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Posts posted by SystemProcess

  1. Agreed. I get so tired of pointless deathmatching in PvP when only two or three of us (usually coordinating in vent) are trying to capture objectives.


    And when we guide the rest of the team (because they have NO idea what to do 90% of the time), we either get ignored or yelled at. Lol. It sucks when people would rather get 800k damage than win the game, just to inflate their own egos.

  2. I've never had a problem snagging names for my characters. Ever. I played on Kath Hound and Lord Adraas, which merged into The Ebon Hawk. The only issue I had was one or two being taken when the servers merged.


    The fact that we can use - and ' in our names along with special characters makes the possibilities endless. Also, considering that most races have some sort of naming convention, it's pretty hard to have your name taken if you stick to those. So, just because you had 'Rahn' taken, doesn't mean there aren't tons of names you can use out there that may even be better, more unique, and just memorable.

  3. I hate it, too. My boyfriend and I usually play dual Sin or dual Op, and we always ask the team to stay away from the pylon so we can cap it about ~30 sec before the end of each round.


    But, without fail, some idiot will constantly run over to their pylon alone and feed them kills, as well as put them on the defensive...so we end up wasting our time.


    And, of course, if you say anything about it in ops chat, they usually say "i do wat i want" and keep doing it.



  4. I just don't see a problem here. Join a guild, make some friends, let those friends do that trial-and-error run through whatever content you want. If you get stuck in a group of people who want to rush through the content, then just leave because that group is not for you. Likewise if you want to rush and get stuck with a bunch of people who want to take their time...just leave.


    Not hard.

  5. Let me explain more eloquently then...


    Two teams play a void star.


    Team one plays 4 dps, 2 tanks, and 2 heals on offense and defense.


    Team two plays 4 tanks and 4 heals on defense, then respecs to 5 dps and 3 heals for offense.


    Does anyone think this is working as intended...doesn't this destroy the competitive value of the game.


    Team two would have a massive advantage.


    Why can't team one do the same?

  6. I don't see a problem with it at all. If you're playing a pure DPS class, then that's your deal. You shouldn't punish others for utilizing their class to potential, especially if they ground out two sets of gear to go with the specs as well.


    It's useful also at the beginning of a match, if your team is too heal heavy, to respec to DPS or vice versa.

  7. Not sure how body type 4 isn't considered a plus size, but I agree I'd like to see sliders in place. I don't really like the proportions on a lot of the male and female models, and I feel they're a tad unrealistic, especially on how they interact with certain clothing models. So height, weight, bust, muscle tone, would all be good things to put in a slider for.


    I've love to have facial features separate from the face options (eyes, mouth, nose, chin at the VERY least), but I doubt they'll ever allow that due to rendering reasons.


    More hairstyles that aren't ugly as hell please, especially for females! Maybe a somewhat long hair option for those people who want it. (I know many, but I am not one of them. I like me some short hair.)


    Definitely more options for each race/class... Such as the bounty hunter tattoos being more numerous and available for everyone else who makes sense and doesn't have racial tattoos. Slave brands could probably go to everyone as well as an option in the scars slider.


    More skin tones and hair colours. (Nothing too unrealistic, but remember this is Star Wars! People could easily roleplay Zeltrons if they had pink/red/blue skin options and red/pink hair options for Humans. No need to even make a new race.)


    The ability to create a last name that isn't your legacy name, and just display legacy as a title. None of my characters are related and I play on an RP server. :\ Also, naming conventions being explained on a hover-over or something when you go to name your character. You wouldn't have to follow them, but they'd be useful for people who want to be canon. (Like Chiss 3-part names, or Twi'lek 2-part names)


    No more clown makeup please.



    Unfortunately, I don't think most of my suggestions/wishes would ever work with the way Bioware has already designed the game... So they're sort of just pipe dreams for now. ;)

  8. so i decide to pick up my marauder again after not really touching him since he hit fifty a few months ago. He has full recruit gear. i heard about the bolster system, so i decide to get rid of those some of them and put some of the makeb mods on other armor.


    the only recruit armor thats really on him are bracers and belt; and also the implants and earpiece and battlemaster relics.


    Are the recruit items messing up the bolster? if so how do i get myself to the current bolster of health? I think its around 24k from what i saw?


    Thank you.


    Try removing anything with expertise. Get PvE replacements, even if they're bad.

  9. people that read guides are just lazy and not really gamers....just players. they lack the intelligence and patience to figure out the tricky situations and makes you wonder what would happen in RL if they run into a problem and they don't have a guide to refer to...must suck, huh?


    part of the fun and excitement is figuring out the mechanics. you have the option of not running the pug with the new guys, you can easily go form your own groups with your guildies and friends.


    edit - corrected spelling


    Not true whatsoever. Most raid groups require that the raiders look up the strats briefly before attending the raid. It's not too hard to extend that to other group play in which you are taking up someone else's time. Unless you are with a group of people who WANTS to give you the time to learn and explore on your own (whereas they've already been through it enough to know it by heart), it's unfair to waste their time.


    You should always be somewhat informed before wandering into a situation involving other people you don't know. I expect people who roleplay around me to have at least a basic understanding of the lore they're trying to portray. I expect people who come into PvP matches to have looked at the little thing that tells you how the WZ works, or listen to the announcement. I expect someone who comes in for a job interview to know what they're interviewing for and to have a concept of what an interview entails.


    I don't think that's asking for much. When you're not wasting other peoples' time, you can go about and take as long as you want to figure things out.

  10. I know you might be annoyed, OP, but honestly... I feel like the issues you've been having with the game are fairly minor thus far. Some of them are even your fault, not the game's. (Such as naming the wrong character, not realizing about the currency.)


    Prefacing this by assuming you're not a roleplayer. I played on an RP server from the start and I had to merge characters together from 3 different servers by the end of all that server nonsense. Luckily, I played a Chiss with proper naming conventions as my main, so her name wasn't taken on The Ebon Hawk, but all my other roleplay characters had to be renamed, and I ended up no longer playing a few of them. So I understand you might be frustrated about your character names, but think about all the roleplayers that had to lose their character names as well. I imagine that was a lot more frustrating to them.


    Also, I'd have to wonder what type of flashpoint you queued for that you got yelled at about gear? If you were even slightly geared at all for PvE before you left, you should have done fine in any of the lower difficulty flashpoints. If you queued for a hard mode or some of the newer or harder content (you mentioned queuing for some of the ones added before you left), I'm afraid that's your problem. It's always good to do a bit of homework before attempting group play, because you risk just being the guy who wastes the entire group's time. They didn't have to be rude about it to you, but you probably did at least deserve to be kicked politely and told to get some better gear if your stuff was really that bad.


    And no, you don't need to do dailies for 2 months.

  11. I suppose to help people understand if they want to really play pvp here then they will have to q up with vented friends (be outstanding) and spend a lot of time if they want to compete.



    But you didn't need to post about your pvp experience in every game ever. Lol. Just make your point and be done with it.

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