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Posts posted by MASTERQL

  1. i dont like this at all i chose my server at random and ened up liking it but i heard that over half of my guild was transfering and that kind of made me a bit mad but why doesnt everyone just play on one server? i would like the ability to change my advanced class
  2. I'm eager to see where our story goes in expansions.

    Because after I finished my class story, I got a letter from the Hands explaining what is going on with the Emperor, and it sounds like we might end up having to go save him or protect him or something eventually.


    you are not going to want to save the emperor becaues:



    in the book revan you learn that the emperor gained his imoratlity by destroying the planet Nathema you also learn that the emperor is afraid of death so what he plans to do is to do what he did to nathem to the whole glaxay until he is the last living soul in the galaxy


  3. this is freaking rediculous i have spent exactly 3 days looking for this thing it is crazy this should be fixed immediatley and my map kept saying that it was some where in ther frost path i looked all over it then i also tried to go to the thul hose after reading the quest and it said that the shuttle was located at the thul house i have now spent 3 days looking for it thank you very much i have now found and i am on my way to the next quest:sy_lightsaber::wea_12::wea_14::wea_04::wea_03::wea_01::wea_13::wea_15::sy_title::sy_starship::sy_spacestation::sy_item::hope_02::csw_redsaber::csw_vader::csw_guard::mon_trap: i have a serious problem with icons i found a whole page of them and just couldnt resist
  4. Forgive me if I'm wrong but doesn't Yoda use force lightning while fighting Count Duku in star wars episode 2 and isn't heon the jedi council and dont the jedi use the light side of the force as i said before please forgive/correct me if i am wrong but if i'm not why did you post this comment?
    right now i am quoting my self because i ha:Dve never seen anyone quote themselves also how did some of you guys write in the star wars alphabet:ph_use_the_force: never mind i found out!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. That's cool. Let me know when that game based on actual Star Wars lore and set around the Old Republic era comes out. Because... ya... this isn't it. :cool:


    Grand Jedi Master who is a Sith Pureblood, is fully 10000 / 10000 Light Side and wields a red lightsaber crystal (though not affiliated with the Sith)... and occasionally Force Lightning's which is fueled by Dark Side energy.


    Hmm... yeah... as I said.


    Forgive me if I'm wrong but doesn't Yoda use force lightning while fighting Count Duku in star wars episode 2 and isn't heon the jedi council and dont the jedi use the light side of the force as i said before please forgive/correct me if i am wrong but if i'm not why did you post this comment?

  6. pink





    any solid color could make a viable color crystal. now, which colors would actually be visually appealing is another matter...


    you forgot pink and brown


    they should make a rainbow colored one too that would be plain awesome


    they should also let you combine two crystals if you have artifice to make dual colored crystals that would be plain awesome too


    it would also be legen- wait for it



  7. The changes in 1.2 put the final nail in the coffin for my subscription. You guys and gals dropped a bomb on Star Wars lore. With your inability to put appropriate Crystal Color solutions into place.


    Remove the LS / DS restrictions but, if only on the RP servers you should add restrictions that adhere to the traditions during this time period (Sith and blaster shooting classes use red only, etc).


    Ability to have a Bounty Hunter Force Choke someone is a joke as well. Why didn't you just unlock skills that don't give someone such a large Force advantage like that? Such as Imperial Agent unlocks a Stealth Generator skill. Or Jedi Consular can unlock your ability to rally your allies with a temporary buff.


    You decided the ability for a Trooper to Force Lightning was okay because his dad was a Pureblood Sith Inquisitor? Seems pretty far fetched.


    I really think your design team needs to do a better job of customer profiling and reviewing analytic data on your community of players.


    /disappointed :(


    the fact that star wars lore makes you stop playing the game is crazy you should play for the fun of it not for the lore you obviously didnt like this game from the beginning

    and being able to shoot fire out of your hand if your an inquisitor is just plain aswesome

  8. finally more warzones my god u've done it bioware i cant wait a bounty hunter who can shoot lightning a sith who can shoot fire this really becoming quite the game worth every penny and more color crystals i have been waiting for this though i do wish there were more items for the collectors edition store but over all this is the best mmo i have ever played. the noew species thing is awesome cant wait:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  9. I am like 7 level behind from what i should be so all i end up doing is asking every one for help all the time. To level up i usually just do pvp and bonus quests all day. I have done all the flashpoints i can and find them so boring to repeat over and over. I cant do space missions because i am not the right level.

    And the heroics are impossible for me to find a group that is willing to kind of have someone who is not as good as the other so unless i am leader i get kicked out and end up with no xp. So is there a way to level up 7 levels in an hour or 4? Thanks



    - hanak the merciless

  10. I have seen some thoughts of new classes for swtor's future expansions and I'd like to add my 2 cents.


    Class Imperial Helmsman

    Role DPS Utility (Maverick Spec), DPS (Pilot Spec)

    Armor Medium

    Stat Aim

    Weapon Blaster Pistol for Pilot, Blaster Rifle for Maverick

    Example Tie Fighter Pilots from Episode IV (there is also an in game Pilot right on Hoth when you get to the planet to see possible armor possibilities).



    Maverick specialization deals mostly with exploiting weaknesses among enemies (Accuracy Debuffs, slows, stuns and AoE Crowd Control).

    Pilot specialization deals mostly with AoE attacks (AoE Grenades, Air Strikes, & Nukes).


    Class Republic Officer

    Role DPS (Squadron Leader), DPS Utility (Master at Arms)

    Armor Medium

    Stat Aim

    Weapon Blaster Pistol for Squadron Leader, Blaster Rifle for Master at Arms

    Example Wedge Antilles (there are plenty of in game Republic Officers to see what armor options would be available).



    Master at Arms specialization deals mostly with exploiting weaknesses among enemies (Accuracy Debuffs, slows, stuns and AoE CC).

    Squadron Leader specialization deals mostly with AoE attacks (AoE Grenades, Air & Nuke Strikes).


    Now I haven't gone into detail on the Trees as far as talents go, but given the time if anyone has some good ideas I'd love to hear them. And if we can get some good feedback from our community maybe in some way we can get at least the idea of a pilot or officer as a playable class in the foreseeable future.


    Jedi Master Taylor


    i know this off topic but how did u get that signature

  11. This game is set almost 4000 years before the SW movies.


    The Emperor in this game is a shadowy racial Sith character in control of the Sith Empire which is different from the Galactic Empire ruled by Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious.


    At this point in galactic history, the Republic is not the only government state in the SW universe. The Empire is the Sith empire wich competes with the republic on the galactic political scene. Very much like the USA and the USSR of the Cold War.


    It also seems to me that the Sith are the race of people that practice a anti-Jedi religion which will later evolve into the 2 man Sith teams of the SW movies.


    They say the emperor is undying, obviously a person that is sustained by the dark side resulting in an unnaturally long life.


    The Galactic Empire of Emperor Palpatine is the resurrected version and goal of the original Sith Empire, hence the same type of uniforms and the same general shape of the ships.


    couldn't also be darth sidious because wasn't he darth plagueis the wises apprentace and didn't know how to stay alive forever until darth sidious killed him in his sleep and didm't darth sidious learn how to stay alive forever like his master

  12. I think the Sith Emperor is probably more powerful in the force, if not in intellect or cunning. As for the above poster who mentions that Palpatine was the only Sith thhe conquer the galaxy, you may be wrong. We don't actually know yet. If you think back to Episode III, there are some lines that make me think otherwise. In the scene where Mace Windu attempts to arrest Palpatine, Windu says something along the lines of "the oppression of the Sith will never return!" Also, Palpatine says to the newly dubbed Darth Vader "ONCE AGAIN, the Sith will rule the galaxy." This obviously suggests that the Sith conquered the entire galaxy at some point previously to Episode III, and there isn't currently any established period in the lore where this has happened. Also, the culture, military and titles/ranks of Palpatine's empire is very similar to the Empire in the Old Republic, suggesting that Palpatine is modeling the Empire after the Empire in the Old Republic. Why would he do that unless he deeply admired it. All of this information combined seems to leave open the possibility, if not outright infers that the Empire will win the war in the Old Republic, and at least temporarily conquer the Republic outright. Truthfully though, it's impossible for anyone to know. We will have to see what happens in the story. Also, I don't recall Palpatine ever draining the life of over 100 Sith Lords simultaneously while completely stripping an entire planet of the force like the Sith Emperor (Vitiate) did on Nathema. Food for thought. The Sith emperor is no joke.


    the sith ruled the galaxy before star wars III for sure

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