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Posts posted by xGBox

  1. - Is it for loot?



    - Is it because you don't know what else to do?



    - Is it to be social and doing stuff with your guild?



    - Is it because PvP is worse than a Justin Bieber song?

    I don't know


    - Are you competative or is it simply just for the love of the game?

    Can you repeat the question

  2. Suggestion: Complementary artifact-quality reputation to the Contraband Resale Corporation per month for subscribers.


    Reason: Promotes subscriber loyalty and will still take forever to achieve new ranks without purchasing packs.



  3. You can get a maximum of 38x Gray Helix Components per character from this very event cycle. There is no reason why GHCs need to be BoL because:



    1. You will be able to buy a Gree weapon on at least one character (this assumes reputation can be obtained after the event is over)
    2. The Gree weapons themselves are BoL which makes GHCs BoL at 18x or 24x increments only


    This means that you have to commit to getting 18x or 24x GHCs on one character versus doing 3 sets of Heroics on 6 characters and having them consolidated.

  4. Those events are presumed to happen once per year. People complained that if they missed the week of the event, they were completely screwed. "Relics of the Gree" is supposed to happen much more often throughout the year, but with the compromise that you can't get everything (or almost everything) done within one event cycle.


    If you really wanted them, you'll get them.

  5. Upon discovering any world boss in the revised Western Ice Shelf of Ilum, you will receive mission [AREA] Combat Specimen (not sure if equivalent for Republic). The mission states that you have to kill Gravak'k, Surgok'k, and Xenoanalyst II in an ops group of 8-16.


    Gravak'k is located in the northwest cave of the revised Ilum area, Surgok'k is located in the northeast cave, and Xenoanalyst II is presumed to be on the Grey Secant after using the teleport in the northernmost area.


    http://www.twitch.tv/xgearbox/b/366673511 (4:42 for Surgok'k, 12:25 for Gravak'k)

    (Special thanks to all in the ops group)


    There is no player limit like Dreadtooth. You can have 24 players and steamroll content.


    Gravak'k does massive knockback to the tank, does burst raid damage periodically, and drops circles. It has ~2mil health. Drops 2x Black Hole gear, one level 50 purple gear, and you may be rewarded Gree Data Cores which grant 630 rep (for subs).


    Surgok'k applies increase damage stacks (tank swap), spawns adds, and deals raid-wide DoTs that require cleansing. It also has ~2mil health. Drops 2x Black Hole gear, one level 50 purple gear, and you may be rewarded Gree Data Cores which grant 630 rep (for subs).


    Information about Xenoanalyst II will hopefully be provided once players start reaching Newcomer reputation.


    EDIT: Xenoanalyst II is confirmed on the Grey Secant but is an operations boss instead of a world boss. You will be in your own instance when doing this fight.


    EDIT 2: Dulfy's guides on the world bosses and operations boss are much better than what I've written above.

  6. MaDwurschT, I went back to Tatooine to test your query:


    3. Where are Taunts factored into Guard damage? Is it:


    • 30% less damage to both the targeted player and the tank?
    • 30% less damage to the targeted player only?



    I will be using Shiv for this test. Shiv is one-tick Tech damage.


    Normal unguarded attacks to targeted player from Shiv:

    979 average normal damage

    1661 average critical damage


    Taunted, unguarded attacks to targeted player from Shiv:

    671 average normal damage

    1169 average critical damage


    There is about 30% damage reduction across the board. The tooltip of Taunt is indeed accurate!


    Non-crit, Shiv on targeted player without Taunt:

    Tank: 427 average

    TP: 468 average


    Standard split damage reduction. Tanks have more armor, thus less damage, etc.


    Non-crit Shiv on targeted player with Taunt (1):

    Tank: 427

    TP: 331


    Non-crit Shiv on targeted player with Taunt (2):

    Tank: 419

    TP: 319


    Non-crit Shiv on targeted player with Taunt (3):

    Tank: 428

    TP: 322


    These three attacks are where it gets interesting: It shows that the tank does not benefit from the damage reduction of Taunt through Guard damage, but the targeted player definitely does to the point where it consistently takes less damage than the tank. This means that Taunt damage reduction is calculated after the initial raw damage has been split.


    Math shows that it has an additional damage reduction of around 30% as well when compared to a guarded attack without Taunt, which is consistent with the averages earlier in the post.

  7. With Columi gear, you can do all HM flashpoints, along with:


    HM Eternity Vault

    HM Karagga's Palace

    SM Explosive Conflict

    SM Terror From Beyond


    All the listed operations drop Rakata gear with the last two dropping some Black Hole gear. Obviously, no part of the game should require you to have the gear it drops from it to be able to beat it, so you should be fine. Keep in mind that SM EC and SM TFB require a bit more competency from the ops group.

  8. The post refers to my likes and dislikes. I will not heal a PVP geared tank or DPS. I don't ask them to leave the group, nor do I instigate a vote to kick. I tell them "I don't heal PVP geared tanks and DPS". I then quit the group. I have 2 healers and 3 DPS ( all campaign and better). When I leave 1 group...I re log and rinse and repeat. As for tionese geared players...they tend to try harder and wipe less. For all the healers who will heal the geared impaired...God bless you.

    It's certainly your prerogative to do so. If you feel that it's the principle that no player should bring PvP gear to PvE content then by all means. However, as someone who has healed just about all content and after having researched the viability of PvP gear in PvE environments, I will obviously still choose the most competent player whenever possible but I will not shoo away a person just because he is wearing PvP gear that roughly matches the gear required for the content. If you claim that you don't want a challenge then, gear wise, bringing a War Hero player is significantly better than a Tionese player on all counts including Health and overall damage.

  9. I've aggregated some numbers for you guys and I can give some answers on when PvP gear can be used in lieu of full PvE gear.


    Using a DPS marauder, I compiled the following builds PvE and PvP builds, using stock modifications and with a small emphasis on Strength and Power when given the option (e.g. in implants and relics):





    Black Hole MK-1


    Dread Guard

    Recruit MK-2

    War Hero

    Elite War Hero

    Tionese/MK2 Hybrid (for fresh 50s with 99x Tionese Commendations and free MK-2 gear)


    Alternatively, you can read the combined stats of all the builds through this spreadsheet that I crudely made.


    With the numbers side by side, we can make some reasonable hypotheses:


    1. Full Recruit MK-2 players can complete most Tier 1 HM flashpoints and Tier 1 SM operations (as DPS). The overall base damage between full Tionese and Full Recruit MK-2 are pretty close. The Tionese build will be slightly better because the relics are on-use, which will give short periods of additional DPS. A Tionese/Recruit hybrid will output considerably more damage than a person in full Tionese, but will still be slightly below a full Columi player.


    2. Full War Hero players can complete all flashpoints and all Tier 1 operations on any difficulty, EC SM and TFB SM (as DPS). War Hero players can actually out-DPS Rakata players. If the Rakata player used the on-proc relics whenever it was available, the DPS difference may not be that significant.


    3. You should not bring War Hero gear to EC HM or TFB HM (as DPS). While the evidence suggests that you should be able meet the DPS requirements for these operations, other factors such as your health will start to reduce your overall survivability in most boss fights, which typically require players to take damage no matter how good you are. The uselessness of expertise in PvE content are highlighted significantly in these modes and only gets worse as you progress through the operation.


    4. PvP gear has no place in EC NiM. Don't even try.


    I have not compiled numbers for tanks and healers but the results should be roughly similar. I only did DPS because that is the majority of most players.


    Remember, gear is not the end-all factor to determining a player's ability to complete PvE content. If

    , you have no excuse.
  10. Guarded players take 5% less damage from all sources but is not explicitly shown as additional damage reduction from E/K and I/E damage. Damage shown before 5% reduction would indicate the raw damage you would deal to an unguarded player before damage mitigation from armor.
  11. I'm hoping to try and answer the rest of the questions later today or until someone else can chime in:


    1. When does the split occur? Is it:

    • Half of the base damage from enemy player with individual mitigation?
    • Half of the mitigated target damage with additional tank mitigation?
    • Half of the mitigated target damage without additional tank mitigation?



    These are the stats I used for my calculations.


    Tank damage reduction: 35.31%

    Tank Defense Chance: 24.07%

    Tank Shield Chance: 36.62%

    Tank Shield Absorption: 45.02%

    Targeted player damage reduction: 26.95%

    Enemy player Surge: 67.42%

    All players: 551 Expertise


    I will be using Hidden Strike for this test. Hidden Strike is one-tick Tech damage and cannot be mitigated by D/A/S stats even without guard.


    Normal unguarded attacks to targeted player from Hidden Strike:

    1428 average normal damage or 1812 raw damage

    2390 average critical damage or 3034 raw critical damage


    Non-crit Hidden Strike:

    Tank: 638 / 863 raw

    TP: 681 / 864 raw

    Raw damage after 5%: 1727

    Raw damage before 5%: 1813


    After about 15 non-crit Hidden Strikes, the tank consistently takes less damage than the targeted player due to its increased damage mitigation from armor.


    Crit Hidden Strike on targeted player:

    Tank: 630 / 852 raw

    TP: 1134 / 1439 raw after surge

    Raw damage after 5%: 2308

    Raw damage before 5%: 2423


    Critical and surge rating are calculated after transfer. Great news for tanks: Only half of the damage from an enemy attack will count towards a critical.


    Crit Hidden Strike on tank:

    Tank: 1069 / 1446 raw after surge

    TP: 678 / 860 raw

    Raw damage after 5%: 2306

    Raw damage before 5%: 2421


    Tanks can also be victim of a critical even though the targeted player will not be. Does that mean that the attacker has twice the chance for a critical? Technically, yes, but remember that it's calculating Surge from the split damage. The chances of a dual critical will be half of the enemy's critical chance just to deal the same damage unguarded.


    With these numbers, I can conclude that the enemy attacker will first have its damage reduced by 5%, then split in half as two attacks between the two players. Each player uses their individual damage mitigation resources (e.g. armor, cooldowns) to absorb the resulting split damage. Each attack has its own chance to critical but will only calculate its own split damage.


    2. Are D/A/S stats factored through Guard damage?


    For this portion, I will be using Overload Shot. Overload Shot is one-tick energy damage and is mitigated by D/A/S by normal means.


    Normal unguarded attacks to targeted player from Overload Shot:

    831 average normal damage or 1054 raw damage

    1350 average critical damage or 1713 raw critical damage


    Non-crit Overload Shot

    Tank: 344 / 465 raw

    TP: 380 / 482 raw

    Raw damage after 5%: 947

    Raw damage before 5%: 994


    As stated in the previous question, tanks consistently take less damage than their targeted player because of their armor.


    Possibly Shielded Overload Shot 1

    Tank: 190 / 279 after absorption, 377 raw

    TP: 407 / 516 raw

    Raw damage after 5%: 893

    Raw damage before 5%: 937


    Possibly Shielded Overload Shot 2

    Tank: 193 / 280 after absorption, 378 raw

    TP: 368 / 467 raw

    Raw damage after 5%: 845

    Raw damage before 5%: 887


    Possibly Shielded Overload Shot 3

    Tank: 196 / 284 after absorption, 384 raw

    TP: 410 / 520 raw

    Raw damage after 5%: 904

    Raw damage before 5%: 949


    The last three shots indicate that some form of shield/absorb chance may be in effect. We can see that the targeted player takes normal damage but the damage to the tank is almost halved. This would lead me to believe that shield and absorb does work, counter to my previous statement, but it will not indicate it as being successfully shielded or absorbed anywhere in the game. This is proven as shielding Guard damage does not reduce charges of Dark Ward.


    I can also confirm that Defense chance will be calculated through Guard damage so long as the originating damage could've been mitigated (i.e. Melee/Ranged but not Force/Tech). You can easily prove this by dealing damage to the targeted player and see that, occasionally, damage towards the tank will not be applied at all. One caveat: This will not show up on a parser, and you will not see text indicating that you have dodged a guarded attack.

  12. Guard damage split comes after armor mitigation AND damage-reducing cooldowns, that's why most tanks would prefer guarding a Commando rather than a Sage

    Hmm, that would mean that 50% of the damage would be funneled twice through two players' armor mitigation, unless you're saying that the tank does not factor in its own armor mitigation when splitting the damage. In your words, it would go like this:


    5000 raw Smash

    4750 raw Smash after 5%

    3562.5 damage after 25% damage reduction on targeted player

    1781.25 damage split to player and tank

    Targeted player receives ~1781 damage

    890.625 damage after 50% damage reduction on tank

    Tank receives ~891 damage

    Total combined damage: 2672


    I'll be doing some tests involving Guard inside the Outlaw's Den sometime today unless someone can chime in with a more definitive answer.

  13. I use a simple keyboard and mouse setup. Proper keybinding is one of the staples of performing efficiently in MMOs. You can read about an in-depth guide about keybinding but essentially you want to have all your abilities near your movement keys as much as possible.


    I personally use WASD keys (follow through with your fingers as you read), along with 12345, QER, F, and ZXC. That's 12 keys for 12 abilities, and they're all comfortably around my movement keys. You can also branch out to your Shift, Ctrl, and Alt modifiers with your pinky finger, which can give you 36 additional hotkeyed abilities without much additional difficulty. Obviously, hotkeys are already bound to some of them, but the payoff in efficiency is very substantial after some repetition and will become second nature in no time.


    As a Mercenary healer, I would recommend placing your main healing rotation in your most easily-reached keys (12345 and QER for me), as you will be pressing them almost all the time.


    1. Rapid Shots

    2. Emergency Scan

    3. Healing Scan

    4. Rapid Scan

    5. Kolto Missile

    Q. Disabling Shot (personal preference)

    E. Kolto Shell

    R. Supercharged Gas


    All the other abilities will be mostly situational and I will leave that up to you as to how you want to set it up, but like I said: You definitely want your main rotation on your most easily-reached keys, with emphasis on placing abilities with long cooldowns or otherwise lesser-used abilities farther out from your movement keys. Once you have a decent setup in place, next is to try to keep it as consistent as possible for your other characters. For example, Q is my interrupt on every one of my characters.


    Let me know if you have more questions.

  14. Let's say an enemy player deals 5000 raw, unmitigated damage from Smash. If the receiving player had Guard, 250 damage (5%) is automatically removed. Of the remaining 4750 damage, the player will take 2375 damage and the tank will take 2375 damage (50% split). Once the damage is split, both players will apply their damage mitigation to the incoming attacks separately and individually.



  15. Character Celticfox will not return the money that was accidently traded per our trade agreement we were to trade 780k plus two stabalizers for a model starship.I accidently over paid him 7.8 mil and he will nto return fund i have a screenshot say he did recieve the money but it was my fault for not paying attention



    Stealing's a strong word. That would imply that you were pickpocketed out of 7.8 million credits without your consent, which is impossible short of getting your account compromised.


    So you agreed, in a trade, to overpay Celticfox and he refused to give back the excess credits. Is it a douchebag move? Of course it is. But whether or not he confirms or denies the credits is irrelevant. He doesn't have any obligation to return your credits, mostly because he's not at fault, and vilifying him is probably not going to convince him to give it back.


    Don't get me wrong; I want you to get your credits back. I just don't think this smear campaign against Celticfox or his guild is going to help your case.

  16. Powertech tanks actually have better passive damage mitigation from energy and kinetic attacks; their 16% extra armor rating (when skilled) along with wearing heavy armor will surpass Juggernaut E/K damage reduction by ~5%. And because Assassins have light armor, they will usually have an average -15% damage reduction from E/K attacks compared to Juggernauts, which puts them in last place.


    Juggernauts actually have the worst damage mitigation from internal and elemental damage at around 16%. When spec'd appropriately, Powertechs can reach to 19% I/E reduction, which puts them in the middle. Assassins have the highest at about 21% I/E reduction.


    Please refer to this build which grants increased damage reduction and maximum utility (note: You might use slight variations).


    Powertech tanks have the best pulls in the game, with a grapple with 3s root and 35s cooldown (when skilled). With an ability like that and with a shorter cooldown compared to Force Pull, you should make every effort to pull key enemies towards you (e.g. healers) which will make focus firing easier while under pressure. This also makes fire pit pulls exceptionally easy, which can stop an enemy advance dead in its tracks. Even if they do manage to get away from you the first time around, remember that you have a Jet Charge that also roots them for 3 seconds.


    PT tanks can also have the quickest interrupts at 6s. Not really a big deal at first, but being able to shut down enemy abilities as often as possible can make the average player screwed out of their rotation.


    This rest of the build revolves around overall increased damage in your rotation. I haven't tested this build extensively, but all I'm trying to say is that Powertech tanks are not the worst at everything. The only issue I have with PT tanks at the moment is that there aren't any real exclusive utilities that are useful in a PvP environment. Stealth scan, maybe?

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