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Posts posted by Vislo

  1. When 1.2 hits BW have not made open world (on any planet) worth anything, you still get nothing for PvPing anywhere but WZ, and they killed Ilum as well.


    So basically, you stripping down PvP to only be something you can do in a WZ. You had a broken Ilum, but instead of atleast letting it run till you came up with something better, or letting people get commendations or valor anywhere, you shut it down.


    So all in all, you moved back PvP to bare WZs. Cept for the story, this game could have come out in 2006. I really thought you guys would make better decisions then this.

    Its cause they said theyre going to Re-do the Ilum Open World area not sure about Tatooine

  2. I agree with the above poster. I am going to stay because I have seen a lot of things that Bioware has tried to do with 1.2 so far. This bodes well for the game. I've been through Vanilla WoW and the horrible patches they implemented back then. Seriously- it took them at least a year for the game to be halfway functioning the way ToR is now. I know ppl are going to bring up the "But it's 2012!!" argument- but honestly if you have 0 patience for an MMO to develop a community and grow then you'll never...never...never play anything other than WoW.


    This exactly, just gotta get another game time card, hopefully this weekend

  3. If I remember right, they called it "multiple specs" at guild summit, and said that it won't come in the 1.2, but after it (maybe between 1.2 and 1.3?)


    Also, it's coming in two parts: we'll first get the "dual spec", and then they'll improve it to also change the gear when switching specs (something like that, but far in the future, while we'll get the basic dual spec sooner)


    I may be wrong though, this is what I remember


    yup you're right

  4. For some reason I like the JC one with the u shaped head and I don't know why but I like it alot, and the SI sets look ok-good the pvP looks like a Predator and I'm a fan of them so i like it, the PvE gear looks like a Nightsister/mystic kinda actually looks cool, personally love the trooper armor and SW armor the smug one with the hat looks cool the other one not so much, the other JK one without the space invader helmet on looks cool the other, no I like both the JC gear could be better though, IA gear is ok, The BH gear is cool but could be ALOT better.
  5. To be honest...and I like the game...most of this stuff should have been sorted out before launch.


    Can you really pat yourself on the back for patching the game into a playable state with features just about every MMO had years ago?


    This Patch takes the game out of Beta, really.


    - DH


    true, was thinking this should've released in spring/summer (so that 1.3 is in at launch) oh wait EA...:rolleyes:

  6. I was just wondering if it was confirmed that there will be a hood up feature option in 1.2 because im tired of running around in my sith marauder robes with the hood down.


    in one of the Q&As if stated that it wont be in 1.2 but it's slated for 1.3

  7. Sorry but I don't like the way BW has been selling us on this big patch like it's a content upgrade when it really should have been in the launch of the game. Most of the features / fixes should have been implemented from the get go. I'm beginning to feel like I paid for 3 months of beta testing. Anyone who flames this posting should really take a step back and think for a min.


    Yes, I've been through a couple other big MMO releases but this one is different. Take CyberTech for an example. Three months it took them to put our rare item in game to make things that we by now already have from doing FPs and OPs. EV is still broken and HMs just now started dropping the right loot (sort of).


    A developer at the conference was surprised (himself) that there was no "ready check" already in game. The /roll feature took 3 months, quests are still broken, the Legacy system isn't in game yet which was advertized to be ready for release ect ect.


    So what is BW going to do for all of us that have paid for a game that isn't as advertized? In the "real world" if you purchase something and you find it's not what was advertised you bring the item back. I paid for 3 months right off the bat because I always loved BW games and thought this game was a slam dunk because of BW and the content. Well I'm feeling a bit ripped off at this point. Maybe by the end of my 3 months the content I paid for will be in game... Maybe not who knows at this point.


    What's BW going to do about this? So far all they've done is offer up a "founders title".

    If I bought a car and when I got it home found out the brakes didn't work, the fuel line was not connecting the engine to the tank and the seats were missing I'd be a little PO'ed if all they offered me was a new hood ornament.


    That's essentially what they've done.


    I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. People in my guild and on our server all have reflected the same concerns as well as a laundry list of others. So what are you going to do BW?

    That's an interesting question and I think some of it has to do with EA

  8. It seems to me that if you need to jump to get items in the game they should make the jump mechanic workable.:mad:


    One of my tips make sure to press on the spacebar once your about to jump but not right when you're suppose to. There's a small delay in the time you press spacebar and when you actually jump

  9. PvP quest terminals need to be ON ILUM.


    It is a pain in the *** to have to leave the planet, run through the station, run through the airlock, run through the ship, fly to fleet, run to the terminal then run all the way back the same way you came. It makes no sense.


    This, I was also thinking, that, in order to get more players on Ilum, it would have it's own dailies/weekly's as well that would give Ilum PvP specific awards (New looking gear sets equivalent to the Tier sets in PvP now). Also new looking weapons exclusive to Ilum open world PvP. Add Npc's that spawn from the transport tanks and fight each other, give a quest for those like kill 30 troopers and 15 officers. Just a concept its basic but it would certainly want me PvPing on Ilum more!

  10. I really had a lot of hopes for this game,

    It has some incredible features that make it unique, yet,

    critical issues I cannot look past any longer.


    I truely wish they fix some of them that I addressed my comment as to why I cancelled.




    I TRUELY, hope to come back and be blown away.


    Not sure how many times I've read a thread that had the first lines, *I* really had high hopes for this game,.... but they don't deserve a thread on your opinion about why you're quitting a game. This in no way what-so-ever would help the game. It just tells them they have things to fix which is obvious and too broad.


    The amount of CC and knockbacks especially from single classes without dimishing returns is ridiculous.


    Pass the ball before they reach you, no but I actually agree lol well especially in Huttball.

  11. Need vs. greed isn't as simple in our game because of companions, as well as Orange Gear and mod extraction.


    We will probably limit the 'need' button to only people who match the primary class the gear is meant for, and add a new button in between need and greed for players to choose if they intend the gear for these purposes - this will allow CC users to roll against each other without competing with the guy who wants to sell the gear for credits.


    I don't have a timeline on this for you guys right now, though - certainly not in the next major patch. In the meantime, I strongly recommend that players who care clearly decide the expected need/greed role behaviors ('no companion need rolling or you're out!') when a group is initially formed. In the meantime, I'll work on getting this feature in the works.


    Thanks! I honestly hate when people are like "needing for comp" Im like well hell if I would've known you'd done that then I would press need for every single item that drops ya greedy bastard, anyway glad this is happening :cool:

  12. Playing until my 3 1/2 years is up, and depending on then I'll see after that but atm enjoying the game, I mean yes they need to add some stuff and improve some stuff but 1.2 looks good I, just for the sake of the community, hope to god that they've tested the patch extensively and washed out the game breaking bugs and alot of other small ones
  13. George Lucas is a child. Worse, he's a child throwing a temper tantrum.


    Fact is, he made up an awesome universe, and, when there were people to reel back his more stupid ideas, he made a decent movie (The Empire Strikes Back, ftw!).


    But then a bunch of far-more-talented writers started playing in his universe and doing MUCH better jobs at it (Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Aaron Allston...). Those guys, the authors of the EU made Star Wars the mega-awesome, incredibly alive, and amazing universe that it is today. Those guys are why people are still hard-core fanatics about Star Wars.


    Most Star Wars fans will tell you they hate George Lucas. Why? Because he has a lot of really stupid ideas, and he's completely disconnected with his audience (i.e. - Gungans, Ewoks, and Midichlorians).


    He was throwing a tantrum with the prequels. He was basically saying, "No! These are my toys! And, I don't care that you've all done amazing things with them, they're mine. And, I'm going to do what I want with them! And, there's nothing you can do about it! Neener, neener, neener!"


    And, nobody could reign him in this time.


    He's the worst kind of "artist." He's the kind of artist who doesn't trust his audience, who doesn't think his audience is smart enough to get his story. He doesn't realize that once you publish or produce a work it's not "yours" anymore. Not in the strictest sense, anyway. Good writing will mean something slightly different to each person experiencing it. With the prequels, we got to see just what kind of writer Lucas was with such wonderfully cardboard lines as:


    "...I have trained you since you were a small boy." Obi-Wan says this to Anakin in ROTS, like he's talking to a stranger. Like he has to explain to Anakin that they've been hanging out for the past 20 years, practically living together, forming an almost father/son relationship. Like Anakin doesn't know who Obi-Wan is or why he should listen to him.




    "My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Are we watching DragonBall Z? Does Anakin have some kind of Force-o-Meter to tell him how good he is? Nobody would say that!


    Mr. Lucas is breaking a fundamental rule of good writing. He's using dialogue for exposition. His characters are literally describing things in their world for the audience. Instead of letting the action tell us how ****** Anakin is, he has his character come out and quantify it for us. Instead of trusting the audience to know who Obi-Wan and Anakin are by the time ROTS comes out, he has one of his characters come out and say it. This is stuff you learn in Creative Writing 101. One doesn't use dialogue for exposition. It's bad writing, and it's insulting to your audience.


    It's not enough that he makes boatloads of money off of every book/toy/videogame/comic/idea that has anything to do with Star Wars, he has to pull his wang out and remind everyone that it was his idea to start with. It's not enough that he's raking in cash off of people far more talented than he. It's not enough that people still love Star Wars because of these more talented people and the stories they've told within that universe. He can't just sit back and watch this beautiful universe unfold and grow and expand. He's got to remind everyone that it's not how he would have done it, and therefore, it's not "official."


    Well, Mr. Lucas, if you had kept it all to yourself; if you had told the story the way you wanted to, nobody would ever have read/watched it. You wouldn't have an infinite revenue stream. You wouldn't have Skywalker Ranch. You wouldn't have everything you have now. You'd be that nerd in a basement writing stories and making movies for his Mom as she reads and watches patiently, knowing they're terrible but massaging your ego anyway because you don't have any friends.


    Good, you're "retiring." Maybe now the universe will be just a little less stupid. Maybe now we won't have to endure things like beloved characters being killed off because you don't trust your audience to know the difference between Anakin Skywalker and Anakin Solo (because no two people in any universe have ever shared a name, George /sarcasm). Maybe now we won't have to endure gungans or the idea that teddy bears with sticks and rocks could defeat an army of trained and battle-hardened STORMTROOPERS wearing armor designed to deflect small-grade blaster fire.


    You know why you get hate-mail George? It's because you're that spoiled kid everyone knew growing up. You're the kid nobody wanted to play with after about half an hour because nobody would play the way you wanted them to. You get hate-mail because even though you're that jerk, you make unlimited amounts of money. You reap the rewards of those better suited to tell this story than you, and you're upset about it! You sit on a pile of money that you don't have to work for and then have the audacity to complain about and degrade the way that money gets there.


    Sure, you created the universe, bully for you. We'd like you better if you weren't such a dick about it.





    Don't you dear say the Ewoks were equal to Gungans, listen to this young sire

  14. CS is overwhelmed taking in all of the player information related to the SWTOR team's top priority - clearing up bugs and exploits that emerged post-launch. Read the latest developer blog where this is addressed.


    BioWare is listening to its players, and even rolled out a new initiative to more easily process player questions and begin to offer regular replies, through a weekly thread in the General Discussion forums.


    I had a CS issue that might rightly be considered a fringe concern. It took a couple of tries, resubmitting my ticket being more clear about my issue, but the third reply led to a productive resolution.


    Things take time. One month is not long for even cataloging the bugs that were revealed by launch. Fixing them is underway. It won't happen overnight.


    This. All I can say is, be patient. Things will change not everyone will like changes others will.

  15. I'm enjoying this game on my main alt atm lvling him up, weird that im having more fun with my BH than SI on dromund kaas the 3rd time around (including beta) I actually think it has to do with the fact that i dont have to worry about dieing so much as you do with the SI, squishy as hell lol.And tanks are very self sufficient, good for immersive solo play on the main story line, with my SI definitely on the last story-line quest, wasnt soloable at some parts at all unless i got lke 3 lvls above the npcs. I usually got my friend to help me though. anyway I hope it succeeds its gotten great reviews now up to the management update 2.0 sounds promising if it doesnt include as much bugs as patch 1 did.
  16. giving it a 7/10 huttball is horrible voidstar is ok alderaan is great and 30 v 30 fights on ilum are epic just need more than 3 WZ's and need to be able to pick wz's and ilum needs to drop merc comms from like daily's and weekly's on a terminal at the bases, and give more incentive to pvp on ilum. tbh its not that useful just fun to get valor and daily's. put some gear/rewards for pvping on ilum too. I really want this game to succedd so trying to help. also loving this game, just PvP and bugs need to be fixed ASAP like the game breaking bugs.
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