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Posts posted by RakeHoxven

  1. Dear Diary,



    Today is December 24th and I received SWTOR as a gift I won't be playing it until I finish playing Skyrim because I already started Skyrim but some day I'll get around to spending more time learning it.



    January 23rd



    Dear Diary I have finished Skyrim and I just realized Bioware was the company that made Baldurs Gate, i'm looking forward to seeing if this game is good.




    Feburary 12th



    Dear Diary I reached level 50 on the server I started with but I have learned recently that most of my server is from Australia. I don't know if I like that because there's a culture difference that effects communication although i do like that the server is populated late at night.




    Sometime in March



    Dear Diary, the Australians got their own server and now my server turned into people afking and the main hub of my force side halfed population. I guess I will look on the forums for a transfer.



    Sometime soon afterwards...



    My Gosh I'm surprised there aren't any transfers possible and I have noticed others asking for server merges, maybe I will ask as well.


    Sometime soon after that...



    That's big companies how thhey are I guess.... so I'll just find a server and restart a toon, it won't take that long to level.





    Yes, Now I have leveled the same character type and spec. Time to enjoy myself.


    Um... this server has too much lag to pvp correctly on it! argh, but I just leveled here to level 50


    I guess I will have to reroll (posts mre requests on the forums for server merges and transfers)



    I will reroll....



    (1 and a half weeks later)



    Yes, now I have level 50 on a server with people not afk because they got their own server.


    (4 days later)


    Dear Diary I am pretty satisfied with my character and even came up with a hybrid build that I like to play.


    (1 day later)


    what's this... 1.2? um... all the interesting skills in my build are removed and replaced...




    well i guess I can still make another class...



    (starts another toon)


    rakghoul ghoul plague, was pretty fun... but 1.2 shouldn't have changed all those skills because I level 3 50's for the purpose of the skills for that toon, now after 1.2 I totally hate that class and my 3 level 50's are useless...





    without meaningful pvp dailies and weeklies pvp is losing tons of regular players.



    Sometime after that...



    I give up for now, maybe if Bioware does server merges and has a cross server looking for pvp i'll start up but I stopped playing for now.



    The End.

  2. I made a thread asking in speculation how many swtor subs will be lost on d3 release. the reaction was I got laughed at and told swtor is not even the same genre, d3 is a bad game based on the beta and won't have a good launch.



    so now that the noobs are probably gone salivating on the d3 forums. I just came back to mention this little I told you so and you should always listen to gamers with 20 years gaming experience.



    in fact my services are for sale to the top bidder :)

  3. So I was thinking that Artists and gamedesigners should let their imaginations go wild and put that all jam packed into a single game so that people go, "wow, you know that's some really amazing stuff I would have never come up with that by myself."
  4. Angry Applaud Applause Attacktarget Bashful Beg Blow Blush Boggle

    Bow Bravo Bye Cackle Charge Cheer Chew Chicken Chuckle Clap

    Commend Confused Congrats Congratulate Cry Curios Curtsey Dance

    Drink Eat Farewell Feast Flap Flee Flex Flirt Followme Gasp Giggle

    Gloat Golfclap Goodbye Greet Greetings Grovel Guffaw Hail Healme

    Hello Helpme Hi Incoming Insult Kiss Kneel Lay Laydown Lie Liedown

    Lol Lost Mad Mourn OOM Openfire Party Peon Plead Point Ponder Pray

    Puzzled Question Rasp Roar Rofl Rude Salute Shindig Shrug Shy Sit

    Sleep Sob Strong Strut Surrender Talk Talkex Talkq Taunt Train Victory

    Violin Wave Weep Welcome Yes


    Agree Amaze Apologize Bark Beckon Belch Bite Bleed Blink Blood Bonk

    Bored Bounce BRB Burp Calm Cat Catty Cold Comfort Cough Cower Crack

    Cringe Cuddle Disappointed Doh Doom Drool Duck Eye Fart Fear Fidget Flop

    Food Frown Gaze Glad Glare Grin Groan Happy Hug Hungry Impatient Introduce

    JK Knuckles Lavish Lick Listen Massage Moan Mock Moon No Nod Nosepick Panic

    Pat Peer Pest Pick Pity Pizza Poke Pounce Praise Purr Raise Rdy Ready Rear Scratch

    Sexy Shake Shimmy Shiver Shoo Sigh Slap Smell Smirk Snarl Snicker Sniff Snub Soothe

    Sorry Spit Spoon Stare Stink Surprised Tap Tease Thank Thanks Thirsty Threat Tickle

    Threaten Tired TY Veto olunteer Whine Whistle Wicked Wickedly Work Wrath Yawn

  5. But the lack of transfers or server merges has after 4 months made me lose interest.


    I have rerolled 3 times and have 4 level 50's only to have the servers I rerolled on lose their pezazz from 1.2 messing with pvp while not providing server transfers or merges.




    I am not quitting SWTOR per say... but my motivation to play it has diminished severely.



    You can't make a purse with Bansazere and you can't make an MMO without free license to be creative.

  6. Rerolling isnt' that bad. I have 3 50's each on different servers.




    So since there has been QQ over this thing or that thing that doesn't work (besically because of being on an unpopulated server) Let's list our suggestions of what servers to be on.



    Mine are:



    Us West: Ajunta Pall - nice population, people enjoy doing things together. Nice number of guilds.


    US West: The Swiftsure - I really cannot suggest this server as many of the players were playing from Australia and they got their own server + recently character transfers.


    US East - The Fatman. Too much lag for me to play on but seems like a fun server for east coast type of things.

  7. Birthdays come once a year. This event will not be repeated.


    "It’s important to BioWare that the Rakghoul plague is a one-off. “Events are, by their very nature, transient things that build a sense of history within the game” Erickson explains. “Later you’ll pull out your red rakling pet and say, ‘remember when the rakghoul plague hit.’”"




    Events might come once a year or much sooner.

  8. I find it funny that everyone is saying sentinel is overpowered now when before the patch my build did a lot more damage then the new combat build.





    People will be idiots i guess.




    and I am not coming back to Sentinel since they oversimplified and nerfed all the advanced class skills and what increased their value in exchange for slightly increasing general skills.



    p.s. the dispatch change is aweful. Dispatch is supposed to kill or come close to killing something, now it's just an extra bladestorm.

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