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Posts posted by RodCS

  1. Yeah man, I had to customize all of my BM set, just because it has a damn accuracy on every last frikkin piece... Seriously, if I would wear unmodified BM set, I'm sure I would be able to not only hit an apple on someone's head, but to frikkin peel it and make a pie out of it.


    you are using rakata too? or just BM gear with crit/surge enhancements?


    i can't get 501 power rating with my BM gear, i think... and i have about 94% accuracy.

  2. Sorry but you don't bait the troll if you're trolling. So i'll try to take you seriously and act like you were serious. And the result will be the same.


    1 Reading comprehension much ? You talked about wasting a trinket a root, meaning it crossed your mind somehow.


    2 I switch specs a lot. 70% of the time i spec leth. i'm not even mm speced right now. And mm spec can still shine.


    3 to get those ambush cast times you need reactive shot for ambush (and it's less than 1.6) or insane amounts of alacrity, and 2s for sos really ? If you have reactive shot you have diversion and yes you hardcounter the mm sniper. And you won't be able to cover to put pressure remember ? So no explo probe, no ambush. You said you were leth, not hybrid, pointless to laze loL. Fact is, even with the 2mn alacrity cd & alacrity talent you don't get those cast times.


    4 But dude, snipe sucks, you only use it to proc FT. And keep dreaming you won't get 800 dot crits.


    Yep, totally serious... Never did i try to troll once, but you think you're better playing the joking/troll guy when you're toasted and lack arguments. :rolleyes:


    @mjAstro : Nonsense much ? We're talking about a duel scenario. Facts : you will never have full cds vs a full cd for duels in warzones. NEVER. True 1v1s are rare. You will get them if you are doing your dailies in ilum, be it in the pvp subzone or not. It's the best freaking example i could use. And btw i'm queen elizabeth and got 2950 rating in wow for 7 years straight., so it means i must be right, right ? And i never lost to any sniper, being either MM, leth, or leth/eng. Doesn't mean i'll try to fight a MM sniper in an open area and expect to win.


    edit : I think people reading this thread will have a good laugh, but not the reasons you think.


    okay dude, im sorry then.


    btw you can get those cast times if you pop Alacrity relic + Target acquired + the alacrity talent from leth tree

  3. i will bait the troll


    you play as MM (which is a horrible spec for pvp), and im the bad player?


    im not talking about wasting a CC breaker on a root, im talking about using your Countermeasure to break a root (http://www.torhead.com/ability/7XHhsLY/counterstrike), something a MM can't do, so they will ALWAYS eat a full root. While you won't.


    and why should i not cast an ambush when my Cull is on CD, if i can make it a 1.6seg cast ambush+explosive probe followed by a 2seg cast series of shot?

    just for the sake of ****** the MM sniper.



    diversion? big deal, my dots are still ticking (for about 700-800 crit), and its not even a -100% accuracy debuff.

    keep doing your 2.5k snipes... its really good dude.

  4. its not like you can't use Target acquired + ambush + explosive probe as lethality too, or use Countermeasure to break snare/root (you don't need to waste a trinket on root, if you can use a 45 seg CD to break it)


    there are lots of things you can do without Cull, diversion ins't a game winner here, and MM suffers more from roots than lethality. So yea, the fight is in Lethality is favor, even on Ilum.


    Dots do alot more than 5k, btw.

  5. Not fear but i just can't finished a Commando one-on-one. they end up stunning me for A VERY LONG TIME while they're running away and healing themselves....


    what spec? its so easy to know when the commando is going to waste his stun, you can trinket immediately or use entrench preemptively.

    its hard to dps them down if they have their dmg reduction CD up, and your adrenals/relics are already on CD


    usually i use cover pulse just to interrupt their healing cast, since i can't use distraction when they have their buff up...

  6. As a rank 63 Lethality sniper (and the only BM sniper on my server, there are lots of BM and War hero Gunsligers, tho):


    1. Operatives/Scoundrel (I just can't 1v1 then, unless i manage to shield probe before they open on me, and they have "vanish" or evasion on cooldown)

    2. Marauders/sentinels (they have sooo many cooldowns, its really tough to DPS them down before they kill you, assuming they use their Vanish and damage immunity CDs)

    3. Assassins/shadow (most of the good ones are Tank specced, and its really hard to kill them, against normal DPS spec its easy though.)

    4. Sorceror/Sage (there is a single sage that gives me trouble on my server, i can kill any sage/sorc, but him... that dude is usually with 400-500k damage each warzone, i can beat him on damage done, but not in 1v1 =p)

    5. Powertech/vanguard (they are quite tough if DPS specced, but you can outdps them if you pop your CDs... if you can't use entrech, then its alot harder.)

    6. Jugg/Guardian. (their damage sucks, Smash is easily avoidable... if they charge you, just use your countermeasure to cleanse the root and proceed to kite him or just take cover and entrech so he can't force choke or force push you)

    7. Snipers/Gunslinger (this match up is easier if they are MM/SS specced, you just have to save your evasion to their ambush, and root/knockback them when you can. If both of you are using entrech, you can just outdps using dots + Cull and popping evasion at the right time to break their combo... engineer is a lot harder to fight in a 1v1, since they don't care if you evasion or not)

    8. Mercenary/Commando (By far the easiest class to kill as lethality, they can't even dream to outdps you, unless you aren't focusing them. Dot them as you run to melee range so you can stun + Cull, then pop entrech so he can't stun/knockback you, if anything goes wrong, just interrupt the tracer spam, and don't let them LoS you to cleanse and heal, that is why you NEED to get into melee range.)

  7. Battlemaster sniper here, and i play mostly as full Lethality/dirty fighting (2/5/34).


    I think we are doing fine, if you use the right spec in pvp, i can easily do 9k damage Culls, and my dots ticks for 500-700, they all bypass armor reduction. (Culls can still be dodged if you have Evasion up, tho)

    so i don't see any problem in our damage, BUT if you take a look at how our energy works, you will feel bad for us =/

    and we can't regen our energy as easily as Operatives can, also, i have to waste like 50 energy to full dot someone + use weaking blast, that alone is enough to mess up our energy gain for a little while.



    If we are to receive a buff, it should be energy related, because our damage is fine, imo.

  8. I said this before.


    At lvl 50 only bracket, Snipers, even in full Champion gear, are too squishy and do too little damage.


    Against other geared Champion players, damage is way too low especially for long cast time abilities.

    It's also impossible to survive an attack by a decent Operative or BH.


    Getting 300-400k damage in a Warzone is nothing if you cannot help your team.

    It's also a lot harder now to even hit 300k in lvl 50 bracket.

    It was really easy before as u can basically 2-3 shot a low level.


    if you go lethality, you can just outdps BH/troopers with Cull + DoTs, but operatives can still kill you in 1 knockdown, even if they are wearing lvl 40 gear.

    so yea, at least the BH problem is solved if you respec.


    our damage is fine, we are just tooo squishy.

  9. im a lethality sniper (used to play as a hybrid with I.Probe + Cull), now im 2/5/31 (valor rank 44, 11% expertise).

    I can 1v1 almost anyone (if i abuse LoS and stuff) BUT, if they have 1 operative/scoundrel in their team im just countered, since they can cleanse every poison before my Cull goes off.


    Also, i have NO idea what to do versus an Operative/scoundrel or a good sorc/sage (in a 1v1 scenario). I mean, no matter how good i play, they can always finish me off first =p.

    Should i respec to have a better chance against them? if so, what spec? does anyone have any tips?

  10. i don't mind the slightly longer queues (from 1min to 3 mins) in my server, since the games are much more balanced now. (lots of huttball, tho)

    It was a great change, imo.


    PS: im from Hyperspace Cannon.

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