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Posts posted by Cheyko

  1. I rarely see people threatening to go back to WoW, however I do see a lot of people telling those who are critical of the game to go back to WoW, even if the criticizer never mentioned WoW even once. THAT is more frequent. It just makes me go "LOLWUT???"


    ^^^ This. I've come to the forums while bored and skim to read the decent looking threads. Most of the complaint threads I've seen are logical and thought provoking and intelligent... most of the responses are not. I just don't understand it... do people want the game to succeed in the long run, or are the fanbois really just completely satisfied with a very niche game that only provides entertainment for a very select group of people?


    I do like the game, I like it a lot. A whole lot. I think it has the potential to be a great MMO, but it's just a great game right now. A wonderful amazing single player game.


    My idea: Respond logically and intelligently to those with logical and intelligent posts, and don't respond AT ALL to those that don't; not even with a 'Go back to WoW' or anything... just ignore them. Just like that. It's really easy.

  2. Hello all, I have a question for you. I'm loving the game so far, and have rolled a small handful of alts on a few different servers and now I'm looking for a server to stick with and officially call my home. I've done lots of google searches, and can't find any solid data so I finally broke down and decided to ask here.


    1. I'm looking for a good server with a solid player base, decent community, solid pvp, and end game raiding/ good progression.


    2. I'm looking for a server with a thriving economy (as much as it can be this early in game)


    and finally, 3. I'm not biased against either Empire or Republic so just include which one is the 'better' (more populated, better community, more progression/better guilds) and I'm fine with ANY type of server, but don't actually plan on role playing any.


    So, just reply with your opinions (in a detailed and explained manner, no '--- server kicks ***!!', I wanna know why.).


    I'm really enjoying the game so far and just really want to get situated somewhere good. I'm also looking for a US server, please and thank you <3

  3. I don't think Naus is at all wrong for wanting something in a game he's paying to play, just like no one else is wrong for wanting what they want in a game. My entire point though is that we (people who want dual spec) can have dual spec without it hurting or getting in the way of anyone who doesn't want dual spec. Don't want to dual spec? Don't use it, but the people who want it will outweigh the people who claim their games would be ruined by allowing it.


    If you're really just against it because it gives too many options and really believe adding it would prevent anyone from truly optimizing their class then I think this is just a wrong view I don't agree with. Allowing someone to dual spec would give them the opportunity to learn their class that much better by allowing them to easily experiment on what works best for them in what position; whether it be tanking vs dps, healing vs dps, or pvp vs pve it doesn't matter. It's their money and their game time to do with as they want.


    Also, again, what does anyone else care if it makes the game 'easier' for them and they are just being lazy? It's their right to do that with the game if they so want, and honestly I'm praying for a dual spec myself. If you don't want to make the game 'easier' for yourself then DON'T use the feature. The game would NOT force you to have a dual spec, that's just ridiculous.

  4. Edit to last post I made: My husband pointed out my addons point was too broad; I don't mean game changing addons like DBM or anything like that, I mean things like damage/healing meters and RP addons (like My Role Play and other profile editors.) and little things like that. Also, UI mods. I don't think there is anything game changing about being able to change where my bars are D=
  5. I agree completely that they should put Dual spec into the game, and I honestly don't know why it isn't yet... people were bringing up the topic months ago while the game was in beta testing, with most of the hardcore gamers voting for dual spec. I also think re-specing should be cheaper and more cost efficient, optimizing a class for any role will be a pain in the *** with extremely expensive re-specs especially with no damage/healing meters out yet.


    Now I know the game is literally brand spanking new, so I don't have any complaints. I'm not sure if bioware will green light addons, but I can't see why they wouldn't, especially after how much money they poured into the game. I'm just of the opinion that fans alone cannot keep the game afloat against the competition if hardcore gamers and more casual players aren't tended to, and addons appeal to both groups.


    I also don't see why any of these issues have such a huge following of people who absolutely loath the ideas. Don't want addons? Don't install them. Don't want to deal with damage/healing meters? Don't get into harder end game content where things like that help immensely in the competitive world. Stick to your RP servers and be happy that you have a game so wonderful to RP and be immersed in. Just don't despise the fact that this is a game, and there are gamers out there who want to play the game for the game and not for Star Wars; sorry. <3 (And responding with anything about how the non-star wars fans/purely gamers can go jump off a bridge and play a different game is insanely childish. That would destroy this game's player base and bioware would lose more money than they put into the game.)


    If you don't agree with re-spec/dual spec/whatever spec then don't do it. Pretend it doesn't exist, they don't even have to change dialog for it to be included in the game. Just give the option to people who want it, and those of you who loath it can live on pretending it doesn't exist or simply choosing not to use it. Just because you hate Chinese food doesn't mean you have to forbid the Chinese from living in the states, it just means you don't eat Chinese food. Same thing with every other addon out there.


    Same thing goes for every other addon/addition to the game out there you don't like. As well as LFG/LFR (which I would like in the game, by the way). I don't think LFG/LFR destroyed that game that shall not be named, I just think the community got larger and thus... according to logic/mathematics... the ratio of asses to decent people simply got bigger. There were more asses because there were literally more jerks that joined the game because a ton more people joined the game, including a LARGE handful of idiots that would turn even the nicest person sour. (After explaining the same thing to a few tens of people who all can't STAY OUT OF THE FIRE you eventually just get sick of explaining it.)


    In short, I am a huge believer in playing any game the way you want to play it; especially if you're paying $15 a month for it. I am also an even larger supporter of letting everyone else play the game they want to. If you don't want addons, don't use them. If you don't want dual spec, don't use it. If you don't want to respec, don't do it.


    The only ones being forced to do anything here are the people who want to respec for a reasonable fee and can't (I've been told that it stacks infinitely to re-spec, which is ludicrous, but I haven't confirmed it in-game myself), people who want to dual spec and can't (people who want to be the most efficient tank, dps, healer, pvp-er, pve-er whatever), and people who want addons like meters and can't. Giving those people those things doesn't force anyone who doesn't want them to use them. Thus, it's a win win.


    Note: I'm not entirely sure if we don't have addons yet because the game is just new (understandable and a huge duh) or if bioware simply hasn't allowed them yet. I don't know, so I'm just throwing it in there.

  6. I like damage/healing meters simply to help improve myself. If someone else can't stand the fact that I'm using it so I can see where I stand then it's their problem that they need to get over. If someone doesn't want to use damage/healing meters then they don't have to, but I think in endgame content they are truly important in order to know where you stand. If you aren't pulling enough damage or doing enough healing it's something you need to know about in order to improve, if you don't care to improve then get out so someone else who does care to improve can step in. Don't take it personally, it's not a personal attack against you, it's just how I want to play the game I'm paying 15$ a month for and if you don't want to play the game that way it's perfectly fine because it's also your 15$ a month.


    It's all about having fun and enjoying yourself however you want, without hurting anyone to do it and damage/healing meters don't hurt anyone. Just idiots who like to rage, but I've been yelled at far more by people pulling bad dps than by decent players letting me know my dps was off. It's all about mutual respect in the end. :p

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