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Posts posted by mekaniak

  1. If there is a expansion coming next year, at this rate this game going to be deserted before expansion comes in, as gaming experience pretty much ends when you finish your class storyline. I continually postponed my leveling just to enjoy the game little longer, then rushed through the class storyline / planet storyline quest chains because I just wanted to see how it ends. By that time, people I met before already hit level 50 and left the game, I started to feel lonely, especially with high level planets having only a couple of players mostly doing the same, not willing to group up anymore.


    SW TOR definitely needs a more content ...


    Apart of the extended storyline following won't hurt


    - Pazaak, swoop races or anything socializing..

    - public group quests everyone can join like it was in Warhammer Online. Dynamic enviroment i mentioned earlier, something which makes you return the places even if your storyline is finished here.

    - some sandbox content like in SWG which can also fill your time


    I know, I am repeating myself ... but last hour of two I keep thinking what I would do with the game when my class storyline is finished and playing another alt (and I have two already) would be boring from 80 % apart of new class storyline.


    Maybe a forum spam will keep me entertained :D

  2. My subscription going to run out in 5 days and I am thinking I’ll write down my personal feedback about this game. I know it’s something you probably read a thousand times over, but let me do it if even for peace of my soul. I love this game more than any other MMO played so far, but when I hit level 50 game is getting less and less appealing to me.


    Bioware, what you basically created here is a single player game with multiplayer possibilities, turned into the MMO with regular fees. (excellent marketing move, isn’t it?)

    Don’ t take me wrong, amount of time and resources you put into creating all the animation and voice acting for every single quest, personal stories for each class, it wasn’t money spent in vain. You created a strong, story driven gameplay experience, unseen in any other MMO I ever played and it virtually sold the game, made it unique and interesting. Of course, some of the stories are badly written or plain silly , but other are excellent and interesting, so no blaming you for that as even the best writer can lose his inspiration sometime. Even badly written story here makes this game better than average MMO you compete with. So, good work in general.

    But it also have it’s flaws… it makes adding a new classes (like Imperial Trooper or Republic’s SIS agent) extremely difficult as you would have to create a new backstory, new animations and new voice overs for them as well just to keep up the standard. So anyone expecting there going to be a new class will be disappointed as it would cost Bioware almost as creating a whole new game (as only costs saved was developing the engine).

    You can add a new playable races pretty easily, but you will run into the certain roadblock when adding species that don’t speak Basic and you can be possibly afraid player won’t like listening to the gibberish voiceover for them. For me, it doesn’t matter but other players may be a bit disappointed they don’t understand a thing without the subtitles.

    So you keep adding Flashpoints and Operations, while it is incredibly difficult to find a group to run one, so work goes to vain – partly due to single player feel you created – and a best way to ever have a group for the Flashpoint, not mentioning a Operation, is to join a hard core raiding guild and those tends to be a extremely unfriendly bunch of power gamers most casual gamers won’t stand. Doing a flashpoint stops to be fun if you rushing it through like a robot automatically without thinking with a bunch of asocial individuals .. c’mon nothing for me (but hardcore raiders would like the content, but they are not majority of players)

    Few more PvP arenas won’t save the day even with hard core pvp’ers.

    You created a game with strong single player feel and I don’t think it is bad think, but you should stick to it, adding more content suiting players who are paying your game for it. It would be perfect to see some dynamic environment around, there is a war going on most planets after all, for example Rift succeeded it it , little bit at least! Also planet instances should be larger, have it something to explore, not narrow and empty as it is. Naar Shadaa is just a narrow corridor, but according to lore it’s a planet spawing city. (well, it’s moon, I know) Make it larger, like Corelia for example. Also it would need a feel of city flooding with people and commerce, it isn’t this way as you created it, you have only a couple of corridors. Do the similar to the other planets, it won't hurt! More quests to lead you there, more side stories to go through! It gonna cost a loads of money, but I think it won’t be a waste. Make it a expansion, if you want to make a money, but this game really need feeling of large, galaxy spawning adventure!

  3. IMHO choice of ingame faction have no effect on how social fellow players are


    When I started to play this I rolled on RP server despite my two RL friends also playing the game are not willing to re-roll. From my experience, RP servers in most of MMO's tends to have more mature, friendly and tolerant community than casual PVE & PVP servers. Of course, it gets a certain number of jerks, haters and trolls but their numbers are somewhat limited to causal server standard.


    In past two months or so (I am here from the game ofic. start) I grouped with a hundred of ppl ingame and run into only a very few jerks.


    Btw I am also trying to avoid gamers from my own country as our gaming community tends to be asocial, hateful and frustrated to extreme due to large prejudice against gaming around here...


    my approach can be a bit strange, I admit, but it works for me

  4. Bounty hunter suggestion


    I want to throw Gauld and Torian out of the airlock!


    Instead of those two I would prefer ...


    My own battle droid (and Blizz have something to toy with)

    Cathar chick or Twi'lek slave girl (so Mako could be jealous)

    My own pet baby Rancor or rather whatever SW variant for a dog is


    Of course I would keep Blizz since he is funny, cute and Jawas are cool (and can tend to the battledroid)

  5. Disagree fully!

    So yeah, while Idont know what your MMORPG experience is, MMORPGs have gotten it right in regards to RP servers!



    I have no experience at all with DAoC so I will simply believe you it is possible, so let’s speak about my experience with this …


    (in order of time spent playing)


    EVE Online – there was no RP server to speak about, but as a sandbox game it actually attracted quite a lot of RP’ers in the process. CCP didn’t enforced any kind of naming policy, but at least they were active in blocking or renaming most abusive or insulting names.

    WoW Online – even after years of running game forums were filled with similar post like this one and Blizzard never acted on such request directly (tickets however worked sometimes, their customer support was at least working). On Argent Dawn, largest RP hub in the game, there was majority of RP’ers and several stubborn trolls (refered as LOL’ers), things simply settled down when I played and things somehow worked although without direct intervention from Blizzard

    Warhammer Online (Mythic!!!) – whatever policy Mythic has on DAoC it didn’t clearly worked on WO at all, at the beginning tickets simply worked but as game went to decline Mythic stopped to care

    Aion – no RP policy at all or I didn’t noticed, didn’t took part in any RP must admit

    Anarchy Online – no RP server to speak about and no specific rules (rp-related) about naming. But as game was populated only by most stubborn fans most names was somehow fitting the setting, trolls had no interest in game with backwards graphic

    Champions Online – there was actually a pretty strict naming policy, company was so afraid being sued for copyright violation they watched the names closely. Didn’t really blocked non-RP names, but naming policy itself was enforced like in no other game


    RF, Ragnarok, Lineage, Guild Wars was so weird games I would likely not to mention, never played long time enough, month max


    (pre-WoW MMORPG Ultima not counted in)

    I agree with what u are trying to achieve there, have my vote, but I don’t believe it will even succeed. I rather believe things will settle down in time like it was in WoW


    (I am not WoW fan and I am pretty tired by it anyway, but you can’t deny it was most successful game at least till now)

  6. I have been through quite a lot of MMO’s and there was actually no one who was effectively able to enforce a naming policy on their roleplaying servers. In some cases company running the servers took the action if you reported a abusive or otherwise not fitting name, forcing player to rename the toon, which was in fact best result I ever encountered. Since SW:TOR is a pretty new game things didn’t settled down on RP servers yet, in time you will have only RP’ers and LOL’ers on RP server (LOL’ers as someone who wants intentionally ruin your gameplaying experience, can’t be really avoided) but for time being we have also plenty of people who rolled for RP server just because other one was full. (I still have to wonder why people ignore the server description, but nevermind).


    It is also very hard to judge which name is wrong from RP perspective..


    Characters named Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader or Han Solo are not immersion breaking and names are fitting the SW universe. As story takes place 3000 years before events of episode 3 SW movie, it is actually possible there was once some individual bearing same name (but not as famous).


    (name written like “lukeskywalker” is immersion breaking since “Skywalker” suppose to be legacy name at least)


    Names as Arthas, Voldemorth are also not immersion breaking, those names fit in among lot of other alien names in SW universe


    All names above however breaks copyright policy so if you wish to get them out of the game, complain about breaking the copyright laws not about breaking the immersion.


    Name like “Sczurek” although meaning “little rat” in Polish will also fit in among load of alien names already present. People like this will most likely never take part in RP so I see your point, but name itself isn’t immersion breaking as majority of players actually don’t speak Polish or other less common language.

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