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Posts posted by xKaMeRoN

  1. My system:


    AMD 1.4 GHz Quad Core Processor

    8Gb RAM

    Radeon HD 6540G2 (which is two graphic cards)

    64 bit Windows 7

    Its brand new with next to nothing on it.


    I think my FPS is a little low. It doesnt bother me when i quest but when im in PvP its so annoying because it feels like i have 500 ms. Theres a delay on everything I do.


    I get about 25-35 fps questing, and about 10-15 in PvP. Questing doesnt bother me and i have virtually no delay/lag. But in pvp i do have delay/lag. My graphics card isnt amazing but it doesnt suck either. I dont think my fps should be this low. All settings are on low/off. I think it mght have something to do with my processor speed. Is the slow proccesor speed the reason my frames are low?


    Please help. Thanks in advance.

  2. As much as i love the voiceover cutscenes, i would gladly trade them for WoWs engine. Wows engine is clearly superior, it really shows if you compare the two doing things and then looking at the delays. It really bugs me that Bioware hasnt fixed this yet. Even the people in the beta a month ago were complaining about this and Bioware could have fixed it before release, yet they didnt. That little thing could have changed so many peoples' first impressions of the game.
  3. I realize that alot of people have been complaining about ability lag in combat, but I havn't seen anyone complain about everything else in the game that has delay.


    I dont just have ability lag. When i click W to move forward, theres a short delay before i start moving. When i hold right click and move my mouse to rotate my camera i have a short delay. When i right click an NPC to talk to them (questing) theres a delay before the conversation starts and i know people will say that the little [...] box above my head has to come up before the conversation starts and thats why its delayed, but when i click someone to talk it takes up to 2 seconds before i can see the [...] box appears.


    Now comes the WoW part that everyone is raging about. I totally agree with them. If you dont know im talking about this is it. In World of Warcraft, there was no delay and if theres was it was sooo tiny it was unnoticeable. Everything in WoW was so much more responsive. I want this in SWTOR! I absolutely love SWTOR but this is such a terrible nuisance. Everytime in play PvP in SWTOR i feel like leaving the game because of this delay.


    Bioware, if you are reading this you know that this is an ongoing problem. Alot of people have complained about this to the point where they threaten to quit the game and never look back unless this is fixed. Please fix this, and if you are already working on this, please reply to this and let everyone know that it is a known problem and it is being worked on. This is relieve alot of people if this is fixed. Make your game better and fix this problem.

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