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Posts posted by Zynkotic

  1. Anyone min/maxed for 2.0 yet? Preferably carnage pvp? :)


    Doubt anyone is min maxed yet, atleast on the red eclipse you have to wait atleast 15 minutes to pvp with the same people all the time, it's like pre server transfer all over again :eek:

  2. well i have parsed hours on the dummy and looked at the best sent/mara parses and looked at there gear and all of them have 300-340 crit rating, also I'm hitting 2128 on the dummy so i know what i am talking about, so i will put up my parse and gear and i would like to see a parse of a sent/mara with low crit rating doing 2100


    My gear http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/1c7ba79f-a2d1-4e03-9465-431473bfe767

    My parse http://www.torparse.com/a/178684/time/1365032706/1365033020/0/Overview


    Then it's most probably his rotation cause i'm putting out 2.2 and i can push it up to 2.3k if i really try.

  3. I now have 7 level 50 chars, nolifer i know. But the thing is I have 2 imperial agents, 2 inquisitors, 2 warriors and well a jedi knight. I bet more than just me would like a different emote for each advanced class, for example /sniper /operative, and all of them do well..different, the knives from /agent just don't fit the "sniper". A sniper trademark would rather be a headshot, while a gunslingers could be a well a different version of unload since they got 2 guns, lots of lazers flying around.


    Just more AC specific class emotes, can't be too hard to implement :p

  4. Your crit rating it way to low you want about 300-340 crit rating, your accy and surge look ok, also for a sent on a dummy your best relics are Dread Guard Relic of Elemental Transcendence and Dread Guard Relic of Boundless Ages, but in a ops depending on the fight you might want to use the elite war hero one.


    Actually, around 32% or the crit he has is very good, it gives good burst in the spec and optimal DPS in what I've seen from many, many sents/mara's, your dots are going to be your main source of dmg, and higher crits the better imo, you already have 6% extra force crit for them (if specced correctly ) and 15% extra crit chance to dots from juyo form, now what is that? well that is 53% crit chance for your dots, and with them critting 2k and 1.5k then is what makes the DPS high.


    I've spent hours and hours parsing on the dummy with my marauder, 30% crit 37% crit etc etc, but 32% somehow shows the best results lol, but then again, it's all about preference :) Like I go 40% crit on my Sorcerer for healing when others go 30% crit chance, some like to crit more often than others.

  5. How about stopping with the cartel market ******** and fixing the bugs that have been in the game since launch ?... Lost some good members in guild because they're tired of you fixing only the cartel market that noone cares about and letting bugs go on forever!
  6. Being constantly blind in WZ ruins the fun.


    Being constantly rooted, knocked down, knocked back, mezd, etc ruins the fun.


    I have been playing this game since pre release, and there has been zero effort to fix either resolve or the EXPLOIT of the sorc bubble flash bang.


    I am DONE. I WAS a big fan, a big supporter of Bioware and SW. After over a year waiting for these issues to be addressed I gotta tell ya I wouldn't recommend this game to ANYONE.


    Thanks for screwing your most dedicated fans completely.


    I have 2 melee characters in that i pvp with ( assassin and mara) and i also have a sorc ( and yes i have tried bubblespec) and you are really just complaining about nothing, it's annoying as ****, but it also provides some survivability to the extremely light useless armor sorcs have. Yes the resolve system is **** and yes it needs fixing, but IMO Smashing/sweeping needs a bigger nerf (idc about the incoming nerf on bubblespec that the stun only applies the the ones that attack you).

  7. PLEASE reduce the respawn time for the Torvix Munitions Boxes for the quest Asset Liquidation. This is killing us !!!

    Came on to the website to post this as well! it's really annoying, saw 70 people in black hole with only 1 instance, people were just camping by the boxes!!! And more boxes as well

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