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Posts posted by ProcessHeals

  1. And just in case you haven't dropped sorc for merc yet:


    They're buffing merc heals, while leaving the concentrated fire set bonus alone.


    Granted, my scoundrel heals are getting a small buff, but their tacticians set bonus is getting nerfed at the same time. The merc is getting all buffs. [sarcasm] It must be because all the poor merc/mando healers were being forced to switch classes since their heals were so far behind the other healers [/sarcasm]


    Merc set bonuses and tacts are being nerfed in 6.1.2, this was confirmed by the combat team in the theorycrafting discord.


    Still doesn't change the fact that sorc aoe heal potential is abysmal. The nerfs to roaming mend and revification healing were entirely unnecessary. At this point sorcs are about 30% behind ops and mercs in aoe healing. The buffs to single target and force costs did close the gap a bit overall, but the spec needs further adjustment. I think a redesign of revification is the best approach, but even just rolling back the healing% nerfs on rm/rev would even the playing field a bit.

  2. Who asked for the nerf to the -1.5 seconds innervate/healing trance? Nobody did. Do you understand how much this weakens SORC/SAGE healer? I depend on that cooldown. This SIGNIFICANTLY reduces my effectiveness in operations and flashpoints.


    You can increase individual heal amounts all you want. Shaving that 1.5 seconds off that channel is huge and you just cut me off at the knees.


    It's an adjustment to be sure, but not a loss considering the other changes. Sorcs would be in an overall good state if it wasn't for the completely lackluster 8-target potential.

  3. Hello everyone!


    There are two things I'd like to talk about. Firstly, the Gathering Storm Set Bonus has been updated to the following:



    • 6 piece - Using Force Speed now reduces the active cooldown of Polarity Shift / Mental Alacrity by 5 seconds (down from 10 seconds), and the duration of Polarity Shift / Mental Alacrity is now increased by 5 seconds (down from 10 seconds). This set bonus no longer requires Polarity Shift / Mental Alacrity to be used while Force Speed is active to extend the duration.


    Also, there is something I'd like to clarify with the Reverberating Force / Reverbaration change. There was a typo in the original note and the intended change is:



    • Reverberating Force / Reverberation critical hit damage bonus increased from 5% to 15%.


    I have updated the original post to properly reflect these changes. Let us know what your thoughts! Please keep the feedback coming.


    Disappointing to see no comment on the changes to healing. There are some solid improvements here, single target is at least on par with the other classes at this point, but group heals really need some redesigning.


    Let's just take a minute to compare sorc AoE healing 1:1 to the other two classes:


    Roaming Mend, while perhaps more versatile in terms of usage, objectively heals less (factoring for cds) than the 4 person smart heals of merc (Progressive Scan) and op (Recuperative Nanotech). I believe this is a reasonably balanced design and honestly don't want too much power to be shifted into smart healing as it has a much lower skill cap to use effectively.


    Revification heals less than half the amount (factoring for cd times) of the comparable 8 heal abilities of merc (Kolto Missle) and op (Kolto Waves) AND takes an excruciating amount of time to deliver the full amount of healing (1.4k ticks on a 300k health pool are like spitting into the ocean).


    Additionally, operatives can keep their probes up on all 8 targets for sustained healing that matches the output of Revification and Mercs can do the same with the HP-5 tactical for when sustained raid healing is needed (or take Vapours for added burst raid healing). You can argue that sorcs can do something similar with bubbles, but doing so is a lot more cumbersome due to lockout times and is a significant strain on resources compared to the free heals of op and merc. Precasting is also a really ineffective use of bubbles (considering the added healing they do now) and could create problems saving targets later due to the lockout.


    So what we have now is a class that has pretty solid single target sustain and burst healing, but severely lacking AoE to the point where it can be straight up detrimental to bring a sorc into certain encounters with a lot of raid-wide damage (e.g. MM Nahut and Izax). Maximizing output still falls short for that type of damage profile and that should never be the case. That's not even mentioning that the other classes have essentially no resource management in this expansion and can both do substantially better off-dps, but we'll set that aside for now.


    With all of that said, the best solution I can come up with is a complete redesign of Revification. Here are a couple of ideas brainstormed with some of the other top healers in the game:


    -Revification applies an instant heal equal to or slightly greater to the amount healed over time (12-15k base or so), but only during initial placement and with no change to the behavior or healing of the HoT. This will require more strategic placement while optimally providing the burst needed to counter large raid-wide hits that are seen in many boss encounters).


    -Alternatively, you could reduce both the cooldown and duration of Revification by 50%. This would double hps potential, but be a significant strain on resources in order to maintain.


    To be clear, these changes will still leave sorc behind both of the other healers in terms of AoE potential, but it at least closes the gap to a reasonable degree.

  4. If a target resists damage from Volt Rush, it negates any healing caused by the Storm's Succor tactical.


    If this isn't a bug, it's a horrible design choice. No other heal in the game is tied to accuracy and this should be patched along with the other changes to Volt Rush currently on PTS.

  5. Hello everyone!


    • The Endless Offensive set bonus tooltip has been updated:
      • 4 piece - Now indicates that Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz healing is also increased by 10%, if applicable

      [*]Tactical Item: Storm's Succor / Metaphysical Mender (formerly Storm's Succor) has been redesigned - now each charge of Energized / Empowered (formerly Energized) reduces the Force Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz consumes by 30%, and the healing component of Volt Rush / Telekinetic Blitz is a smart heal with a 20-meter range from the target with roughly 56% more healing


    Got a couple hours of testing under my belt now (including completion of the first boss in the new MM op). Still going to require some more testing before I give my complete thoughts, but the general impression is that while there are some improvements here, I don't think it brings sorcs in line with the other healing classes. It's a lot more work for noticeably less output than either operative or especially mercenary heals at this time.


    While single target burst and sustain have both received significant buffs, raid/party healing is still in an extremely poor state. Revification healing is now so pitiful, it makes me question if it's even worth putting down when healing next to one of the other classes since the group is likely to be healed back to full before even half of it finishes ticking. Off dps (which is crucial to a lot of MM encounters) still lags significantly behind the other classes and continues to be a brutal strain on resources.


    A couple of notable issues regarding the Volt Rush related set/tactical as quoted above:


    Had to make a little edit here since reading comprehension is hard and I didn't catch the second half of the 6 piece bonus on EO. Disregard previous criticism


    Furthermore, it should be noted that if a target resists Volt Rush's damage, it also cancels the heal. Not sure if this is intended or a bug, but it does seem like an odd design choice again considering that accuracy does not effect any other heals.

  6. Well thats just a lie, you can claim EBON HAWK SERVER FIRSTS, but <Origin> on Jedi Covanent (EAST COAST BTW) killed everything before you guys and without having to import a bunch of raiders from another server that were already full cleared. Not trying to cause salt but i just want to make sure the information provided is factual!



    This is the date of origins kill of Terror (which was the last boss they needed): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/134294410


    This is our date (also our last boss needed): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/223280561098194944/381516841740402688/Screenshot_37.png?width=825&height=466


    With that being laid out, the statement in the first post stands. We were the first east coast guild to complete ALL the NiM content available in the game (26/26). However, we're not entirely sure who did which boss first. If I'm not mistaken origin did Brontes first, whilst we did Styrak (or something of the manner). It doesn't really matter.


    And the so-called "imported players" were members of Shadow Council in 4.0, which was the guild Eon splintered from anyways. In other words, they all had ties to Ebon Hawk dating back to the last tier, but whatever floats your boat of justification.


    This is a recruitment thread and we are stating our credentials and a little bit about our history. At no point in time have we lied or given a false impression about our capabilities or achievements, so I'd refrain from speaking of subjects you cannot prove before you have hard evidence. Thank you for bringing this to our attention though, it's always good to verify the claims for veracity in the future!

  7. About Us:


    <Aeon> is a NiM-focused PvE progression guild. Founded on the Ebon Hawk server in early 5.0, we were the first east coast guild to clear all NiM content (pre 248 gear) before transferring over to Harbinger to network with a larger raiding community. Since the move to Harbinger, we have refined our membership and are now clearing timed runs on a weekly basis (all 5 cleared in 2 raid nights after 5.5 nerfs).


    The aim of this guild is to clear the hardest content with the highest level of consistency, but we also provide avenues for less experienced members to reach that level.


    Our core and policies have evolved over the past several months and with the mergers complete, we are again looking to bolster our ranks with some talented new members. Below you'll find a little bit about our teams followed by recruitment information, should you wish to join.




    We currently have 4 active teams:


    [Cooking w/ Process] (Tues/Mon 8-11p EST) is our main team, which has completed all HM and NiM content including timed runs and surviving achievements. This group is currently focused on testing and providing feedback on the closed pts, but generally still does at least one timed run on live per week.

    Current needs: 1 rdps (or multi role) permanent sub


    [16m Meme Team] (Sun 9-12p EST): Recently formed group for farming 16m NiM (+ Rav/ToS) achievements

    Current Needs: 2 rdps permanent members; 2 multi-role permanent subs


    [Thursday Team] (Thu 9-12p EST): Another recently formed NiM group that is currently building chemistry and working towards timed run consistency.

    Current needs: 1 rdps permanent member; 1 multi-role permanent sub


    [HM Farming Team] (Sat 8-10p EST): Team designed to farm gear for alts

    Current needs: Rotating roster




    Outside of our team needs, which are listed above, we are also recruiting general members for various fill-in opportunities as well as participation in weekly NiM pugs that get thrown together whenever he have enough bored members online. If we end up with enough interested members, new teams can be put together at any time.


    Applicants are expected to have at least HM level experience and NiM potential (although more experience is preferred). Heals and dps must provide recent HM/NiM parses that showcase your best performance (both raid and dummy in the case of dps).


    Our current recruiting priority is tank > rdps > mdps > heal, but all roles are welcome to apply and exceptional players of any role will receive a trial.

    All applications must be filled out and submitted here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Lw3lE222krrVYGAu0bH6SEHU4KtQ5Vlg5oW2d4B6FEc


    All approved applicants will become trialists. Trials will consist of completing one NiM operation which will be selected based on your class and role. Trials are scheduled in advance and we expect you to be on time and have at least studied the encounters (but we recommend you become familiar with all of the NiM encounters before applying).


    Regardless of the outcome of your trial, you will be given constructive feedback on your performance. If we believe you're ready, an invite will be extended to you. Otherwise, we will let you know what to work on and what you'll need to prove in order to be given another trial in the future.




    For further questions, please reply to this thread or contact the following in game or on discord:


    Process This - Recruitment Officer (discord username: Process#0721)

    Axomm - GM (discord username: AxommHarth#1621)

  8. A ~20% healing decrease (averaged based on usage) across all skills when hps output was not the biggest issue to begin with. This strategy overnerfs raw output while not properly address the problems with sorc/sage healing.


    There are currently two major issues with sorc/sage healing compared to the other classes:


    The first is that due to simple and overly-forgiving force management combined with over-utilization of 'smart' healing abilities, they're much easier to play at an effective level.


    The other issue, which is what sees sorcs rising to the top particularly in ranked pvp, is the high mobility and lack of necessary hard casting due to most of the healing being loaded into instant and 'smart' abilities.



    The proposed changes will have a severe negative impact healers at all skill levels. If it does knock sorcs and sages out of 'fotm' status, it'll only be because the healing output is so far behind the other classes.


    Any metrics you have showing that sorcs have a significantly higher output than the other classes is due to the fact that target selection and resource management are a lot more forgiving than other classes which allows inexperienced players able to put up bigger numbers than their skill suggests.



    With all of that being said, here is my counter-proposal with explanations for each item:


    • Increase the cooldown of roaming mend by 5 seconds (15 to 20s)
    • Reduce the base force regenerated by consuming darkness from 40 to 25
    • Increase the force regenerated by consuming darkness by consuming 1 stack of force surge to 15 (up from 5)


    (for the)DevNotes: The 5 second cooldown increase to roaming mend will increase the time between burst windows and force healers to think creatively both about what to do with the 3~ extra gcds between mends as well as think more carefully about it's usage as not to waste the potential. The end result is a 30% hps decrease for the ability and approximately a 4% hps decrease overall.


    It's impossible to make roaming mend ineffective as a single target heal (unless you nerf it by more than 50% or prevent it from hitting a target more than once), but this strategy forces players to do more casting (particularly infusion in single target) between mends.


    The changes to consuming darkness make resource management important. Overall force management will be tighter due to the decreased force regeneration of consuming darkness with force surge stacks (by 5). This will reduce sustained hps by a further 5% or so due to the added consumes needed to maintain force. In addition, the steep decrease in base the base regen of consuming darkness will make using it without force surge very costly in terms of healing downtime.


    These adjustments address both the sustained and burst healing targets, but do so in a way that creates a noticeable skill progression for the class. The maximum healing will go down moderately while the average healing outputs will probably drop sharply to become more in line with other classes at relative experience levels.

  9. You only get one 248 from the last bosses of NiM operations and not all of the 248 pieces are available through raiding at this time. Other bosses in NiM drop random assembled 244/246 pieces that can be for any class/role regardless of if it's in the raid.


    With that being said, it's not really ideal to buy 248 gear runs right now, but if you still wanted to you would probably be looking at a price of 100-200 mil per operation due to the crystals that would need to be popped to carry you.


    You're honestly better off waiting for rng boxes or upgrading your 242s via pvp.

  10. I dont mean to butt in on an old topic, but Im NOT in full 242s, but I break 19k-20k hps on my merc during operations like all the time. I think you did something wrong there.


    This thread is based off sustained numbers (5 minute+- parse), there's no way you're sustaining 20k hps (effective or raw) through the duration of a boss fight on a merc geared in less than 242s. It's fairly common to exceed 20k in openers and burst windows, but you won't maintain it for long.


    Also, if you're doing story mode operations, the bolster increases healing received which may further skew results when compared to this thread.

  11. Hello community,


    I'm here to present to you my 5.0 Corruption Sorcerer healing guide. It's still a work in progress and will see plenty of additions and updates in the coming weeks/months/years. In particular, I'm currently working on aesthetics and readability as well as some PvP-specific info/sections. However, the general information and theory is complete and I'm posting in hopes that it will assist people in better understanding the core mechanics and optimal ability usage of this discipline.


    Special thanks to Seetsu, who asked me to collaborate on the Dulfy PvE Seer guide. After working on that, I was inspired to complete my own guide, which will eventually go into a lot more detail on PvP aspects of gameplay (but is intended to outline PvE as well).


    So, without further delay, here is my (in)complete guide to Sorcerer healing. Please reply with any feedback/comments/questions/concerns and I will try to respond to them in a timely matter.


    5.0 Corruption Healing Guide by Process

  12. APM for corruption sorc/seer sage appears to have been miscalculated. I understand that it's not supposed to be representative of what could be achieved in an actual fight, but the math did not add up for me.


    Using the cited rotation by Orderken, APM should be closer to 40. 2 healing trances @ about 2.12~ sec + 8 abilities that will take at least 1.32~ sec each (potentially more depending on filler used and the amount of force surge / resplendence stacks available for salv/revi)


    So assuming only gcd-length fillers used (ie anything but unprocced dark infusion/deliverance) and perfect crit rng for healing trance/innervate that leaves us with:


    2.12s x2


    1.32s x8


    14.8s per rotation of 10 abilities


    You can complete this 10 ability rotation 4.05~ times per minutes which totals 40~ APM.


    After studying the math, I can reasonably conclude that your calculator does not reflect the following:


    -Consuming darkness/vindicate are always ON the gcd (unlike pre-3.3 when the old regen abilities could be activated off gcd when used with stacks of force surge / resplendence).


    The difference of those 1.32 (x2) seconds per rotation adds up to your listed APM values



    I wanted to bring this to your attention, because it should have a noticeable effect on hps and may even change the stat priority.



    On a lighter note, I would like to sincerely thank you for all the work you've put into this thread. I hope that my contributions help improve the accuracy of your model.

  13. Like, for one example, what does "on cooldown" mean? Obviously, I know what a CD is, but the phrase makes no sense to me.


    "On cooldown" means you want to use the ability as soon as it's cooldown is finished because it's a top priority for your rotation.

    • 4-Piece: Consuming Darkness or Vindicate restore an additional 10 Force.


    Was this reverted back from the 5 force it was restoring in the final version of 3.3 PTS?


    Don't get me wrong, I definitely am in favor of this change due to the addition of the weary effect in the last patch and the increased emphasis it would put on the 4-piece value (5 force is meager), but want to make sure it's not just a typo here.



    On topic, if there is to be a new force ability that will utilize force bending/conveyance, then I would maybe like to see the 4 or 6 piece bonus moved to a new passive ability in the tree and have them replaced with a set bonus that either lowers the cd of resurgence/rejuvinate or maybe adds a second stack of force bending/conveyance on activation. This should help everything remain rotationally relevant in the face of potential ability bloat.

  14. Getting someone from BW to comment probably won't happen just because they don't want people theory crafting to try and figure out the best way to game the system, granted not that it won't happen anyways.


    If you need help, my shadow is there, though I can transfer my Scoundrel, Gunslinger, Sent, or Shadow tank over. I also have a Sin I could transfer as well, though my DPS shadow is the only one with 2018 expertise. I'm not great at PvP, I don't suck either, kinda a tad above mediocre, just shoot me a PM here and I'll fill a spot to test it out as long as I don't have to use mumble (TS or Vent is fine, but no mumble) to coordinate.


    I appreciate your willingness to help out, these are some pretty big changes to get pushed out entirely untested. With that being said, I'm not concerned with performance, just the ability to get through some matches and see how the rewards pan out.


    I'll shoot you a PM this evening, as soon as I have a better idea of the windows of time we'll be trying to coordinate this in.


    If anyone else is interested in helping, send a PM and/or post here and I'll update you all with the information as I put this together.

  15. Hey hello. Recently I started playing SWTOR again and got a 60-day subscription (yay!) and I really love playing PVP.


    But Its been really a long time since I last played and I have really forgotten the main points and strategy of PVP.

    I was wondering if any player or dev can answer these questions.


    #1 Is there a way to obtain PVP gear without using ANY WZ COMM??

    ( the one with SPECIAL UPGRADE, like for 2 armor out of the set you got the first 'upgrade', 4 armor out of the set you got the first+second upgrade and completing the set makes you have 3 'upgrades')


    #2 I saw some players were wearing PVP GEAR with CARTEL MARKET icon/label, how could I obtain those armor?

    ( They are also the one with 'special upgrades'


    #3 Where could I find relics which I could use in PVP matches APART FROM GTN??


    #4 Is there a way to deal more damage? I am a marauder and I often deal like 4000 dmg using RAVAGE!?


    #5 Does using PVP MEDPACS to heal OURSELVES gain MEDALS for HEALING? ( I think it USED TO, but I could anymore. Could anyone confirm that?)


    Thank you for reading my question. Hope someone can answer these question and if you have a pvp question just comment this post and other players may help you too



    P.S. Please refer me as a friend and earn great rewards. I may also send you a pack or a mount if you DO refer me. Here's the link http://www.swtor.com/r/rYcKJB


    #1: No, pvp gear can only be purchased at level 60 with warzone commendations.


    #2: The cartel market gear is all modifiable. Most people strip the armorings, mods and enhancements from their pvp gear and put them into whichever gear they prefer to wear. Aside from looks, this also gives you the advantage of being able to augment one set of gear (which costs 200-250k per piece) and just swap in the pvp modifications as you obtain them. Side note: the 'special upgrades' are tied to the armorings.


    #3: Your best bet is to use the relics from lvl 60 pvp vendors, but if they aren't available, any relic with item rating 162 or less will give you decent bolster. There are light and darkside relic vendors in the gtn section of fleet that can be purchased cheaply.


    #4: Make sure if you are wearing pve gear, the item rating does not exceed 162 (or 148 for main/offhand). You can gear up cheaply and easily at the level 53 item modification vendor in the supply section of fleet. Politely ask another marauder in-game for tips on which stats to go for.


    #5: No, only way to get heal medals as a mara is to spec annihilation where your dots heal you for a small amount that adds up over time. Make sure you stock up on wz medpacs and adrenals anyway as they are super important and will save your life often.

  16. DarthMaulUK,


    Thanks for that reply its exactly what I needed to know and thanks for the info on the cheaper prices with 3.3.


    I'll stick with madness because I've been used to affliction warlock at high level WoW so I think I just understand the core of madness.


    Cheers for the help mate


    The easiest/cheapest way to get a decently bolstering set for PvP is to go to the level 53 item modification vendor in the supply section of the fleet and fill empty shells with min/maxed 148s that he sells. This will run you about 50 basic comms which are super easy to get right now and you probably have some saved already.


    For the left side you can use any ear/implants/relics with an item rating of 162 or below (higher not necessarily better so get what's cheap and get pieces that have the attributes you want).


    In terms of stats, you'll generally be better off stacking power and alacrity on most of your pieces. In other words, resolve armorings, aptitude mods and quick savant enhancements. Make sure you throw in a bit of surge as well though (maybe 3 adept enhancements).


    If you can afford it, augments are also a priority for maximizing your output. You'll want mostly resolve augments with maybe a couple of alacrity augs thrown in depending on your bolstered alac % (I like to run 7-8%). Ideally, you want the purple 186 augments, but if they're too expensive, even the blue 178s are much better than what you get from bolster. At this time you'll just want to be augmenting modifiable gear, since your left side will get swapped out with PvP gear eventually. So right now you're looking at 9 mk-10 kits + 42k to augment each shell + 9 augments, it's expensive, but definitely worth running some dailies to get them.

  17. I'm not sure it's safe to assume that rwzs will give any comms in the upcoming patch. Seems highly possible that they could only give the tokens.


    I tried getting enough people together to test out the new rewards for rwzs on public test server, but couldn't fill 2 groups to get it popping. I've transferred servers on live now and going to make a final attempt with my new guild to get some pts ranked popping, I guess we'll see how it goes.



    Maybe someone from BW can shed some light on this situation as it seems somewhat unlikely that the community will test this before it goes live? What I would like to know is how many comms and/or tokens a rwz is worth if you win/lose with 1, 4 or 8 medals.

  18. This can't and won't happen for two reasons.


    1. Reg matchmaking will slow down queue pops


    2. People can queue in groups for regular warzones with whatever classes they wish.



    Your personal fun-per-match scale is irrelevant compared to everybody's ability to get consistent queue pops in unranked warzones. Quantity > quality when it comes to regular warzones, especially on low population servers. Of course this isn't even getting into the technical difficulties of trying to evenly match up teams when many players are queued as a groups of 2, 3, or 4.


    Arenas (and even most objective warzones) top out at approximately 15 minutes. Either stick it out, or leave the match and hope for better luck on the next one. Alternatively, if you don't like the compositions you're getting, queue up with friends playing the roles that you want to have supporting you.

  19. It should be 1 ranked gives you 3 unranked, just like it takes 3 unranked for 1 ranked atm.


    The in-game conversion rate from ranked to regular comms is and always has been 1-1.


    They gave us approximately 2 months to prepare for this change and figure out what to do with our ranked comms. There's still probably a month left till 3.3, use your ranked comms on dark reaver gear now and then just continue to save up regular wz comms without converting since the cap is 200k now.


    If you already have full ranked gear, then the conversion shouldn't affect you much. I've already started converting ranked comms into regular comms since I'm capped on ranked and have no gear left to buy.

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