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Posts posted by Chanamel

  1. I support the idea of a good faith subscription credit for people who through no fault of their own are losing many hours/days of play.


    Then ask for the OP to give you a paypal contact to credit.


    It's nice that you support charity to those suffering from hunger (I mean inability to play an MMO) when it's not your money on the line.

  2. I know there's little hope of an encouraging answer, but many people in the Mid-East / Eastern part of the United States (myself included) are still without power after Friday's storm, and current estimates are that many won't get power back before the weekend.


    It's probably stated somewhere in SWTOR's terms of service that Bioware won't do this sort of thing, but I think it would be a show of good faith to credit any affected accounts (those with active subscriptions from Eastern areas that haven't logged in since Friday evening) with at least a few days of game time. I realize that this is a bit much to ask, however I and a great many other players would certainly appreciate it.


    Is this high-end trolling?


    So they should cover "acts of God" that effect both themselves and you? It would be a good show of faith to just send a check and some hot pockets in the mail so you can sit at home trying to leech off others.

  3. I don't see very many Combat Medics around anymore. I was surprised not to see many comments about the state of the spec in this thread. I guess I'm one of the last of a declining group.


    We have no answers. We have very weak burst healing, have slighly weak regen, lack a strong and smart AoE, have no HoTs, have no instants on a short/no CC, no anti-CC, only one decent defensive CD, no kiting ability in general to speak of. The class does one single thing well (single target throughput) and that is it. The class was gutted in 1.2 and it's just terrible. I've explained why in an objective manner and there is good reason for the great disappointment post 1.2 on the commando forums and (as far as I can tell) a much lower representation of the spec in wzs these days.


    The balance in this game is a joke.

  4. They suck. Gear and skill being equal, sages are better and scoundrels are far better.


    We have no mobility. We have no instant casts on a decent CD or no CD to get around interrupts. We have a single decent defensive CD.


    When you can't Concussive Charge someone off a ledge or pop Reactive Shield (which isn't that great anyways), all you can do is try to stand there and heal-tank until you die. God help you if there is a talented marauder on you.

  5. Then your team isnt doing their job in the first place. You just dont let a dps be on a healer. Unless the enemy team is really stupid there will be people on the healer. Those are the people that should die first unless there is a healer on the enemy team aswell. Taunting, guarding, peeling and so on are all things that you need to do to help the healer out. Even if the healer is soaking up alot of utility and damage it still means they are tanking the enemy players while your dpsers can kill.


    "it still means they are tanking the enemy.". A DPSer could be tanking that damage with said utility so the "support tanking" argument could be applied to everyone else anyways. And, of course, it's very questionable that a healer (or dps for that matter) should be balanced around having a pocket tank.


    For the record, although I think we were overnerfed, I don't think it's as bad as the OP and a few others have stated it. It's the hypothetical that healers should never win a duel 1v1 equal skill/gear that makes me want to drink.


    Healers shouldnt be the god class that it lately has turned out to be due to some shady MMO companies *cough*Blizzard*cough*.


    Yes, the company that made an MMO fun enough to almost singlehandedly cause the genre to go mainstream is "shady".


    I'm sure any healer has a fair shot at killing any dps one on one if they know how to play, it will just take alot of time.


    You're mistaken. Against terrible pugs I still have good numbers in wzs and win duels. Against a legit guildy that knows what they're doing (namely interrupts and cc) and has some gear, I can't afford to use very many GCDs for anything but heals, what little damage I can output is largely or entirely covered by their mild self-healing, and I'm whittled down with my nerfed regen.


    The state of things will really become apparent, IMO, when rated WZs come out. Against pugs and reasonably talented players playing in a casual/careless manner (jumping into a pack of players or targeting a particular enemy over and over again) rather than playing more objectively we still do alright. Against a team of serious players target switching immediately (often with vent), and laying on their CC, interrupts, and burst, we're dead in seconds. PvP gear increases healing less than damage, we have no good defensive abilities and one decent one, we have no spammable instants or instant casts on a trivial cd, and (largely as a result of the previous issue) we have terrible mobility while healing. Instant casts are godly in PvP and we'll suffer soon for a lack of them.


    The class needs a decent but not strong HoT, a stronger reactive shield (something like either 50% damage reduction or 35% reduction and 35% of damage is retured to the attacter; it is a "reactive shield" apparently and some of that 35% will be mitigated by the given attacter's armor/talents,) and MP's ammo cost lowered back down to 1 after AMP is casted, and some sort of buff to TP (maybe 5-10% more healing to targets with TP on it) to make it feel meaningful (i.e. fun) to press instead of a 1m trivial HpA boost or ritualistic pre-fight cast.

  6. This happens all the time and it's extremely simple to stop. Cryo grenade one of the DPS. As soon as he breaks the stun, hit him with the CC. He'll be out for 45 seconds while you and the other DPS crushed the remaining enemy. Then you have plenty of time to make sure both you and the DPS are up on health and ready, then you go after remaining DPS.


    Learn to play the class and you wouldn't have as many problems. It sounds like you just like crying. Instead of whining about your inadequacies you should learn a better strategy for playing. You'd be surprised how powerful CM still is as long as you don't play it like a 12 year old.


    Learn to read books.


    If healers can never beat dps 1v1 then they're useless. If a DPS is on them then they can not afford to heal other people. If they're sucking up half the group's utility (guard, etc) to stay alive while healing themselves then they're a liability. I'll break it down for you since logic isn't your strong point; that utility could go to other classes that have greater innate potential thus producing an opportunity cost outweighing the benefits of such use of utiliity on a healer nstead of legit DPS.


    Where you come off defining roles to justify dueling inequality as MMO gospel is dumb at best and arrogant at worst. It's like someone saying the sky is green. It's just absurd.

  7. Pretty close. Resubscribing to WoW.


    I defended the SW team against bugs and lack of polish when the game came out as an MMO takes time, but going out of your way to screw up balance is simply ineptitude.


    Combat Medics have only one decent (not great) defensive CD, terrible mobility while healing, and Weak AoE (namely no smart targeting AoE). In light of that, there was no reason for our regen to be gutted. Just poor design.

  8. OP is right, IMO. We didn't just get hit with the nerf bat, we got it shoved inside us.


    Our healing while mobile sucks. Our group healing still sucks. Our regen really sucks now. We have no HoTs. Our slightly stronger single target throughput can't compensate for all that.


    The idea that we could just stand there and heal a group while being beat on pre 1.2 is nonsense. 1v1 against legit guildies, I needed to heal myself with almost no time for damage or I'd slip to around 50% health and get put in a CC+burst damage situation and be taken down.

  9. When SWTOR came out there was a vocal minority arguing that what SWTOR is now is better than WoW at release. They reasoned that SWTOR offers more to players than WoW did at release, their comparisons are often driven towards saying, "yeah - SWTOR did this wrong at release, but WoW did it worse when it was first released." The argument relies on the idea that developers cannot compete with 10 years of ongoing development, that features and content in WoW now was developed over 10 years.


    This is of course all rubbish, and Blizzard seems to get that


    Vocal minority? Rubbish?


    This is just stupid. Unless they had half a billion dollars to spend pre-launch and endless manpower they weren't going to come out with a more polished game than WoW at launch. The expectations and self-entitlement among some posters are unreal.


    I agree they could have prioritized features differently and probably should have traded some server stability for higher populations but on the whole it's a spectacular game and EA is clearly pumping money into it with the content released and large amount to be soon released.

  10. Same. I hit Balmora 1 level below the max-starting level. I agree that the XP gain needs to be cut by at least a 1/3. I'm not sure about 1/2; that might be a little bit extreme.


    Disagree. Some of us want to hit 50 without taking too long to do so.


    There is always the option (even if lame) of completing the content regardless of not needing XP but those of us who like leveling relatively quickly would have no option no matter how poor it might be to deal with increased XP requirements short of the obvious (spending another day or two in game to level).

  11. reroll or deal with it, or wait until the put pay xfers in. The wont let you xfer for a long time because they dont want what has happened to other mmo's - abandoned servers. They want the populations to slowly increase. So either be patient or reroll.


    If they want to throttle the amount of early transfers, they can do so with a high cost to transfer before tapering down the cost.


    If servers become nearly abandoned then there would be some serious revenue coming in from said transfers. They could then use some of that to merge servers to alleviate this problem while appeasing those who wanted the transfers to begin with.

  12. WTB


    The sheer amount of content in this game is not appropriately matched with a large player base per server. Although it's inaccurate and hyperbolic to claim that this game is a single player RPG, it can be legitimately stated (I believe) that this game is too sparsely populated.


    In retrospect and if I had known better from the start, I would have dealt with possible queues for the sake of a larger choice of guild selection and people to group with (not made any easier with a poor LFG system) by joining a high population server. Although this game is new and I believe it will grow over time, I could imagine a short-term dip in subscription as people finishing their first free month quit or wait to resubscribe until the game is polished up and more end-game content is added; thus, I'm skeptical servers will substancially grow in the near future to alleviate the poor grouping elements.


    Paid server transfers benefit nearly everyone. It gives those who want the ability to join certain guilds, different options for their specific gameplay, etc the option to do so. It gives the ownership extra revenue which can incentivise further game development benefiting all players. I hope it's brought in at some point soon.

  13. thats not an argument.


    people nowadays still play the "old daoc" (2002/2003) on a freeshard server, which is even older than wow.


    the thing is motivation and blizzard just failed at it, because the whole game is to easy to play.


    How many PvP seasons do you have with Gladiator status? How many server first Hardmode raid encounters did you achieve?


    WoW could be very hard if that was what you were looking for.


    I agree with whom your reply was intended for. WoW is a more complete and simply better game atm. A lot of us just want something different and naturally this game has much greater potential with WoW being dated and this game new.

  14. It was mentioned as a priority:


    1) "UI customization – You like choice. We hear you! SWTOR is all about choice. Being able to choose how you interact with an online game is something we feel is very important. We are going to be giving more control over the UI as an ongoing effort. This is a very big priority for us."


    -- http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20111213-0


    2) "Q: Is there any information you can provide regarding the user interface in terms of making it more user friendly or with more customization options?


    UI customization is coming for sure. :)"



  15. Good video. A key part is from 3:12-4:22. The desire we have to think in black and white (i.e. create false dichotomies) can be very powerful as we do not like the ambiguity of uncertainty.


    While we're hoping for the impossible, everyone would do well to understand the different between inductive and deductive logic or as Aristotle would say, "We must notice, however, the difference between arguments from principals and arguments towards principals".



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