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Posts posted by LeeHarveeOswald

  1. Sooo, we are 3 years further and the problem is still not solved

    Maybe it was meant to be like this?


    A 15 min. shoot fest, you gotta agree, is kinda fun

    Mindlessly shooting away at an easy, but immune, single target in hopes of hitting it at random just in that half second window of opportunity when it needs to reload its shield


    A bit in the spirit of other features, like those vanity items, dye packs, and numerous other fun stuff you can kinda "purchase" (read "win")


    But gambling on whether or not you're gonna hit a boss?

    Come on, that's taking things a bit too far imho


    An official reply to why this senseless "challenge" is still maintained 3+ years later couldn't hurt, unless no one can actually give an explanation for this kind of "game mechanics"

  2. No, I don't think it's a bug, I do think it's kinda lame


    I have a room in both my Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine Strongholds dedicated to negotiations but could only add 1 of each in one room since I don't want to spend a small fortune on Gatekeeper packs to get more imperial Voss embassy sign


    If BW wants people to take decorating their strongholds (at least a little) more seriously, they can't afford to mess up with this kind of discriminatory policy

  3. Go to your inventory's mission items and drag your macrobinoculars to your quickbar



    Yeah, I had the same feeling after literally delving through any post that dealt with the GSI Daily "Above the fray" on Tatooine


    I just didn't see the obvious because I used a hotkey (quickbar) for the Macrobinoculars and it worked fine on the other Scaled-down Moisture vaporators (Why any sane creature would want to vaporate moisture on Tatooine is beyond me but thats another topic entirely)


    For some reason (I guess it has something to do with the daily timer) you must drag (some?) mission items onto your quickbar again and again (even) when you haven't finished the associated daily within 24 hours (or whenever it is that the daily timer is reset)

  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Alphasgimaone

    The whole mouse thing is a fundamental flaw in the game design IMO.


    Instead of maneuvering the craft to align the reticle to the target, you have to align the reticle on target to maneuver the craft. Piloting and targeting should work interdependently. And the more I play it (and presumably get better at it), the more I hate it.




    What they said


    What I hate the most is the sluggish response, just like flying through mud, and then there s the whole mouse navigation

    I even tried a mouse keyboard emulator for joystick/pad and even though that worked in ALL games I tested it on Galactic Starfighter doesn't accept even emulated controls, heck, even Windows desktop, all browsers and a host of applications accepted cursor and emulated keyboard control by joy pad

    I'm really disappointed, it is absolutely beyond me why an old game like Starlancer included multiplayer PvP maps and joystick controls with 1st person - as well as 3rd person perspective while Gal. Starf. offers only crappy mouse keyboard controls

    Bio Devs:

    Ever heard of "counter intuitive"? I bet you don't cuz you gotta be really dumb as a brick if you understand the term and still think a FLIGHT STICK has no place in a FLIGHT based game

  5. Okaayy, just killed him as a lvl 46 Operatiove (non sniper), already complained about this guy on another thread but after a few more tries I finaly saw the light and I thought I'd share it with you guys, and YOU, yes YOU, I suppose you came here seeking a way to kill him so here's how;

    Comp Dr L

    Let doc attack the guy and have him draw agro (he can stand his own pretty well), when doc has agro get closer and stab him a few times, then draw him closer to the crates, (by now you should know which crates) I did it like this; when I started my run to him from cover behind the crates I used "shiv" "laceration" and "distraction" then turn to the right and run behind the computer terminal, try to draw him, you must have his undivided attention by now, whe he starts moving run to the crate/cover nearest to the comp terminal and Big Guy will change direction and come close enough to you to use "distraction" from cover and that was what did it for me (the rest is easy) when you can stay in cover and still interupt it is just a matter of time

    Every second heal you can interupt so that is easy, even no need for flash bang, Dot him and dps him down (don't forget to interupt every 2nd heal) when you run out of energy use "rifle shot" it is free so why not? refil your energy and dont forget to interupt

    Rinse and repeat (Dot, dps, interupt) it will take a while but its not dificult when you get the hang of it, I ended the fight with 100% Hp and so did Doc L, proof enough that you can easily kill him but it takes some time and a few tries


    Well, I hope my lifes' story helps you a bit, if my strategy seems incomprehensible you might have to do the fight a few times more to get to know the "arena" better


  6. Same here, ok I'm a lvl 46 IA but still, I don't even get him below 90%, hell, not even below 95% and then he heals himself

    I tried 2 strategies, the suicide strat, up and close my dps is highest but my healer comp can't keep up long enough for me to kill Xanar, when I use the sniper strat (I'm operative, not sniper) my healer comp can easily keep me alive but this ends in stale mate, replacing my healer with my tank only gets my tank killed cuz I cant keep my tank alive long enough

    Soo, that's the game over as far as my agent is concerned, cool ;(

  7. I came across this post by: jeflopo


    "I can remember an MMO where you was able to import and export your character settings. Making possible to import your main character settings to your alters.


    And alo making possible to create profiles of your equipment. To let you automatically save and load your equipment based on a context, if you gonna do PVP you load your PVP profile and your PVP gear was automatically equipped or if you was tanking, healing or dpsing you loaded your preference. This was implemented by commands /loadequip [id] and /savequip [id]


    User Interface Settings

    Chat Settings

    System Preferences

    Key Bindings


    Gear sets




    I've reported that in-game. But they suggested me to post here to discuss this feature that can improve our game experience.


    Thank you"


    This request/suggestion was posted on Jan 7 2012 when the game was less than 3 weeks officially live


    It's 3 patches and almost 7 months later and we still have to setup our key binds with every alt we roll

    Every player with 3 or more characters must be really, really FED UP with running another complete key bind set up with every alt they roll by now.


    Since I am a real altoholic with 8 chars (4 Rep, 4 Imp) of which the lowest level alt is lvl 11 and the highest alt lvl 36 I simply don't want to have to setup my KBs (Key Binds) with every alt I roll

    I'm planning on roiling ALL possible advanced classes in existence and all yet to come.

    Meaning I'll have to setup these same KBs over and over again

    QB 1 = 1, 2, 3, etc

    QB 2 = CTRL + 1, 2, 3, etc

    QB 3 = Shift+CTRL + 1, 2, 3, etc

    QB 4 = ALT+CTRL + 1, 2, 3 etc

    QB 5 (or my Companion bar) = ALT + 1, 2, 3, etc


    At least 8 more times 12 keys on 5 QBs (Quick Bars) for another 8 alts, that's 480 completely useless KBs, not to mention a bunch of settings that aren't really QB material but a hotkey would be more comfy than opening your abilities summary, for inst. Emergency Fleet Pass and a few others you can only use out of combat (unless you're in such an awful hurry that every 10th of a second counts)

    This goes for all who want to play several classes but haven't created and set 'm up yet

    There just have to be a whole lot of people who, sooner or later, want to play more than just one character all the time

    If we could only choose between a "one size fits all setup" or an individual setup for every character, even though I can't imagine why any one but a professional or competition player would need the second option, and since the second option is the only option we have right now that won't become an issue

    But at least give us a choice!!

    Just a little square we can switch on or off would be great.

    Saving a separate "Char X.cfg" file for every alt is even less efficient than "1 cfg fits all".


    If someone could point out where the file(s) are saved and, if needed, how to copy the preferred setup into all other "Char X keybinds.CFG" files would be great for a lot of people I guess but that should only be considered a workaround and only useful if it takes less time and/or effort than running the whole keybind setup again.

    I'd be ecstatic and you won't hear any word about this subject from me ever again except a final "thank you" note if this easy customization could be implemented in the next patch


    If it's too much work for the (over worked) dev. dep. maybe add ons might be the way to go, I know of only 1 add on for SWTOR

    Just rip off, no, noo, copy, oh no, wrong again, ehr uhm, USE!! yea that's what I meant to say, sorry for this slip of the tongue-finger, so where was I? oh yes, "use" some more good ideas from other MMOs out there.

    It would only serve to enhance your "revenue experience" and as a nice side effect it will also enhance our "gaming experience" (don't u just luv that expression?).


    I would've stopped playing WoW in no time if it wasn't for "Quest helper" but I stuck to the game for 4 years and sometimes I still consider returning to Azeroth and I'm surely not the only one, Curse is almost completely dedicated to WoW add ons.

    EA, Bioware and LA also know this, it's probable the reason for the built in "Quest helper" in SWTOR.

    They knew they would loose subs pretty fast if players were continuously forced to ALT+TAB out of the game to look on Torhead every time they couldn't find something without Quest Helper functionality, most F2P MMOs have a "magic arrow"

    Runes of Magic even has an "auto pilot" for boring A to B trips (I found it a bit too much at first but I do use it now and then.


    Please give us that "key bind profile" option, it's only the right thing to do.


    Now I'll leave never to return again, except to say Thank You For listening to US on your FOR 'M, if or when I notice the change so many of us have been asking for, either on this forum or on other MMO forums, at least since Jan 7 2012 or day 18

  8. maybe this is a pretty stupid question but how can i give my companion his gift after purchasing it (to make it clear that i mean what i must do to actually give the item, cos i just spent 600 creds on a gift that i can only sell for 10% of the purchase price

    I thought just dropping it on my comps' ''picture, ui, or whatever but after searching in his entire ui i could not find any slot for gifts or any thing useful at all

  9. I hope you are familiar with 'lag" because my mouse works just fine in another well known mmo game with the same mechanics for walking


    is the problem mouse only or keyboard also?

    and a last tip, dont use a wireless mouse for any game where you need to hold the mouse buttons down for long periods e.g. for walking


    imagine this: you are in a very intense boss fight with a few other players and things aren't looking very good for your group and suddenly your battery runs dry, it's why i quit using a wireless mouse for gaming 'cos very often pressing 1 or more mouse buttons for long periods on end drains your mouse and then suddenly there's just not enough power to generate a stable signal


    you can simply find out if that's the case by moving the receiver very close to your mouse and see if it improves

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