, the story is nice and the way that they changed things ...I like it so far.

  13. You can't really compare ARR with SW:ToR, though. The voice work and cinematic experience alone is such a huge endeavor, that it makes creating new content that much harder.

    As someone who is very much looking forward to Heavensward, I'm still immensely glad that SE decided to take the oldschool, mostly silent way of telling their stories in ARR, because in the end it makes achieving the most important part of a MMORPG that much easier - longevity.


    I like how they use voice acting as well. I think they have a good combination of voice acting and text.

  14. Hey folks,


    I feel the need to make this post after some things happened yesterday. Yesterday, John made some posts communicating our views, and looking for feedback, around the state of Sentinels and Marauders. We knew going in that some of what we were going to say might not be what players wanted to hear, but the Combat team felt it was very important that you understood how we view things from our side. We may disagree on some things, but if all opinions are on the table we can have a better and more informed dialog about it.


    However, following the posts John made yesterday, a few players formed a witch-hunt against John. These players tracked him down on some of his personal accounts and in some extreme cases, even those of his family members with the sole purpose of harassing, insulting, and threatening him based on those forum posts. The purpose of our forums, of our subreddit, and other official channels is to have a dialog. We know that sometimes we may disagree, and that’s ok. We want to have those hard conversations, we want to talk about what we can do to improve, and to pass on our thoughts on how we see things from the Development side. But taking that conversation off of official channels to make personal attacks against Developers is completely unacceptable.


    Please understand John didn’t need to communicate his perspective about the class. John and the Combat team knew giving their views on Sentinels and Marauders, in some cases, would not be received well, but he did it anyway. The alternative, is that we stay silent. If the reaction of this community is to go out of your way to personally harass someone we will stop having a dialog. How can we, as a Community team, ask the Combat team to put their opinions out here if some of you are going to react this way?


    We know there is unhappiness in the Sent/Mara community and we genuinely want to continue having an open discussion with all of you. But, it’ll require regular dialog, respecting each other’s opinions, and very importantly, not harassing anyone who is participating in the conversation. That means, we all need to hold ourselves to a higher standard and be accountable for our actions.


    Thank you.




    Seriously? To the dip-***** who did this ....I cannot even begin to fathom how uninteresting you must be to go to these lengths. I find no enjoyment anymore from SWTOR and I think the game is poorly managed. However, I would never go so far as to seek out a developer who LOVES this game as much or more than I do and harass him. Whoever did this, I feel sorry for you.

  15. There was a time not too long ago SWTOR had about the same number of subscribers as FF ARR.


    Obviously, over 2014 we saw less subscribers due to the lack of new playable content, and I think the retention rate in 3.0 has been lower than it should have been due to QA issues and the small scope of the expansion.


    EA simply does not want to deliver that level and quality of content for SWTOR. I'm sure BW would love to make SWTOR what we'd like it to be - it's simply not funded enough to do so. Even new films don't seemingly change the approach - the "roadmap" for 2015 ended, more or less, and the response is 12x XP until the fall. They don't have much else to offer.


    Heck, if you wanted to make even more characters, at least the new species could have been released, one a lot of players have been waiting for since launch. But even that is not done.


    I think you hit the nail on the head. The game does not have enough resources ;however, the game itself is built on a crap engine (this is just general consensus that I have witnessed so take that with a grain of salt). However, SWTOR updates were always relatively mild in comparison to WOW, FFXIV, RIFT, and so on.


    Obviously, I am a bit jaded with the game and its future. I love SW and I really wanted to see this game do better. Unfortunately, it will not happen.

  16. Even if the Ziost thing was the first expansion (it's been referred to as "one of two major updates", but not actually as an expansion), I still think they'll put something in during the summer to keep the game looking like it's still getting updates.


    It might not be as big as a summer expansion would be, but maby something of Oricon size?


    Ziost was considered a major update? LOL.


    This is a major update. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/4a7a48cd010551b65b1e0f03b318d0d45bf52d59


    This is an expansion


  17. this thread really sucks when it really does suck when you have a sucky response to such a sucky thread

    If you leave though stop by my stronghold I'll kick you in the nuts and you can hand over your stuff :D


    So asking a question about the rationale of their decision to stagger the content a week sucks? Me thinks you just read the title and rode in on your white horse only to find there was no fire.

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