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Posts posted by CedricDur

  1. While it's certainly good to know it does not seem game breaking.


    I like T7 and agonized a bit over to switch to Z0-0m, but after finding the charts it's just 7.3% behind the advised dual blasters in damage and nearly no difference in healing.


    While 7.3% isn't bad it's not huge either. Shae, yeah, that one is a beast and should be nabbed when possible.

  2. Is this noticeable? I feel extra squishy as I level (currently 33) and it is a bit cringy that my companion in DPS mode both outdamages *and* outlasts me, a jedi, by a large margin. That big lizard dude will happily take on two gold mobs and probably kill one where three silver will munch through my shield and Force Mend and probably kill me before I've taken them down.
  3. She really is a ***** as gifts go. Since the changes to gifts made using them easy i just lifted everyone to 8k which is when the vendor sold gifts stop working. I can't be hassled with the GTN. Dumb prices for measly affection increases, the dailies work just fine.


    But for her I stopped at less than 6k since she was swallowing 600 creds for 12 affection. She had halved affection gain since the beginning, and I read it would change as my story progressed but at 50 and with my class quest done nothing has changed.

  4. I used to play a 31 madness sorc too. The damage as fine, I felt. Once we have all dots in and start on Force Lightning health bars melt. But it is true that in PvP, with fights that have strategical advantages, using the first five or six seconds simply putting down dots so that they can start ticking three seconds after that is not the most PvP efficient thing to do.


    On the other hand I find we work great as snipers. Dot completely, throw Death Field, throw Shock. Heck, I even throw my slow for a bit more damage, and only then do I start Force Lightning, because it is only *then* that most people wake to the fact they are under attack. Not to mention it points at you.


    What started to annoy me was how long the dots take to tick. I would prefer using more GCDs and cast more often, but have the dots every second, than fall asleep between dot ticks. Not only is three seconds a long delay be it on PvP or PvE, but it makes dots redundant since they take so long to tick that most fights in PvE end with the dot half way, and in PvP the damage contribution was negligible. I actually noticed my damage going up if I used less dots and focused more on Force Lightning.


    Of course you can do a lot of pillar humping. I have some very nice memories of dotting a snipper and hiding behind a pillar in Voidstar while he waited for me to come out, and I only did to refresh the dots. It was lovely to watch them munch through his HP bar while he tried to outlive them.


    But in the end I switched to 18/23 for a single reason: Force. Long fights = no force. Short fights, or fights with a lull = quick Seethe even if for just a few seconds. But huge lingering never stop fights like Voidstar and Aldeeran ended with me waiting for someone to kill me so I could get my full Force back (or slowly suiciding with the Sacrifice thingy skill).


    18/23 for PvP just made more sense. The double dip makes me feel RAWR when it happens, the blind when my bubble bursts makes a mockery out of the stealthers that used to farm me (why yes, let me use my anti-CC to remove your opener. Okay, now you've done it again and my anti-CC is still on CC. Byeeee!) and the snare on Overload followed by Force Slow makes me grin when melee jump me. And my Force Bar may not even be there anymore, even with just one point in Effusion.

  5. 1.2. She is still refusing to raise her affection with gifts like the other companions. Fortunately 1.2 has made both gift stacking and gift giving easier so I persevered through until she is now almost at 6k. But I'm level 50 an my class quest is done, and she has had not change of heart regarding gifts.


    Since she is only receiving 12 points per gift at 600 creds each I'll just start doing the Belsavis quests with her tagging along.

  6. I was thinking about this when I found myself unable to stomach dailies anymore after not even a week.


    It left me pondering: what was so different that WoW dailies could be done (and were done) to raise maxed reputation without feeling the same sense of inability to care?


    I boiled it down to two things:


    - Mounts. Both WoW and SWTOR have huge world maps, but WoW has flying mounts. We skip the terrain and the trash and go where we need to go, kill what we need and naught else, then we dash off at a whooping 310% to the next quest. Few if any quests are done inside so we are not forced to run all the time.

    In SWTOR we crawl along at 110%, we need to dodge terrain, find our way, avoid mobs, a lot of the quests are inside so we must run instead of use our already slow mount, and to add insult to injury mobs respawn so fast that we must kill them to come in and kill them to come out (or run past until they reset, not always viable if there are too many).


    - Aggregation. WoW had four or five quests per area. You land, you immediately get to a) kill a type of mob for a kill X daily, b) collect a whatever, c) kill a third type of mob for a collect Z drops. Go to the next area. Now you need to collect crystals, kill X mobs, blow up stuff and collect a different sort of crystals, all of it nicely packed in so that it all happens together.

    SWTOR we are sent down into a tomb for something. Then are sent somewhere else to collect X of something. Then we go to a third area to go kill something. All the while we are dodging terrain, crawling at 110%, avoiding mobs. I mean, seriously, is it 2005? City of Heroes, DC online, Champions, WoW, they have all spoiled me to the freedom of flight. Corellia is a prime example on how things should be. A small area with all quests in one place. No terrain to avoid, mobs not so densely put that they cannot be dodged, inside areas are tiny and instanced so mobs do not respawn. Let us keep in mind these are *dailies*. They must be done every day. The idea is to make them quick and painless.


    Fortunately there is no particular need for dailies. I do them when waiting for WZs to collect cash but now I have bought my augmented gear, augments, PvP beginner gear for my companions, all my skills, all the ship upgrades, the interesting legacy stuff and etc I have no need for cash.

  7. EDIT: Furthermore, you know it's not just me; do you think it's some major conspiracy that a lot of us are telling you it's fine? It really boils down to that bad players obviously will struggle, but because of the general climate on the forums and the nerfs in 1.2 they just assume it's the fault of the class. In the end, there's nothing we can do to change your mind if you choose not to listen to us, but at least we tried.


    This is not from SWTOR or sorcs. I noticed this all the way since my first playing on WoW. Come a nerf, or come a tweak in game play, or come a new expansion or.. Bam, forums full of people saying the class is broken, impossible to play, and of course, zher ultimate threat, that they will quit the game.


    The few who dare to open their mouths and say they are still doing fine and enjoying the class and bringing something to the game are *immediately* shouted down.


    For examples of such, just read this thread.


    I used to play a level 50 sorc healer pre 1.2 as an alt. My main is a DPS Jugg. After 1.2 I gave up on the Sorc. Dies too fast. you can burn all your CDs and all your CC. All you acomplish is that you die in 10 seconds instead of 5.


    My Jugg has a field day with any Sorc. Hell!!! All other classes have field days with Sorcs.


    Continue your sorc and prepare to be the ultimate target for carnage. You'll just be a moving practice dummy.


    This guy has the right idea. I heartily suggest following his example.


    I know when *I* decide a sorc is no longer what I would like to play I am not going to play the world's smallest violin at the forums, I will just pick a different class and play it.

  8. Same old thing. People complaining X class can win against them. Because we all know all PvP games are balanced 1 VS 1 no matter the class combo with all possible three trees permutations.


    Refresh my memory: all of PvP in SWTOR is pretty much objective based, isn't it? What is this focus on the outcome in duels?


    You want the damage of a BH, but also interrupts, force speed, force slow, pulling a team mate and bubbles?


    Yes, of course you do. Silly question.


    Sillier question still. If you want the damage of a X, why are you not playing X? Because you want the force speed, force slow, bubbles and etc, BUT you don't want the problems that X has.

  9. Yawn yawn. Seriously, new players reading this sort of thread will be discouraged. I'm gently climbing my valor (61 atm), almost all BM and tbh I see nothing wrong with our damage and utility or snare.


    This is too much of want to have things your way. I mean, you don't like sorc? Then *** are you doing playing one? Go play something more to your tastes. Or will I have to read about your excuses about how you like the class, or like being a jedi, or don't want to level a new character.


    Sheesh. I always cap my medals and usually end between 10 or 12 and when I focus on something it dies. When I'm focused I die, sure, don't we all?

  10. The amount of people who have had trouble with these speedbumps is :( .


    Are you kitting him or standing there tanking him? If you have Talos geared and have Speed Force, Speed Slow, your four second stun, your bubbles, then you should not be having problem. Are you interrupting his long casts? Interrupt the first, stun him the second time while the interrupt is still recharging, knock him back, etc.


    But you seriously must have your healer geared. DPS companions are good too, but less safe. If need be fork some cash and buy implants/earpiece and always keep their gear up.


    Unfortunately just like the previous poster I cam not remember whom that particular boss was to offer better advice.

  11. I am one who found it pretty poor too. Mostly because I was overleveled for the place so I only did the class quest. Without any breaks in the flow and no other quests to distract my attention I followed the whole class quest on one sitting.


    So we have someone who has her 'like my parents' killed in front of her eyes, and she is 'oh bummer.. Okay, I'll join you'.


    And this with zero seduction, corrupting, turning, or whatever. You save her from an ambush (that you set up) and she instantly takes you to the jedi place, just to see her masters and 'more than parents' slain before her eyes and then she joins you.



  12. The thing with the mask is just for RP, or should I say, for the story. I ended up arriving to the planet at the same time another inquisitor was asking for help regarding that quest so I went and helped him and got mine done at the same time.


    I could see how it would have been a problem since my Khem had level 11-13 gear and I was 33 at the time. I do dislike being forced into picking companions since I don't gear them all.

  13. Depends on your level tbh. But once you get a companion elites should be killable all the time.


    This becomes harder in the 40+ bracket when they really start to hurt and you need to interrupt more. Well, I say this but I never bothered, once you have a healer companion I just bulldoze through.


    Don't mistake elites (gold) with champions (gold white). Champions are three times as strong and with more HP.

  14. Gentlemen! Could we start summing up the general notion and address our mutual request to the developers? Here we go:


    - BioWare, please have it noted that the general gaming public finds your efforts unsatisfactory in what concerns design of endgame armor for patch 1.2 for these main reasons:

    1. All armor designs are questionable lore-wise and are taking the spirit of Star Wars even further away from the game, which the majority of us have no reasons to justify;

    2. Basically, no given class has received an armor design which fits into it characteristically, which defines it gameplay role and style. This is true for all force-users and the Smuggler/Agent classes, with BH/Trooper being a possible exception.


    We thus request that emergency measures be taken to change the said designs completely before patch 1.2 gets released. More importantly, we strongly suggest that in feature designs the general public's expectations on Star Wars atmosphere definition should be prioritized over individual designers' concepts who seem to work off existing trends in other MMOs (like World of Warcraft).


    Thank you for understanig.


    As posted above.

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