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Posts posted by Boozek

  1. re-tuning some of the starter and mid level fp's to level 50 fps would add craploads of content. I barely did any fp's leveling any of my 8 50's. At first it was due to being on a dead server so getting lowbie groups was difficult at best with only 6-10 people on any given planet, byt the time I re-rolled on a larger server basically only did esseles/bt then soloed to 50 with quests and pvp, again no low-midrange fps.


    so things like cademimu athiss etc would actually be fun to do over again alos giving you more options with the random group dailies. More 50 content for very little developer resources. They dont have to create anything really new, just tune the mobs to 50 and add gear.

  2. I'm sure this has been suggested at some point but I really dont want to spend an hour looking for necroed posts


    Why not add some cross activity dailies that would allow players to earn both pvp coms and daily tokens?


    Add some pve type objectives to say the outlaw den on tat and receive a daily com and 50 ranked wz coms? entice a bit of world pvp at the same time. I know ilum was a failure, but an area like the outlaws den could be instanced allowing only x number of players from either faction to enter. once one instance is full another is created like on fleet.

  3. Yes but creating a holiday for this universe would not be overly difficult. There is a ton of lore out there. Like I said earlier Empire/Republic day to recognize the war heroes of both sides something very generic and add an awesome little quest line.
  4. Oh stop with this nonsense. The people that made the Hero Engine had 25 freaking employees, Bioware had 800 and a $200 million budget. Bioware had far superior resources that would never have been matched by the tiny company that wrote it.


    An in house engine or a proven reliable engine would have been a better solution from the get go, even the developers stated things they thought would take days took weeks to get working in hero.


    It's all hind sight now and really nothing can be done without re-writing the entire game.


    I've had my account frozen until they can resolve the issue. I don't lose any playtime or the active account status and I will be refunded for the time I've lost due to the unplayability factor. Bioware has been pretty fair to me and acknowledge there is an issue that they are trying to resolve..most likely in the oct 16th patch.


    People can whine or be proactive and call them, save themselves sub money without fear of losing their cartel rewards. Their numbers are under the support tab on the forum. Honestly they're very aware, and are trying to fix the issues. They just aren't very good at communication

  5. While I'm sure more legacy stuff will be coming.


    There is just no way BW would let it stand empty from level 25 to 50.


    If anything there should be a scale on legacy level to mod extraction. higher legacy level, the lower the cost for pulling out mods and such.


    There could be so much they do with legacy but as it stands now, half of the legacy levels are dead and represent nothing but some random set of numbers.


    Sad really.


    lol yea but if they gave you a pull out mod perk to reduce the cost it would be say 1 mil creds and only available on that char, you'd most likely have to purchase it on every char (alot of people are beyond the 8 now with the extra alt slots) turning it into another useless non-beneficial waste of coding.

  6. Like I said earlier...call them. You'll actually get far more information during that 5 minute fairly painless call than you will on the forums. I'm a hell of alot less peeved now that I have. Not happy, game still doesnt work properly for my rig, but they'll at least acknowledge that it's their code not your rig and that they are indeed fixing it.


    and until it is fixed they can get you set up for being credited for your lost time and stop further billing and use of your gametime until then.

  7. Hey folks,


    We're aiming to fix the top-reported issues found here, but keep in mind that with any update, a variety of factors could influence successful implementation.

    Thank you for your patience!


    Why do I think I'd feel better if he had said "We bought a dozen spare hamsters and will be sacrificing an intern with our fingers crossed." ?

  8. There is no immersion with quick travel anyhow. you hit the button, your char waves in the air and you load to the destination you chose. No cutscene with travel just boom/there.


    As for the waving to the supposed shuttle...If that jerk has been following me around just waiting for me to signal for pick-up he also should have opened up with his turbolasers on that 1000 toothed cat that just tried to eat my face.

  9. You had a great point until that last line.


    Just because you see nothing, doesn't mean its not frustrating countless people around you. After almost a year, some folks have been really loyal, and are now barely able to play due to stuttering and their screens filling with broken textures and glitches. It is unacceptable to have released a patch to destabilize the game so much.


    Some of us are watching slideshows while trying to play and have systems that should be running this game flawlessly.


    ^ sums it up.


    I have a very good rig, I've never let my sub drop from launch. I've suffered through a few issues with little to no complaint since launch with the belief things would be fixed quickly and efficiently.


    This is day 10 now since 1.4 was released and I still cant play for jack. csr ticket hasnt even been responded to (this is 10 days again not 10 hours). All we've received is a post stating some very vague and generic responses that they are indeed aware of some issues.


    After a third of a billing cycle, the community reps should be working on damage control, not more lack of information.


    Honestly I don't want to cancel, nor do I want to pay for an unplayable game. They provide a service, so does my television provider. When my sattelite service undergoes problems they fix it and credit it for the time it was unavailable.

  10. I've been as patient as I possibly can be at this point. I don't like ranting or complaining. I barely have posted on the forums since launch now I'm posting several times a day in my vain attempt to find solutions and answers from the dev team that will at least allow me to get my pvp daily/weekly done to get my new elite war hero hilts/barrels. I honestly can't pvp at all when my fps will dip to 3-4 frames. pre 1.4 100+ fps with every bell and whistle turned up to max. There could be 4 sorcs in the wz casting chain lightning while two ops dropped orbital stroke and a couple of BH's DFA'd out their behinds on screen and I'd still be able to navigate that tornado without so much as a slight shudder.


    I have done everything suggested by customer care, other players, and even the hamster gods. Still no definitive replies from any of your sources, hell my in game ticket is still sitting there open and it's now been 10 days since the initial patch was released.

  11. If the devs have nothing to report on the bugs that interest you then naturally the community reps cannot report anything to us. If they work like 99% of software companies, customer reps file tickets on widely reported bugs for devs to review. I'm sure you would grow tired if say, Allison posted every day to say that the devs have not gotten back her about xyz issue. Also their deployment schedule may give them a chance to even say they are dropping a patch in until the day of anyway (again if they operate like the majority of software outfits and are trying to internally test the patch up until they commit to a deploy). Do you try checking the dev tracker regularly by any chance? A lot of the bugs have already been reproduced and acknowledged.


    To be honest it's been more than a week and zero response to the larger bugs that came with the 1.4 patch. Allison made a post regarding the graphical problems on the 26th and nothing since. in this day and age where information is an instant commodity, going a week without some further communication is inexcusable.

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