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Posts posted by jackrunip

  1. I'm guessing you're normally running it in Fullscreen. You could try forcing it into Fullscreen (Windowed) and see what happens.


    Open My Computer > find the appdata SWTOR folder in your primary drive (default location is C:\Users\"account name"\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings). If AppData isn't showing up you'll need to enable hidden folders in view. Hopefully easy to follow guide on how to do so.


    Once there you should see a file called client_settings. Open this file, if it asks what program you want to use select Notepad. Inside you should see a whole list of text, this is mine:


    AntiAliasingLevel = 4

    AtlasQuality = 0

    Buckets = 4

    D3DFullScreen = false

    GraphicsDeviceId = 5058

    GraphicsQuality = 6

    Height = 1080

    MeshLODQuality = 1

    NativeHeight = 1080

    NativeWidth = 1920

    PerfTestFlags = 38784512

    RefreshRate = 60

    SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.25

    TextureAnisotropy = 16

    Width = 1920

    WindowX = 0

    WindowY = 0

    CodeVersionChanged = false

    LastCodeVersionRun = 1

    NewBucket = 4

    FullScreen = true

    ShadowMapNumCascades = 8

    ShadowMapResolution = 1024

    doShadows = true

    VerticalSyncState = false

    PlantDensity = 0

    doBlobShadows = true

    FarClipScale = 4.0




    MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies

    SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic



    Setting D3DFullscreen to false means the game will be running in fullscreen windowed mode. If yours is set to true try swapping that and see if it helps anything.


    Probably not going to be beneficial, but it's something you can try.

  2. Ravage is a weird one in that once you activate it, they have to get 10m away from you or it still deals damage, regardless of where you are when the damage ticks happen. Now, if you hit them with crippling slice just before the ravage and got behind them, they wouldn't have been able to turn to ravage you, and would only be able to Vengeful Slam to hit you.


    Now other than the damage dodging and the backstabbing, its use is a rifle shot replacement, due to being free and being stronger than it. Its not much, but it is something...


    Kinda hard to pre-root/walk through veng juggs ;)


    On a semi-related note: Does it annoy anybody else that you can pop Counterstrike and still have rubberband issues with the rooted ravage?


    As I've done more matches I've actually come across a few people that can't hit me if I get behind them. Seems like PT is the easiest to do that to. Perhaps it's simply a matter of getting used to positioning myself.

  3. no offense but it kinda made me sad when i read this. You should use crippling slice to prevent any damage you can towards you. For a ranged class you close the gap hit them with it and get behind them, 4 seconds of them not being able to turn is 4 seconds that they can not hit you. Same rule goes with melee CS them and get behind them so they cant hit you while you get some free hits(or heals) on them


    example i was dueling my friend's PT and VG, when which ever spec now has the 30% dmg reduct on kolto overload, i hit him with CS got behind him and then put some kolto probes on my self and got a kolto infusion off, all while he had his back to me unable to hit me(shoulder rockets already used)


    For some reason being behind somebody doesn't prevent them from attacking. That was kinda my point here, apologies if it didn't come across.


    I was just in a match against a jugg where being behind him didn't stop his ravage. I've had the same thing happen with snipers, mercs and sorcs being able to shoot through their backs. If it worked as you stated that would be fantastic. At this point though I can't seem to get it to behave that way.


    Bro come on, be a little creative. That ability will confuse the hell out of some people. It's a root that prevents turning. Sure you can use it to get a backstab off but honestly you shouldn't have trouble doing that anyway. It does decent damage as well for a control ability. Here's some ideas: Try to get inexperienced people to use a stunbreaker (CS is on a short cooldown anyway) , use it to prevent people from escaping (kind of obvious I know), someone hampering you? use it on them and roll away or LOS to heal up. So far I love the ability. It functions almost like a stun as I notice some people will simply stop casting abilities as they try to figure out how to react. Most of all use it for the intimidation factor lol! Stabbing a player repeatedly while they can't move or turn and then following up with a hard stun (and more stabby stab of course) will make many players dread operatives. Just my thoughts.



    I've gotten more comfortable using it as a stopper or confuser. Even had a few use stun break to start moving again and nothing is better than stopping a sorc's speed attempt after his bubble ends.

    It's more of frustration at other classes attack radius at this point.

  4. I am quite confused with this ability. I figured that if I got behind a target directly they wouldn't be able to hit me. This does not seem to be the case which makes it kinda pointless as a defensive ability against ranged.


    What uses does CS have aside from being able to get in position for a backstab?

  5. My advice for you would be to take a break until this settles down. I did the same thing when it was all about 2 smash maras, operative healer, and skank tank PT. Groups that ran with DPS swapped into tank form always pissed me off and it was popular for quite awhile.


    The game will always have the stupid FOTM groupings, whether 4 of the same, or mixed a little. Nobody will STOP running it because everyone else does it and it's better to be on the giving than the receiving end. In the end people play for fun...and that quickly vanishes when you find yourself up against one of these comps. The solution in that situation? Roll the same and hope to go up against some noble knight trying to stay true to his class.


    If it annoys you so much, all you can really do is take a break.

  6. Do you have the double click thing turned on in the options? Can't remember the exact option for it. But if you have it set on, where you double click and it goes it to your current target instead of your mouse cursor when you double click. Where as if you click it once it goes to your mouse.


    Makes sense, I didn't have this problem before I toggled that option on. I thought it was only supposed to apply to keybinds, stupid that the mouse triggers it as well (I panic spam the throw key when at low health and stunned).

  7. If you get the huttball make sure to panic and throw it right at your feet as surely throwing it at the ground it can't possibly go anywhere. Don't forget that one.


    You know, I swear that recently I click far away to throw it away and it automatically throws at my feet. Especially if it's on a different level.

  8. I'm seriously going to go an entire wz doing nothing but auto-attack and see if it's even possible to play that bad on purpose.


    Already done it...I pulled 340K and out dps'd everyone but 1 guy on our team.



    *watches the thread get locked* <3


    This may have been meant as a slideshow war which is all good. But with all due respect if this is not ment for "ganking" random people then why are members of you're guild grouping up (Max 4) and "ganking" randomly? please don't try to deny it ether.


    Simple: The PvP zone is meant for ganking which is why they have people in there...*gasp* ganking. There was no clarification in the original post so I can see why you were confused...


    Hello Ebon Hawk Community Members!


    At the most recent Community Guild Summit Meeting we discussed instigating a large-scale world PvP war, so if you are interested in participating please come out to Ilum!


    They will run from 7-10PM EST (or whenever people decide to leave) each day during the Gree Event. Let's make the most of this week long event! (Ritual world PvP slaughter should happen more frequently, don't you think?)



    I look forward to seeing you all in the battlefield slideshow!!! :D


    However...you posted your above response AFTER the following explanation from Adexi. (important text in bold)


    Um, no.

    This is for organizing large groups of people for a PvP slideshow war in the PvE area (people who flag up are eligible).


    This is not for 'ganking' people randomly in the PvP area. People do that all day long in smaller groups (max 4) of their own accord.


    So how exactly does this planned event automatically become PvP daily quest prevention? It's not even in the same zone and whether or not they gank people IN A PVP ZONE is irrelevant. The slideshow pvp is completely optional and will have NO effect on those who do not wish to participate.

  10. Hello der Ebon Hawk! Let's make this short and sweet.



    * Fiama Llama is somewhere on Republic fleet, you find her, you win 1.5 Mil.

    * No use of Guardian Leap is allowed.

    * Game runs til 10PM EST



    * Almost everyone can win

    * Only people I ask not to participate are those that would already know the hiding spot (also no spoilers please)



    I gathered 1.5 million over the 250 hours I played my operative in just PvP (leveled that way). I am proud of that money since I don't do dailies and never really had much credit-wise...so what better way to celebrate my time here than to give it all away when I'm gone?!




    Congratulations to Caidith(sp?) from <Republic> for getting to the rafters!


    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your time on SWTOR!


    Until I spit on you again...<3


    - The Llama

  11. Operative/ scoundrel is the best pvp class, just going to have to deal with it mate, funny how people deny it constantly, like I play an op aswell, but you will never see me downplay people's concerns that mechanically they are just overpowered in pvp, but then again I have several 55's that I can play very well in pvp and they are actually challanging, so I don't need to only play the most overpowered class, and could care less if they got knocked down a peg or two.

    I always feel cheap when playing my operative, just remember when these classes own in pvp, its more the class mechanics favouring fast paced pvp environments with the burst and versatility they have, with minimal skill required.


    While it's true that the DPS portion has become easier with 2.6 that doesn't change the fact that the class has very ineffective defenses. I assume you fight in pug matches where people hardly ever focus you, in that situation, the class is lulzy. You do your rotation, no interruptions, pile 7.5K HS with 3-5.5K Lacerate spam, mix in an explosive probe, a little luck...BOOM! Target dead.


    Try going up against a coordinated group of players though. You open on one, get stunned shortly after, a pile of grenades/thermal dets/smash/ravage/rail shots...boom. Dead operative. Even if you were to break on resolve fill, you have a shield that absorbs MAYBE 4K damage and a melee/range dodge for 3 seconds. A fat lot of good that does against a competent team.


    Oh, you say we can heal? 2.5 second cast time that suffers from major pushback and eats up a good chunk of energy. You'll most likely spend the rest of your short life waiting for the heal to cast before becoming a pile of ash.

    We can vanish? True...but that still doesn't change the fact that becoming focus target shortly after appearing pretty much means instant death.


    In specific situations, such as badly geared players, lucky crit string, not being focused, the class can seem OP and easy. Anytime you're faced against a good pre-made with a perfect comp and no friendly pocket tank in sight...you're screwed. Not all the time...just most of it.


    That's not to say the Operative is completely ineffective, I've seen some very good players do wonderful things with this class. Most of the time though, they have a healer/tank backing them up. I don't see how that makes this any more "OP" than any other class.


    And if you want easy...have you TRIED playing a Pyrotech or Smasher in the past year?

  12. Let me get this thread back on track - GL wherever you go Ralen, despite what my opinion or anyone's opinion on your Swtor life, have a good time wherever you choose to go; I wish you luck, man, I really do


    Da fuk?? A post from you that DOESN'T include either:


    A) You're bad in PvP


    B) $!@$ !@$! then I $!@#$ @!#$ up the %!@% !@$!. You #!%!@% morons don't know !@$&% about !@!%


    C) A hatred of the term "Puppy"


    I think I fell into some strange alternate universe. :eek:


    *Reads part about being obligated to say something about Ralen*


    Aw dang it...I had SO many good Puppy jokes left...


    *Throws out Sidenti's joke cards*


    *Clears throat*




    Dearest sayer of "Tell them Ralen said they suck",


    I am truly sad to hear of your departure. Actually...not really, cause this game is getting stale and holds no future for pvp players. Good luck to you and the rest of <Republic> with ESO (I assume you're leaving for that). Hope to see you someday on the fields of Cryodiil...as you get pounced by my army of 50 Khajiit Nightblades. :D


    My departing gift: Have a picture of Guss.

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