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Posts posted by Shiela

  1. Revan went into the Unknown Regions, I think that they are called that for a reason. It probably is floating around somewhere and we all know that ships can last a lifetime, just look at the Millineum Falcon.:)
  2. Loved both games but I feel KOTOR 2 gave me more freedom and crafting choices for my weapons and supplies. I wish we could have inreacted more with our companions though. Over all though I'm a big fan!
  3. The crystals just provide color and powers to the lightsaber. Maybe it could be the begining of a new faction of Force sensitives? But does color really mean anything, because look at KOTOR you could be a jedi and still have a red colored saber and it didn't count against you.
  4. Palpatine was like 10 steps in front of everybody, he was planing something from the begining. "We will be watching your career with great intrest young Skywalker." How did no one think that was creepy? Dooku was old to, Papatine probably wanted an appentice who wouldn't die in his sleep. Anakin was stronge, young, and confused; the perfect package.:wea_03:
  5. Anakin had a ruff life, pretty much everyone died. How did no one notice that he was spending to much time with the creeper known as Palpatine? Are jedi really that blind sometimes? He was going down from the start.

    He did balance the Force in the end I guess.

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