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Posts posted by Katzyk

  1. Yeah OK..well you should probably tell your F*cking guildies to have some respect for others as well. They take their warzones way to seriously, and rage/focus on someone just because of a certain guild tag then **** talk them afterwards. I'm pretty sure my guild doesn't give two ***** about the win in regs.. You don't see our guild talking **** to your guild at the end of a team ranked match.... You know, those few times you guys actually had the sack to actually queue up. It's your guild that is dishing out the Sh*t, handle it. I have enough drama from C*nts in real life..This crap shouldn't be happening in a game.


    Gladias, you're the number one, worst person for that. You talk more **** than anyone I've ever known.

    I'm not trying to start **** here, I still want you as a friend, but I fully believe its because they're retaliating from all the **** you've talked to them.

    I fully believe the *this crap shouldn't be happening in a game", but you told me yourself that you give it out more than anyone. People tend to fight back to that.

  2. Yea i enjoy playing with my friends too, you can do that you know, in teams. guess you wouldnt know that though as your guild is so scared to touch ranked against us, only good players you even have is bator, he carrys your guild honestly, buy more better players for your guild please, so much lack in competition. yea you may have not ever heard of me before is because one im knew to the server, two ive never heard or even seen u before and ur GM of wox, only times i have is when snips is on, get that edick girl :) kisses <3


    Lol scared? No. I don't like ranked. I don't like the premise of death match. I like objectives. Sue me.

    I've actually been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks, I would say thanks for noticing my absence but since your new, I guess not.

    Lol edick eh? Can you teach me how that works? I fail to see the pleasure in that but i'm sure with your experience and knowledge I can learn the ways of "the sex" on the internets.

  3. Are you hearing that from the tank/heals/2 dps premades that run around, or in general? Cause Trixy could out dps any "friends" that run tryhard premades in Wrath Of Xonquest.


    Also the claws are out fellas. Get the baby pool and mud, we got a chick fight!


    Just in general. No "chick fight" happening.

    I simply explained that we prefer to play with friends. Unlike some tryhard people who are all about the win. The game is so important to some people. Its their lives. They should probably find another hobby, and enjoy the game they pay for instead of raging because of a loss, or because theyre not the bestest ever.

    We've been friends for a really long time Spliff. You know me better than probably anyone on these forums. You know this had been my philosophy from the beginning.

    Im not going all hippy "everyone should be friends", but at least have some respect for the randoms who are paying to enjoy the game. Some people aren't as good as others, deal with it. At least they're trying, no?

  4. i just started doing ranked solo/teams for the first time like a week 2 weeks ago and better than them lol, they only have like 2 decent players in that guild, still nothing but regstars. love the tunnels in regs while i solo qeue, so salty :)


    Thanks for the criticism. More than half our guild does regs because we don't want to do ranked. We like to play with friends, win or lose. I have no idea who you are. Don't feel so special.

    Oh, and from what I hear, you're not so hot yourself. ;)

    Kisses <3

  5. I log in 4 times a day to reset all 5 of my diplomacy minions.

    In the last week or so since I've been lvl 500 I haven't even received one autoimmune regulator. If I hadn't have searched them, I would have no clue what they even looked like.

    I can't even make stims for myself, this is ridiculous. I mean, I've never had good "roll luck", but really?

  6. Cambria , Vember is sending you a challenge from his Leet guild , accept or decline?:rak_02:


    Considering I don't know who he is, ill have to pass. Either he's too scared to have his toon names in his signature, or hes a nobody because ive never heard of a "Vember". So either way its not worth my time.


    Does he even do ranked enough to know who does? Because i was doing ranked last night, and have lots of friends that do, and like I said, never heard of him, never seen him.

  7. you're right, I don't have any friends and I solo queue all the time. you're very perceptive.




    So you have a decent sized player base in your guild, consider yourselves above average players, but no one, yourself included, has thought to roll a tank and get into competitive group ranked?


    seems legit.




    So really that should be something like this:



    Or am I wrong?










    Look, if you faceroll regs, avoid ranked, and aspire to Be better than everyone else, in regs, that's fine, it's your prerogative. It's your $15 a month, after all, you can play the game however want, but there's really no reason to make excuses or deny your motivations. It really just comes off as dishonest, that's the only reason why I commented.


    If I'm completely off base and you're in fact in the process of leveling tanks or specific dps (which you consider ideal) to form competitive teams for group ranked and will begin making that your guild's primary focus as opposed to multiple 4man teams for regs, then by all means feel free to correct me..... because if that IS the case, then I apologize and wish you all the best in Group ranked and I will miss your carries in regs.:)


    Lol Well I dont know who you are, so for all I know you could be some loner who only solo ques.


    As for leveling tanks, as a matter of fact, I am currently leveling 2. For Pve. Whether or not ill use them in pvp is a question of whether or not I enjoy playing them.

    Same goes for the rest of the guild. I wouldn't ask any of them to level a tank and play a class/spec they dont like. Its a game, and no one should have to do that, or be asked to do that.


    You're right, its our $15 a month. We'll play the game how we want. We enjoy playing with each other in a non stress environment, and I wouldn't try to change that.


    Yet again, let me reiterate, we don't play to be better than anyone else., we play to have fun. The fact that you think that's being "dishonest" is laughable. I hold high standards for my guild, and dishonesty is not allowed here.

  8. by "friends", you mean anyone who has a burning desire to faceroll pugs in regs, right?




    lol, whenever I'm on a team with WoX, I see stacked vanguards, scoundrel heals, guardian tanks, and tabdotting hybrid sages. What exactly are you missing comp wise?


    Lol no, we're all actual friends... you know people you hang out with.. talk with... swap pleasantries, tell about your day.... ohh wait sorry, I forgot you probably don't have any of those seeing as you apparently que solo all the time. I suggest making some.


    Like Mandalor said, we run 3 dps and heals all the time because thats whats in our guild. We literally have one tank, and he doesnt like doing ranked. So how about you tell me again how much of a comp we have for Ranked? Competitive ranked, not just jumping in with whatever.


    Also, @ Nkarabats I said no such thing. Like I said before, we dont play to be better than anyone else, but we most defiantly are not crap.

  9. Don't you guys queue stack in regs to pugstomp with your double group guild premades? Sounds awful carebearish. Spawn camping those pugs is fun! :rolleyes:


    Funny, we run groups because were all friends, and dont have proper comp for ranked. We have never actually tried to que sync. If you get rolled by our players its because you're queing at bad times, and you're bad.

    Do I even know you bro?

  10. Like the title says, looking to find a new home for my sorc.

    Looking for a Pve guild, and the possibility of Nim Progression.

    Am currently full 180's(with set bonus). with the exception of the left side (kell dragon), as I dont normally play on the imp side.

    Currently 4/5 Nim DF, haven't had the opportunity for DP.


  11. Hey,

    First off, thanks for the nice comments about Wox; We play to have fun, not to be better than anyone else, though we do have a great player base. We're always looking to add more exceptional players to our roster.


    As for great guilds, I find that there are quite a lot of great individual players, regardless of guild. Vossen, Lukewarm Tauntauns, Ascendancy, Midian, Silver Order, Wookie Leaks, Disciples, HVND, (and more) all have really good players.

    I play with people from my friends list more often then not.


    Also to clear up a post from above, a lot of our players do ranked individually. We normally dont have the comp on for teams, not a lot of tanks in our guild tbh, but were always willing to set things up.

  12. Wrath of Xedrix is currently setting up a new progression raid group running saturday nights, starting at 11 PDT.


    While we're mainly a PvP Pub guild, we have a small population of people who would like to pursue nightmare content.


    Our current team consists of mostly 180 geared individuals.


    We would like to add a Commando or Sage healer for our healing comp, and preferably a Sent for inspiration and transcendence, but will work with whoever works well with us.


    We are a mature guild; we do not tolerate drama. Progression is a common goal, but first and foremost, we want to have fun. That's why we all play the game :)


    If interested, ill be checking up on this forum every so often, but feel free to drop me a line in-game.


    Thanks :)

  13. A bunch of the pvp guilds have been doing ranked team kick'balls for the last few nights, its been fun :) say something in the /ranked channel to figure out whats happening.
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