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Posts posted by GingerFury

  1. That is weird. I've noticed that when I preview those outifts on my Twi'lek my body is invisible. But if I remove my chest armor there is a body. I'm sure there is on Ashara too if you remove her chest armor altogether. So why the bug?


    If you remove Ashara's armor she has a full body suit underneath so they never added something for when that body suit is taken off it seems.

  2. So all you did was reinstall you grahics card? cuz i have the same problem and everything says i should run it, i have an i3............. like the game look ok at the character selection screen but the moment i load the character and jump ingame its just grey everywhere and i cant see ****..........pls if you fixed it list your steps :(


    What I did was download the zipped file for my integrated graphics card, then I uninstalled the current one from device manager. After that I installed the graphics card again from the zipped file. Also I suggest using gamebooster. There are better directions at http://www.cleartechinfo.com/Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic-System-Requirements-Cant-Play-it-on-your-Computer#comment-5152 best of luck.

  3. I have the same problem. I have an i3 core, but the same graphics card. I still meet the requirements needed to run the game, but I have the same random angle problem. Support has tried to help me multiple times. I want a new laptop, but for now I have to quit the game. :jawa_frown:


    Well if I get a solution to this I'll let you know the fix.

  4. Lower settings, sure, but I can run the game in 1600x900 and 20 fps, and there really isn't much jitteriness.


    The important thing? It runs until I get a new rig.


    So do you have the same integrated graphics?

    Were you able to change the settings or do you know how to fix this?

  5. I'll get back to you about the fps once the launcher finished downloading, I uninstalled the game after I had given up hope, but http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1030521-Will-Intel-s-HD-3000-Graphics-run-SWTOR! said otherwise about it. When I did run it I was able to run around fine without skipping around or anything it's just that I couldn't see anything 99% of the time except it would look like different parts of wall. Dromund Kaas was more of just a blue screen then inside walls though.
  6. Has anyone tried to run SWTOR on laptop with the following specs and made it work?


    Intel Core i7 CPU M620 @ 2.67Ghz

    4GB of Ram

    64 bit windows 7

    With Intel integrated hd graphics, Graphics media accelerator.


    If you need additional info please ask.

    I tried to run it with this during the beta and after release.

    When I was running it I got all of the HUD fine, but the actual view looked as if I was inside a wall. No character or any details except at certain random angles.



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