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Posts posted by Ikasekt

  1. I removed the crystal from a BoE weapon and it became bound to me.


    Hmm you are correct, although this makes no sense and I believe is an oversight, as this is a change and was never mentioned in the patch notes to my knowledge.


    Putting BOE mods INTO a BOE item still results in the item remaining BOE. You can replace mods with other BOE mods and it still remains unbound.


    But is strange as to why removing the mod makes both items bound.


    Very strange.

  2. DON'T remove the mods. Doing so binds the item to you. Same with putting mods into a custom piece. And I don't believe it pops up a warning about it (only the one about cost for removing mods).


    That price is for any custom belt or bracers, regardless of mods that are or aren't in it.




    You can remove any mods from a BOE item and it will remain BOE. As will the mods.


    Adding BOE mods to a BOE item will not effect it at all. It will remain BOE.


    Adding a BOUND mod to a BOE item will make the item and all subsequent mods BOUND.


    Any mods removed from a BOUND item will be BOUND.

  3. Just venting about this very issue right now.






    These three types are poorly stocked by every single commendation vendor.




    Guardian = Endurance over Strength

    Might = Strength over Endurance


    Coruscant Commendation Mods:


    Guardian Armoring 4

    Guardian Armoring 5

    Guardian Hilt 4

    Guardian Hilt 5

    Guardian Mod 4

    Guardian Mod 5


    but then...


    Might Armoring 2

    Might Armoring 4

    Might Hilt 2

    Might Hilt 4

    Might Mod 2




    It is like this at every single vendor. For some reason these 3 types are all sold several levels lower than all the others. At NO point can you buy a mod for one of these types at the top of its level range.


    /end rant

  4. Dunno but I'm having a much harder time popping blue or epic and so is a friend who crafts a lot. It went from being tolerable to sucking beyond measure overnight, it seems


    Maybe it would be ok to get screwed if BW at least came out and said they did it and why instead of just making a change that everyone notices without a peep. But I'd still feel screwed.


    A small adjustment would be ok but going from one extreme to the other sucks, and the people who powered and got a lot of recipes early can make bank while every one else is screwed.


    Pretty much this.


    They ninja patched it and I have wasted over 500k trying to RE a single blue item.

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