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Posts posted by geogenetic

  1. Honestly I played a few PvP Warzones last night so I could broaden my perspective on the game (I do enjoy PvP but it hasn't been a focus for me in SWTOR yet), and I noticed the skill lag is really terrible. Like a whole 2 seconds would go by before I was able to see the effect of a button I just pushed. I can understand why everyone is complaining about that. I hadn't experienced that issue until I joined a Warzone. I will say that I had fun in the Warzone anyway, but if PvP was all I wanted to do, I'd probably be looking at another game just because of that issue.


    I hope Bioware can really fix up the really important issues so we can have a large happy playerbase at somepoint.

  2. Really...?




























    This. I'll stick with the Lightsaber which is the coolest weapon ever. No need to take 3 steps back into a bland axe. I don't see any Orcs and Elves running around the fleet.

  3. When WArhammer released remember the TERRIBLE lag on the casting bar? It took them a while to fix that and while I don't see it in this game, I've heard people complaining about it. That issue was almost a gamebreaker for me at release of Warhammer. Apparently it's also an issue here but I don't notice it, or at least not to the extent it was visible in WAR.
  4. I'd love for SWTOR to develop it's own great community, but unfortunately a lot of today's vocal mmo players are just nasty people. I'd hope if we get Server Forums we could get to know eachother better. The in game people I've met have been mostly cool though.


    I don't see this game going down the tubes anytime soon, but the playerbase could make it a lot more bearable if they would just calm down a bit.

  5. If this idea were in the game I would be excited about TOR PvP. As it stands now I will still most likely get involved in PvP but not seriously. Right now I'm enjoying my class story too much but would love some real RvR like in DAOC days.
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