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Posts posted by Havvack

  1. How g*d d+mn hard is it to even out PVP? If you have 4 on one team, and 2 on the other, its almost IMPOSSIBLE to win. IDGAF. Put a hold on the last players entering and don't let them in, put up a notice stating you'll be allowed into combat when other's arrive. IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. Yet the Dev's are to stupid to implement something SO EASY, yet seems so hard for them to comprehend. They must all be PVE Homer's and know NOTHING about PVP.
  2. Umm that's what HO is for? Dude do you know how other melee classes work? What does a mara or sin do when their gap closers are on CD? You made me laugh :D


    I wanted to respond to him, but I really didn't know what to say, I was laughing as well. He's obviously never been a Marauder with his leap, vanish on CD, stuck in the middle of nowhere, with a PT/VG 30 meters away shooting him in the face. He can't just be glad that when all his crap is on CD, he still HAS the ability to spam rapid shots.

  3. Couldn't agree more, spend 55 levels with them, then, oops, **** you guys, we're taking them away................. I can't even play since the new patch. Error 308, call support, their answer, please try playing later, we're working on it. No idea why I'm still paying for this game tbh.
  4. Does anyone from Bioware read this? I'm pretty sure they have one kid that lives in his mom's basement that gets on once a month and says "we'll look into it". Then logs back off and goes back to his juicebox. I'm so sick of trying to submit In-game tickets, and getting NO response. I'm going to submit a ticket every hour, on all 16 toons, every day. I'll take a vacation from work, just to troll bioware until they actually ANSWER SOMEONE. Seriously, you guys need to fire the in-game support team, and get a new one.
  5. Just as an update, we are looking into this issue, but I currently don't have any ETA for a fix.


    Great post, and thanks for the additional information!




    Hey ******!!! ITS BEEN ALMOST A YEAR TO DATE FROM THIS POST, AND FROM GENTLEMEN GANKERS POST, THIS ISSUE IS STILL A PROBLEM. I'm sick of paying a sub to people who don't care, or are to dumb to do anything about it. It's unprofessional, and irresponsible to expect people to pay for a game that you can't take care of, or don't care to fix. Do you think NOT being able to access your guild ship, THAT COST 50 MILLION CREDITS to buy is funny? I hope you find this post offensive. I certainly do. Your in game help sucks. It takes WEEKS to get a response from anyone!! And then its some dumb "protocol droid" that doesn't tell you anything but to WAIT LONGER. FIX THIS, OR KISS MY SUB BYE BYE. Oh wait!! Lets not do ANYTIHNG, IT MIGHT FIX ITSELF!!!!!!

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