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Posts posted by UghkoffR

  1. slowing down by force is not a particularly useful ability in PvE. Moreover, different bosses are immune to this, like all versions of electroshocks too. This ability will be just meaningless.


    The problem with the sorcerer was in the absence of a protection ratio (he absorbs all damage in himself and therefore dies very quickly, which is in PvE, that in PvP) and catastrophically small damage for serious PvE. If you do not want to rebuild the sorcerer's ability, I would experiment with the ability to stack his debuffs (dots) to compensate his gap from the average.

  2. Could you in the future publish the size of the update, that will be installed. Now we see only installation percentages.People ask, but I do not know what to answer. Patch notes, launcher - it does not matter, most importantly, that information can be seen.


    Thank You

  3. I do not think that the person, who creates these topics, wants something bad for the game. We know and have seen more than once what happens to companies that fall under the influence of EA. And the rumors that the Internet is not very pleasant. The lack of a roadmap in January, compressed new content, the launch of the Anthem ..., this is all embarrassing. We are all here on the forum, as well as other resources we are experiencing for this project. Yes, we often disagree with the decisions made by the developer, this is true. BUT, we are interested in its development, interested in the continuation of the story, new mechanics were developed, the existing ones were improved. We don’t want to lose this project, we don’t want the game to become a project from which EA squeezed all the juice and threw it away. We try to help the project in terms of our knowledge and understanding of the situation. Perhaps we are doing something wrong, and here we would like to hear from the guys from BW feedback: how we can help for our part. This person is trying to find some points, to draw attention to the problems in the game.

    Of course, telling all the players all the secrets ... this is absurd. But ... to give some information and set the direction in time is possible.

  4. The cost of repairing equipment approaches the irreversibility line, if you have equipment 258. A simple example: playing with random players and studying a new boss, while equipping 253 - 5 deaths costs about 600k credits (the numbers vary depending on the situation). 600k credits are about 1.5 hours of work doing heroics, that's a lot.


    New players, people who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the game, and people who do not know how to make money in the game through trading, passing game content, daily tasks and events - this repair rate will not be loyal. To contain 3 characters (example tank, DPS, healer) in equipment 258-260 is very expensive. People will still strive to get the maximum equipment, even considering the fact that 258 equipment is seen as a nice bonus for PvE players. It creates discomfort.

  5. Wizards, can I ask you? Please, make additional management for companions. Their three professions are great, but companions do stupid things from time to time without micro control.


    Situation: I play in the uprisings. In story mode, the stupidity of companions is forgivable in most cases. In veteran mode, problems begin. Uprising "Destroyer of Worlds", character Sorcerer (the weakest class in the game, no defense, no dps, best healer ... in one word - a sorcerer) + melee companion level 50, bonus boss The Caller In the Dark. The boss is hard because of the debuff+damage+self healing+adds (but interesting), and you need to constantly play on the keyboard like a piano in it (there the Koreans from Star Сraft envy such an APM). It is necessary that the companion clearly followed the instructions and orders, but this does not happen. Instead of healing, he prefers to waste time on his hits, or he runs off to another corner of the room for another bot and cannot work at full strength (and of course he loses time to run); I call him to me close, but he will not returning... do his own business in another corner of the room. I could not kill the boss because of the lack of microcontrol over the companion. I had to take another character: tank + healer - then only the boss was killed.I'm afraid to imagine, how it goes in master mode.


    Need additional settings in the management. Distance (2-3 options); companion ability to use their weapons or not. If a companion is a tank, then he/she/it/Ewok needs the ability to specify in advance the target to be taunt (for example, a marker).


    Further options for the amateur: the ability to talk companion (met people who do not like to hear the same replicas for several months); the ability to mix companion abilities from all three professions, choose the right abilities (Here you need to think about how to combine this with the choice of an already chosen profession. Perhaps with the help of utilities or something like that.)


    Also saw on the forum, people asked to create the ability to include different animations for companions. This is necessary for players playing in the direction of the roleplay and casual. They will thank you.



    Thank You from me!!

  6. This is a colicoid. I see three options: either they have related roots with the Genosians (an unexpected turn in the scripts); either someone confused the Genosians with the Colicoids; either Darth Malora played with the DNA of these two species; bonus version: then the painters and animators will return to the SWTOR family from Anthem, they will draw the Queen to us. ;)
  7. Very familiar topic. For 7 years, 2 times hijacked guild. The first time it was enough to talk to a man and he returned the rights. The second time was very cruel ... We returned to the game and found that we are not in the guild. Almost all its members. We found a person who got the rights. We tried to contact him, but he ignored us. Where did he come from in the guild, nobody remembers. Through one person who remained in the guild we returned our characters. 210 characters from 250 were removed from the guild, the guild bank is empty. If the decoration were not tied to the guild - he would have taken them.


    Each member of the guild invested their time, their resources, helped to build a society. And one person who received the rights simply crossed out the 7 year of work. Apparently also considered, since people are offline, then they need to be removed. We had to go to vile methods to get the guild back.This system is a problem and a threat to all guild members. We still have not found our 49 people, most likely they have already stopped playing. And none of the participants wants to start building a guild from the very beginning, it demoralizes and I understand these people.


    Guilt is the leader or the officers? - My opinion is that no. I categorically against the transfer of rights, without confirmation by the guild leader.there is one guild leader, and he has a lot of us, with our inquiries, problems, goals, ideas. We can not play for a year and then return to the game and we will be in the same status. Does the guild leader have the right to do this? He has no problems in real life, interests, desires? Because of this low-quality system, he should always be in the game. It is not right.


    If you have a need for something and your guild leader is missing ... I don’t know a single guild leader on the European server that couldn’t be contacted and who would absolutely refuse to help you. I do not know such people. If there is no guild leader - there are always officers, as a rule, they have enough authority to satisfy your need.


    I understand the guild members who actively participated in the development of the guild, accumulated their resources and time. But there is one moment. As a rule, the guild leader and his officers make the largest contribution to the guild, you know how it happens. Their investment is several times higher than the investment of one member of the guild. This system is able to deprive the leader and officers of all that they have done for the guild. There are not commensurate investments.


    As a member of the guild, no one forces you to make donations by force. This makes the game, your activity benefits the guild. You know how it works. If you decide to donate for the guild - this is your choice, the guild leader cannot force you to do this, there are no such mechanics in the game. Before making a donation, think about it, put it in the pros and cons, and then make a decision. Being in the guild, look at what the guild is, what it does, what schedule it has, what interest, what presence of players and whether you are in this guild, maybe will better find another(?).


    This system is not correct. No matter who you are, what your merits are, how much time you spend in the game, etc. But ... when you return, everything must remain in place: all things in your inventory, all different currencies, materials, equipment, titles, powers (except when the developer removes something due to improved mechanics, appearance, non-compliance and etc.), everything should remain in the form in which it was left, this is important.Removing all members of the guild to feel safe - this is also not correct. (people really could invest their time and resources, they do not deserve such an attitude on the part from the guild leader)


    As practice shows, guild members have more than one character and may not be in one guild, and if your guild is not online, you can easily play guilds online and solve your problems with another guild.


    For 7 years of the game, I know 3 cases when, due to this system, the guild leaders lost their guilds. Rights were transferred to some guild member and he (or she) sold the guild to others. Guild sales ads are common. You know that.

  8. Welcome back :)


    It's got quiet recently but there have been a fair few Vaylin themed posts on SWTOR, Twitter, Reddit, etc.


    Any news about subject? The guys from BW thought up, give us Vaylin, so that we are leave them alone? :rolleyes:

  9. Delete old accounts - not the best idea: players can come back one day, the developers will be eaten alive. Now a lot of names have taken, and now it’s really a problem to choose a name even from those suggested. If you look at the players in the fleet ... The solution is simple: unpin the names (and mb the Legacy), each character to set a unique (hidden) code tied to the Legacy and the account (in many RPGs there is). But for this need to do a lot of preparatory work.
  10. sith voodoo? :D


    ;) +/- it is not correct to write spoilers in the suggestion box, but in the game

    itself such moments are. Revan Reborn for example. and... After Leia survived in outer space ... I'm starting to look at the franchise differently


  11. I'm actually a bit reluctant to put this here, purely because i am not sure where else to put it or where it would be suited for.....


    anyway after thinking about for a little I was wonder IF you would think it would be a good idea to make Vaylin into a companion, assuming she hasn't entered the complete monster category yet (AKA the territory for villains who are truly irredeemable)

    she could have a good storyline going for her, and depending on how you act with her (aka class, alignment, etc) could become, anything such as your character's love interest, undyingly loyal servant/ally, or even your padawan/apprentice (if your a force user of course)


    that is assuming she isn't too much of a broken bird, or has become too much of a monster, or even becomes one of those "too powerful too live" characters, or any combination of the three or anything I haven't listed here.


    I hope this isn't a horrible idea or too much of an insane one



    So what do you all think? :cool:


    agree. Vaylin, a very interesting character. With a well-developed character, great voice acting. with a clear motivation for the player. Although her death was the key to the script, at the end of the script it would be great to bring her back, albeit with fines in her Force due to death. In the game there are 4 classes possessing the Force, and with such characters, Vaylin will look harmoniously, where the Light Side will try to direct it towards the good, show another way, and the Dark Side use her abilities (for example). I do not think that finding a way to return it is a big problem (without violating the canon).

  12. Bow before Darth Imperious and Vaylin on their rather violent rampage across the shadow world of Umbara. :D




    you know ... on Umbara, i played the flashpoint the second time, got to the head train, at the moment when, instead of Theron Shan, an unknown figure betrayed us, in cutscene the unknown figure turn on a detonator, and turns around with our back, I saw familiar symbols on clothes a stranger ... already the heart stopped, in the hope. Dress similar to Seon and ... Vaylin (from KOTFE)/ But... in the end unknow figure have a mans voice

  13. What would you suggest as an alternative. You want them to change it yet what should it be changed to do instead? Other wise it's easy for it to be change then players to turn around and say we didn't want that, try again.


    As an inquisitor to the inquisitor: originally the ability to Ravage looked epic (especially with weak NPCs), but the warriors needed mobility and speed. Ability rework. In general, it does not look bad. Except for the last moment. What can I offer? mmm.... Have we finished the types of strikes with a lightsaber? There the field is not plowed !! Ask Charles Boyd, I know he is a master of the Soresu form, he will tell you how to do it better, to make it look more realistic. As for what others might not like - I'm right now betting 4$, that more than half of the players will not notice anything, as they are oriented to the other.


    This is of course a trifle, but from such trifles and creates a cosiness

  14. We got the same chances to redeem Vaylin, that we did Arcann. The difference is, Arcann will take you up on it if you keep his mom alive (though, I don't think you can even try to redeem him after killing Senya).


    Is Vaylin redeemable by SW standards? Maybe, very likely yes. Can the PC do it? Nope. She goes to the grave instead.


    It's bad .... half a year has not passed, but I already miss her

  15. With the activation of the ability ravage - I noticed such a thing, the juggernaut deals two strong strokes with a lightsaber, and then makes a somersault and jumps from above. Tanking the boss, from the side, the third blow from the jump, a "heavy tank", it looks ridiculous ... after you have watched a juggernaut jump like a rubber ball? Can you imagine Vader, Dooku, Malgus jumping like tennis balls on the spot? Guys, change the animation of the third blow in ravage ability, please!!. ;)
  16. I just want a nice stronghold with a night time environment. Enough of the super bright daytime ones. The only really nice stronghold I find still is the thunderstorm Kaas stronghold because it's such a great environment outside to look at. But a beautiful clear night with comets streaking in the night sky or a small meteor shower here and there, maybe some stars and nebulas in the night sky... omg, I could just lay my character out on the balcony and just stare at it for hours. <3


    In an ideal, that day and night changed after a while

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