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Posts posted by LorenzenB

  1. Instead of having legacy upgrades cost credits.. Instead have legacy levels give you a "Legacy Currency" that you spend to unlock the bonuses. That way there's incentive to leveling alts (other than dodging the nerfs to every class i roll..). Keeping more players playing longer. You have to level alts to unlock Legacy bonuses. It's still a grind. But at max level i have enough things to spend my credits and not dailies available.. And because my server is dead.. like many others the Galactic Market is a lolfest.


    I would like to also see a Quick Travel Bind directly to my ship. This game is beautiful but laden with unnecessary loading screens.

  2. Dear bioware, First off. I own literally every single title you've put out. Big Fan.


    So i think im in the same boat as most people, my server is dying. And its dying because the endgame content is terrible.


    I can say with absolute certainty, you are dropping the ball when it comes to PvP. Cross Realm PvP was the best thing that ever happened to WoW. And it should have been implemented on day 1. Merging Servers, Opening up transfers, while needed isn't going to fix the LACK OF QUE's, You need Cross Realm. NEED IT. 40mins is the average que. I can't gear out my 50's because i can only get 2 or 3 games in. If i can't hop on at any time and get an instant que.. I am wasting my time, wasting my money.


    Players are leaving this game by the droves. And since 1.2 its gotten worse. because you didn't deliver rated as promised. War Hero gear looks terrible.. just awful. Fire whomever is making the creative decisions on gear models.. cause they are bad at their job. And the new raids.. BUGGY.. go figure.


    Ranting aside. If Cross realm PvP isnt implemented by the time Diablo 3 drops.. i will seriously never get a pvp que again. Everyone will just play D3 until a better MMO drops when this one has its death throes.. or if by the grace of god you clean up this game.. they MIGHT come back.


    I for one am canceling my subscription if CR PvP isnt introduced by May 15th.


    Do Better.


    OH and while am at it, why dont you give Shadows/Assassins a viable opener from stealth. Anyone that doesnt play tank spec will tell you, Spining Kick is a waste of a GCD. Garbage. a stealth class whos ONLY FROM STEALTH MOVE, isnt Viable as an opener. GG Im out.

  3. But it's all done behind the scenes.. You don't actively have to do anything, I've done all my "Crafting and gathering" Whilst PvPing. It's true though that most crafting gear available isn't worth equipping next to the gear thats available through venders.. But really, have some faith, not ALL schematics have been unlocked, and it's an MMo, they will patch it. Personally I'm not terribly concerned, considering the amount of time invested, if done right is minimal.
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