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Posts posted by Myrden

  1. Am I missing something really daft here?


    Finished Nar Shadda a few weeks ago on the Gunslinger and logged him out on the spaceship after handing in. I logged back on to him on Saturday to find that I had no class quest listed in my journal.


    The chickie on my ship who gives the class quest has the symbol above her head as though she has one to offer, but clicking her will not initiate dialogue at all. I've searched all over Nar Shadda, Tatooine and even Taris, but I just can't find anything to advance my class quest.


    I opened a ticket about this on Saturday, and I watched its status go from "open" to "locked" and back to "open" again. Still no reply for it.


    Am I just missing something here?


    Any help is gratefully appreciated

  2. No the burger is real. Its not a fake burger its a real burger.


    So this isn't a real game? Hmm.


    Also do you go to someplace that isnt open 24 hours and yell at them how they hate you and they should be open whenever you want?


    Who's yelling? We're not satisfied with the service they are providing and we are telling them so in a very reasonable way. What is unfair about that? Should we never complain and always take what we get? That sounds ridiculous!


    I mean come on now this isn't about being unhappy about the product. You obviously love the product you cant even go 4 hrs once a week without it.


    Obviously. lol.


    No, it's not often that I find the time to play this game, but Saturday daytime is one of those times.


    So I try to play the game that I'm paying a subscription for and I can't play it. I look to see why this is and can find no information other than "game is down for maintenance."


    Being unhappy with this I venture to the forums to find no other news.


    Where from this scenario am I saying that I cannot go 4 hours without playing this game?


    Sure, I have other things to do. I did actually do those things, but that doesn't solve the matter of BW taking down the game during EU primetime. They still did it, and I wish to voice my concern about this. What's so wrong about that?


    The bigger question for you, should be why are you here telling us that we are wrong to complain?

  3. This is a video game guy. Not real life. Its only 4 hours and there is no "reform". I can accept the game might go down when I want to play. I put my big boy underwear on and get over it.


    If I'm not satisfied with my burger, I should remember that it's only a burger and not real life.


    Whenever I'm unhappy with a product that I buy, I should remember that it's only a product and not real life.


    I get it now.


    You must remember that the majority of what the OP is talking about is the lack of communication between BW and us, he understands (like most of us) that patches are vital and indeed welcomed... but it would help if they would mention just why they're dragging our game down at primetime.


    There's a lot of folks in this thread jumping to the conclusion that those who aren't happy are all kids and need to find a real life. The irony of which is very amusing.

  4. "I demand you patch the game immediately!"


    "I demand you stop interrupting my play time with these patches!"


    Make up your mind.



    ... or the other stupid argument ...



    "How dare you patch during my playtime!"


    "I demand you inconvenience someone else, cause i'm special!"


    They have said countless times they patch during the least active period, you're not special.


    None of the above, actually.


    Just "We are happy with the improvements you are making to our beloved game, but we kindly request that you consider creating alternate patch times based on server locality."


    Don't know why you've got your knickers in a twist about it. Would the added maintenance shift be taken out of your salary?

  5. Oh look, this thread again. and I'll reply with the same thing i usually do


    Oh God, I can't play swtor for a few hours in which i was previously warned about so they can fix critical issues, what am i going to do?!?


    seriously, people complain about bugs, then they complain about downtime to fix them.


    So if this doesn't concern you, then why is it concerning you?


    Aren't we allowed to ask for better services these days? Should we all just shut up and take what we get... unless you happen to share that grievance?


    I can understand you not caring about this because it doesn't concern you, but to tell people they have no right to complain about a second rate service? I just don't see your motive...

  6. You don't get it. at ALL.

    The community has been CONSTANTLY testing the game on the PTR. The PTR forum is CHOCK FULL of constructive feedback on the patches.


    But Bioware chooses to ignore all feedback. *** is the community supposed to do?

    Don't put this on the community. It's not the community's freaking fault that Bioware/EA ignores PTR feedback.



    lol. Aren't you all excited over nothing.


    I don't get it at all? All I said was that I'd rather the patches were deployed to the US before they were deployed to the EU - meaning better downtimes for both regions, and less people will be messed up by the bugs in the patch.


    I don't get it at all. lol. Get over yourself and your colours.



    it would be like demanding money off of your ice cream cone becuase they put sprinkles on it...really it doesnt make sense.



    No, it's more like demanding money off of your ice cream cone because they only let you eat it when you're asleep.


    I'm EU, and while I find these patches necessary, I also find them an annoyance. I work nights though, so I've always had to put up with this sort of thing. Still doesn't make it any better. I'd much rather the US lot beta-tested the patches the day before anyway.

  8. Not really.


    There are many reasons why a mob is on the run. It could be that the healer pulled aggro by just spamming his heal to early, especially unexperienced healers always do this. A good tank does not die in 5 seconds without a heal. Even the major raid bosses at wow, gave you time as tank.

    Or the healer was so stupid and did chain heal a dps, who didnt manage his CC target or just pulled aggro by nuking to early.


    If the dps and the healer let the tank gain aggro then nobody will take that aggro of him anytime soon.


    Many people also dont understand that a pull is not done in 1 second. To a pull belongs the positioning of the mobs as well, this can take a few seconds - especially with ranged targets.


    But he's still not doing his job 100%. If I ever do a pull and I have a mob on a party member which I don't immediately attempt to apply threat to, then imo, I'm not doing my full job as a tank.


    I think the problem with the OP's scenario is that he was being healed by a player 10 lvls his senior, which would have made controlling threat quite tricky.


    I'm not calling anyone out on being a bad tank, btw, I'm certainly not the best by any means, just saying that it's not good to leave a mob on your healer (as was originally mentioned).

  9. As a healer I agree and disagree. Yes, the tank should be holding aggro, but if you get a healer who just constantly is spamming heals then of course they are going to get huge aggro.


    Healing isn't just about pressing heals as much as you can ,it's about managing your aggro, using heals most effectively. If someone is spamming Deliverance then they are not a healer. However, i have seen it seems very easy to get aggro in this game as a healer also.


    Basically, dont't always blame the tank :). DPS should also be using CC.


    While I agree with you there that the healer shouldn't be spamming the heals like a bell-end and know how to play, it's still more heavily dependent on the tank's ability to generate threat and hold it.


    If the healer is being hit on (and funny how the OP's story changed from "healer had mobs on him" to "healer had no chance of dying" to "healer had no mobs on him" throughout the thread) then he is still going to be suffering knockbacks to his heals, and as a result, you're getting nothing.


    Blaming others gets you nowhere, imo, so I just blame myself and try to do better next time.



    CC helps too.

  10. My main is a Guardian, but like some of you, I always fancied seeing what the other side of my base class was like - so I re-rolled a Sentinel as an alt. Tbh though, I did this when my Guardian had just hit 20, and I've been leveling both toons up side by side.


    This would probably be pretty boring if I just played the same dialogue run as the first time, so I've decided to make the Sent a bit of a bad boy.


    The result? Completely different story for a completely different class. Much more fun too. lol.



    Now if I'd just decided to lvl my Guardian to 50 and then respec him to Sent, then I would have a completely different toon to learn with loads of different skills. It would be fair to say that I had a slightly better understanding of my toon than someone who has just ebay'd theirs, but no more than that.


    If they're going to allow AC respecs then there is no reason why they shouldn't allow full class respecs as well. While they're at it, they should just add a /level50 command to the game as well.


    Because come on, guys, restricting a players options is never a good idea!



  11. Using / purchasing drugs is actually not victimless. Just because the immediate repercussions don't effect others doesn't mean there are no long-term effects on society (on any scale).


    I agree, though the same could be said of prohibition in the first place.



    lol, I knew we were going here eventually.


    Yoda wouldn't do anything. Across all 6 movies there's about 30 seconds of him actually doing something himself.



    I wasn't saying it does. I just mean that telling me I don't sound jedi-ish is pointless because I'm not supposed to.


    You're having a hard time grasping this, aren't you?


    I said "what would Yoda do?" as a kind of weak reference to that Christian thing that the God-botherers say. I had no idea you would be so pedantic about it, but here we are.


    Of course you're not a Jedi, but the Jedi are the blokes who are an example of how to reach the Light side of the Force. If one were to wish to reach the Light side, then the Jedi would be a good fellow to follow. No one's forcing you to though, just don't expect to be rewarded with Light points if you don't act like a Jedi.

  13. I'm not a jedi. I'm a trooper. It's literally my job to kill the enemies of the republic.


    Of course it is, but the Jedi are the guys who are quite keen on the Light side, so if you were to think of it as "what would Yoda do?" then you'll probably be heading for the light route more.


    Just because it's your job, it doesn't make it "good."

  14. You do understand the concept of a hypothetical question, right? Look, all I'm saying is that people do what they do. It's completely unreasonable to say that a guy who has killed hundreds of times might not kill again. Of course he will. That's who he is. There's no reason to expect him not to do something that he does constantly.


    So killing him off is the right thing to do?


    Doesn't sound very Jedi-ish.

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