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Posts posted by Wachale

  1. Hi I am looking to get into a guild again. I returned to game about a month ago. I played when game first came out and completed both EV and KP in Nightmare achieving the timed titles. I was wondering what are your raid times server time and days. I played a tank during early swtor I am now rolling my Maurader and have gottem him geared enough to do HM ops. Thanks in advanced. Hit me up in game on Maniloco.
  2. Well ok I understand killing x amount of people in x amount of time. But explain this I just got weekly go to ilum kill 3 people... The first 3 I have killed today and 1 kill counted the other 2 were no valor gained crap. I am trying to figure out the mechanic to that. Any ideas?
  3. The whole system of getting this quest dropping this quest to start hardmodes is getting really anoying. You cant just start a hm. You have to get a prequest tuen drop the regular to get the Hm. Ive done BP quit a bit and this is a major problem. I cant even find the quest for foundry reg or hm. This has happened on multiple diffrent FP and party Ive been in. Please fix this crap. Any1 know a good site that has a list of where this maze of quests are at.?
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