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Posts posted by kaimonster

  1. Okay so I've been leveling up a vanguard lately and got an idea for a new advanced class. The name would have to be either Shock Trooper or Spec Ops. I like the first name personally. Anyway, the idea is the Shock Trooper could utilize two weapons. Similar to some of the mobs you encounter early in the game. The Shock Trooper, will call it that for now, could switch between two weapons with varying abilities. Similar to who the cover bar works with smugglers and agents. In addition, this ability would be only available in one of the trees. As for the other two trees, the assault specialist would obviously be there. The middle tree would have to be based on the cover mechanic, now before we all start off on, "why the heck would a heavy armor trooper need cover?" Here me out. Troopers have always been viewed, in my opinion, as spray and pray. The issue is that the trooper doesn't have a way to dive into cover to help hold a position (like the clones did in star wars *cough cough*). This ability however, like the two weapon usage, would only be available as a final ability in the tree. Further more the Shock Trooper would not get a special abilities tab when in cover but just the cover buff. Lastly the Shock Trooper would be able to use blaster rifles and pistols across the board. The idea is to get the whole, "One man army feel":cool:. Because even rex used more then three weapons per battle.


    Now as far as the other classes I don't have any other good ideas but I would be open to suggestions. :D

  2. See, and here I would make the argument that we need LESS adaptive gear, not more. That's not to say I have a problem with adaptive gear, I just miss the days when each class had a distinctive look. Nowadays, even the top tier gear sets (Oriconian, Dreadforged, Dread Master, Obroan, Brutalizer) all look the same across every class.


    Bioware, not every piece of armor you release HAS to be adaptive, and it's perfectly okay for top tier gear sets to have a distinctive look based on the classes.


    I'm not saying we need every single set of gear to be adaptive. But if I want to look like a trooper in end game gear, like the sets I mentioned, then why can't we? I think it should be a options to modify a gear piece from heavy to adaptive. Like reversing engineering, but for armor types alone.

  3. Okay. So I don't know about you guys but I feel like Bioware is either:


    A) Holding out on us when it comes to modifiable gear shells.:(




    B) They keep shafting us of what we really want. :confused:


    Now I've yet to see a blog post about this but I think it really needs to be said. :mad: . My favorite example of this is the "mandalorian hunter" gear that they released in a CM pack (see first link). I see three problems with this armor.

    One: belt is wrong.

    Two: Chest armor is wrong.

    Three: Helmet is wrong.

    If you look up the armor I'm taking about it has the jet pack, the detailed helm, and the belt with all the gadgets on it.


    So what I would like to see is the right armor set for that, but more importantly adaptive gear based on the trooper armor. I have decided to take a break and wait for Bioware to get the clue on making most, or all, gear adaptive. The one I want the most for an Imperial agent would be the [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker/ TH-31A Elite War Medic/ TT-31A Elite Vanguard (see second link) and the Underworld Combat Medic/Eliminator/Combat Tech/ Supercommando (see third link). Both being the Republic versions of course!:cool:


    To me this gear screams agent.:D . Yet we are denied of all this gear but not that ugly looking stringy stuff from the pvp venders?! :confused::mad: . Seriously what do we have to do to get good looking gear? :(









  4. So I don't know if it's just the agent, but my companion gear is glitching. Mainly in story phases and on my ship. Things like no unified armor colors and helmets always on. I noticed similar glitches in forms but that was a year ago. Is anyone else having this problem?
  5. I decided to let him out for one reason. He said that by the time he's out my bones would be dust. Further more if that was the case, and according to some rough (very rough) calculations and theory crafting. He would get out around the construction and oporation of the death star. Giant monster meet gaint super laser, we're done here! (I'M FIREN MY LASOR!!!)
  6. Okay. My biggest question for this is can my trooper use pistols like my Bounty Hunter if there related. This would seem logical because neither character is a force user. I'm hopping this is the case because a mercenary and a commando should be able to share weapon professions. Since both advance classes have Heal/DPS trees with them.:confused:
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