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Posts posted by Phorxx

  1. Personally I bet it was done as a concern on the end of BW that player in PVP GEar might look a bit TOO much like the new "big bads" that they have decided to run with. So as to prevent the "I couldn't tell me from the baddie" whining that would certainly be incoming at that point someone in art direction said "Hey you know what would be super cool?" The result was this... now I personally think this is a bad choice in design myself with the new helms looking like Mayan Teletubby Cenobites but I see why they did it. Of course like any change that is designed to prevent QQ it just promotes a new and different kind of QQ.


    Such is the life of a game company these days... every change is bad *** to half the players and a world of painful suck to the other half.


    It basically comes down to you can't please everyone, and so they please themselves as long as subscribers don't suddenly start disappearing... :wea_03:

  2. Wait... you mean sometimes people make choices they like and think are nifty rather than spending seventeen hours making a backstory and character for a game they will never actually do any RPing in? Gosh... that seems almost insane.


    Wait... no it doesn't.


    If this game were on say... paper and using dice of multiple sides and shapes then maybe it would warrant the effort. However it isn't.


    I have no issue with people that WANT to spend that much investiture in their characters but trying to act as though those of us who just wanna pew pew are somehow bad is just the usual elitist QQ and it is a little too early in the game's lifespan for that kind of drama.

  3. Are the descendants more powerful or "Gifted" by the Force? I don't think they are.


    I would contend that the major difference is in the training they recieved from those "ancestors" who had immense Force potential and experience. Granted Luke had the pain of being mostly self-taught but his descendants didn't they had his knowledge and the knowledge of the various Force users and Force Ghosts and holocrons etc. that Luke had access to over his years.


    So yeah they are all gifted by being from an amazingly Force powerful bloodline, but they had the schooling to back it up. Thus making them much more than they would have been without that same experience to guide them.


    Image what Luke would have become with that sort of knoweldge at his disposal, or evn Anakin if he hadn't been so cocky during his training and then turning to the Dark Side and having to learn a whole new way of using the Force.

  4. But it's cool to mind trick the guy who actually HAS what you want to take the money he thinks is worthless? That's okay as a Jedi?


    Well yeah, as long as the guy HAS what you want then it's cool. Greater good of the galaxy and all that, but if it's just some poor schmuck next door then well... not cool dude... not cool. I think that's the official Jedi code version actually.


    If they have what you need use Mind Trick, if they don't have it don't be a *****. -Master Windu

  5. He simply was saved by his desire to recapture his Precious that the filthy Obi-Wanses had stolen from him...


    Or am I the only one that thought Maul on Clown Wars was a total Gollum rip off?


    All that aside it is pretty simple like most things in Star Wars these days... there is money to be made on new action figures and books and Lucas wants that money, so any half-sentient moron with an idea no matter how poor or far fetched can get it put into the Official Star Wars Bankrolls as long as the poor saps out there keep paying for it.

  6. Then i dont know what your problem is :p I did it with my lvl 28-29 marauder i think i used a health pack because i was slacking because i thought my healing companion was with me :p When i noticed i was alone i turned on my pro mode and survived ^^


    aka. I am godmode l2p noob. Very helpful lol.


    The easiest tactic is the one being promoted the most here, focus on the apprentice use no AOE spells at all (aka Hulk no Smash!) and use interrupts to stop the big damage hits from the apprentice when the cast bar comes up. Stim up and use med pack if needed. Finish off the prenti then duck the heck outta that mess reset your cooldowns if needed hatred up your health then go and perforate some Jedi Master spleen with your shiny stick.


    Small things to consider that may help would be using soresu form to up your defense and retaliation to do the same saber ward will help with the incoming sticks of painful light. Force choke if and when available as a form of interrupt as well channel it all the way if fighting only one of the two.


    Should get you through it. Good luck. :cool:

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