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Posts posted by URLOL

  1. You can do it! We all know it's not your guys's faults. Any measures you must take to smack them do it! Huggles :3 Probably best to those reading this to just log off for the night and let them work it out. Less work on them to sort out things and figure out what to do about those Derpy-whatever people.
  2. So I am not the only one having this problem even though when you check the server status it still shows that it is up but I can't log into it. Does anyone know when this will be fixed:mad:


    Soon I hope. :(

  3. I am an experienced player in progression raids. I am currently 4/5 DF HM and 5/5 DP HM. I usually tank in my progression runs on my shadow but I have other characters I can raid with. Such as my scoundrel healer, sorc healer, and gunslinger dps which are my best geared. I also have my commando heals/dps, sent dps, vanguard tank, and my operative healer which are moderately geared. I will be honest that I am not very experienced with my dps. I usually heal or tank so those would be your best bets. I am not really picky on whether it is Pub side or Imp side. All I really want is to have a good, joking atmosphere to the raid team. I actually left my previous guild because the atmosphere wasn't very appealing to me so it's very important to me that it is. The times that work best for me are on the weekends so Friday and Saturday. Something that starts at 7pm pst or later. I don't mind when the raids end. Please message me in-game to Kaught for Pub side raids and Fierre for Imp side raids.
  4. I am looking for a new Republic guild to do progression raids with. My old guild fell apart just before 2.4 released. My main is a shadow tank with 72s fully augmented. I have experience with pre 2.4 content and SM 2.4 content, but have yet to try out HM. I am willing to learn the HM fights, I pick them up very easily, and I can adapt to a situation. I would prefer the Ops to be on the weekends due to other previous arrangements in real life, I can't really raid on the weeknights. So, Friday and Saturday nights would be best for my schedule. Please, send in-game mail to Kaught.
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