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Posts posted by sixshades

  1. I can't find any useful information on this, so I'm posting it myself. Putting it here since everyone here does warzones and there's a higher likelihood that others will have seen this..




    Walls and floors disappearing, people invisible, objects in the environment flickering.


    Now, I'm running an nvidia 560Ti. He's running my old ati HD5850.

    Our drivers are completely up to date, and all other pc specs far outclass what the game requires.


    The only hint at a solution I could find was that you need to restart every few hours, because it's somehow a fault in the gpu. Two pc's, two different makes and models of card, same exact issue in the same exact games. (Some games, we both have no issue.)


    Is anyone else seeing the same issue, and does anyone have any ideas for how to fix it? (Restarting every couple of hours is not an acceptable solution for me.)

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