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Posts posted by Populism

  1. Hi. Watched it, inc. feedback.


    I think that due to the overall level of skill most players have, it will help them a great deal. However:


    Your "tactics" are bare bones, not refined... and on occasion just plain the wrong thing to do.


    But it is not your fault ! Since those ppl in the video are hands down the worst pvpers in swtor (and probably the internet), in both gear, and pvp ability. Do you play on a PvE server? RP?


    I do believe, that meeting that kind of opponents day in, day out, is depriving you of the opportunity to grow and improve your game play.


    Best of wishes, and gl hf in the future.


    I agree 100%, these are some of the worst players I've ever played with. I absolutely hate being forced to show footage fighting someone with 13k hp or whatever, it absolutely detracts from anything else in the video because that's all people are focused on.


    However, even with the recent server merges the pool of actual skilled players is pretty bare bones. I tried to offset the lack of good players by making more of this video text than actual footage.


    As far as it being barebones tactics, that's sort of what I was going for in that the only way to provide useful specialized strategy is to have 1v1 fights with WH geared players of every class which is pretty much what my third tutorial will consist of in it's entirety.

  2. MiaRB, I've only read a handful of your posts but your information is laughably inaccurate and it seems like you're a diehard Infil fanboy. I guess having a favourite spec is cool or whatever, but completely disregarding the merits of other specs seems close minded and stupid.


    Anyway, you seem like you're pretty bad at this game from what I have read and would greatly appreciate it if you stopped posting because you suck.



  3. After deciding that my first tutorial is a little out of date, I whipped up a second one. I ended up with a 15 minute video which I felt was a little too much of an information overload, so I've decided to split them up!


    This is more of a focused tutorial on specific gameplay tips rather than a broad how to play tutorial like my last one.


    Tutorial #3 should be coming out in the near future.


    Link is below:

  4. After deciding that my first tutorial is a little out of date, I whipped up a second one. I ended up with a 15 minute video which I felt was a little too much of an information overload, so I've decided to split them up!


    This is more of a focused tutorial on specific gameplay tips rather than a broad how to play tutorial like my last one.


    Tutorial #3 should be coming out in the near future.


    Link is below:

  5. Agreed.


    There are a lot of Operative/Smuggler vids on the forums showing off their insta-pwn skills. The reality is, most of it reflects a vulture play style, finishing off opponents who are already engaged in a fight. But again, that's kind of what the class was designed for. Personally, I find it boring, especially against PUGs and undergeared players.


    Honestly the best posts in the whole thread. (his and the one he quoted) It's a very boring class to watch unless you play it yourself, it's grown increasingly difficult since launch to pull off record (1v3+) or tactical (use of terrain, kitting or w/e) gameplay due to changes in the class. I envy pretty much every class because they have more than one viable spec (SHADOW/ASSASSIN ahem) to show a different style of play while still remaining DPS or tank or what have you.


    inb4 "but what about dirty fighting?"

    (it's a badly designed tree.)

  6. I don't get this. As a warlock or a mage were u running a flag in wsg? No the druid was. To add to that if you wanted to grab it and give it to the carrier, you had to drop it. Every class can PASS the ball. If you want to be a "running back" of a huttball team, roll a class fit for it.


    If you feel completely useless in huttball, you're doing it wrong.


    Mercs - can spec for 2 knockbacks.. Amazing for defense, not to mention the ability to burst a ball handler. Or if you're a healer, hold mid down.


    Op - Concealment blow up those sorcs trying to run ahead of the ball handler. Protect your catwalks! Trust me good ones can do this very effectively. Heal spec is the most mobile healer so I don't think people complain about them in huttball..


    Sniper - Roots. Not affected by resolve. Need I say more? I will. A sniper is probably the best defender in the game. If you have good positioning you can rain down damage while those pesky warriors cant charge you.. Back to roots. Roots will be one of the most abused abilities in ranked mark my words. Chain roots can lock someone down that already has full resolve and essentially force them to pass or die. Most good huttball teams will have a sniper.


    LEAP, PULL, SCORE then it's back to whoever spams Mouse1 the fastest to get the ball back to mid is the cold, harsh reality.

  7. You mad that you can't be the all star hero running the ball from endzone to endzone or something? Leaps and pulls are something both sides have to contend with, and if you're the kind of player who just wants to run in and pewpewpew while bragging about crits and damage totals in chat, huttball isn't the game for you.


    u mad brah

  8. ^ edit: lolol yes. the skills are called force leap and force pull or whatever



    Huttball is a ridiculous idea for a balanced and fun warzone.

  9. Lion V will be the last in the Lion series for a little while, as I'm trying to work on the tutorials I've been promising some people for quite some time!


    This is my only not hastily made video into which I've put effort as far as editing is concerned. I changed the track list to instrumental stuff because it's license free and people can watch it on their mobile devices and stuff, which is apparently a big deal.


    If you're unfamiliar with the series, I've suggest starting here. It's probably the most polished video to date, though I am partial to #3.


    Hope you guys enjoy.


  10. Lion V will be the last in the Lion series for a little while, as I'm trying to work on the tutorials I've been promising some people for quite some time!


    This is my only not hastily made video into which I've put effort as far as editing is concerned. I changed the track list to instrumental stuff because it's license free and people can watch it on their mobile devices and stuff, which is apparently a big deal.


    If you're unfamiliar with the series, I'd recommend starting here, it's probably the most polished or fun to watch to date... though I am partial to III.


    Hope you guys enjoy.



    edit: forgot the link lol

  11. This video was thrown together pretty quickly as I was limited on personal time last month due work. I started making this video with the intention of having as many long fights as possible or at least uninterrupted clips. I feel that while it makes for a less entertaining video than 100-0 burst clips or 5k hit montages, it lets me showcase the technical side of the Scoundrel class and show off what little utility it has.


    Lion III is still my favourite as far as entertainment factor goes, but I really do like the minimalist style of this one.


    Spec was 7/31/3, all footage is pre-1.2.


    Lion V coming out in the next two weeks with fresh 1.2 footage. I'm pretty excited for it, it was hard to spend time to edit this properly, sort through clips or any kind of cool production value because no matter how cool it looks, it still doesn't really compare to what we can do post patch.



  12. I hope you will use more than one PoV in your upcoming movies, and by that i mean that you mix between the different footages, now that (as you say) the rest of the watchmen has their own fraps. I assume you play together, so get for instance one premade with 3-4 different povs : )


    But really though, your movies get boring, i never feel like it's a close call with you - you just win (except the first match, kudos!) : /


    We're working on that, some of us (me) as indisposed and the rest are lazy!

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