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Posts posted by RubbinMyWookie

  1. One of the QA testers I hired in Austin did some contract work for Bioware, and from the way this person describes it, Bioware does a pretty good job of reproducing and tracking defects, much better then my company probably does from the sounds of it. I work in the financial industry too and we're legislated to holy hell on all the processes we have to go through. I can guarantee they aren't just throwing software over the wall untested.


    Do they even test things they put in the patch notes? Seriously, what could they have possibly tested and saw it was working for it to not work for anyone on the live server?
  2. These are my opinions based off a few hours of play last night in PvP WZ's. I played against a lot of recognizable names, so had a good feeling for how I normally do against them.


    I was in BM gear with some rakata and columi mixed in before 1.2. HP's were around 17k pre 1.2 and after they are around 16k. I figure everyone got that nerf though so it didn't bother me too much. My survivability has gotten worse. I was dieing a lot more then I normally did. The really big thing that I noticed was that I was always out of energy trying to use the rotation that I used before but adding in overload shot now since it seemed like everything was on CD when I'd go to use it. I thought I would see some bigger hits with BS and HS on my openers, but if there was I wasn't noticing it. Pre 1.2 I had gotten some 4.8k HS openers, the biggest one I saw last night was 3.3k. 4.8k was usually an extreme case but I thought I'd at least get some 4k's in there. Damage out of stealth was a big problem as well, with the CD on BS it felt almost useless to try to go after a player if I wasn't stealthed. Being out of energy a lot, I was using stim boost all the time and consuming my TA so Lacerate wasn't available nearly as much as it used to be either.


    No one ever likes change, that was pretty much par for the course for me. I tried to go into it with an open mind, but by the end of the night I was pretty bummed about the changes.

  3. Yes you REALLY need to back up your statements with concrete evidence, and not tell us to take your word for it or read the patch notes. Your numbers seem REALLY exaggerated from what I've seen.


    You have no clue do you? Do I REALLY need to get a screen shot of a jug buddy of mine doing 8k+ crits pre 1.2? No I don't because you aren't worth the effort.


    Jugs got boosted read the patch notes. Despite the 10% nerf to smash I'm still 3 shotting silver elites my own level on my jug. Ask me how many times I've done that on my level 50 operative at any point in time what so ever pre and post 1.1.1.


    Marauders got boosted read the patch notes.


    Sentinels got boosted read the patch notes.


    Operative healers got boosted read the patch notes.


    Assassins remained unchanged read the patch notes.


    Sorc healers got nerf'd read the patch notes


    BH/trooper healers got nerf'd read the patch notes.


    Gunslinger/Snipers got boosted read the patch notes.


    Concealment didn't get the nerf bat it got nerf nuked in 1.2. Obviously you've never played one to any notable degree for your opinion to account for anything.


    BH/Trooper tracer spam nerf is an efing joke at best.

  4. I had this happen a couple times when I was heal specced and never put two and two together to figure out why it did. Makes sense now, and definitely seems like a bug.



    there is a problem with sleep dart. its working pretty much like sap in wow. you sap, get past something, sap wears off and you dont need to fight. but there comes a problem. when i pick sedatives training point, shen sleep dart wears off enemy becomes hostile even at other side of the map, runs at me pulling every mob in his way. this shouldnt be like that. it must be fixed. remove that damage reduction debuff, if target is not engaged in combat. this is realy stupid bug.

  5. I'm a concealment operative and the two I primarily use are Doctor Lokin for the heals and Ensign Raina as extra dps when I'm doing a lot of lower level mobs. I mostly pvp so gearing these two up for me is the easiest since their primary stats are cunning and they wear medium armor. I did have to spend some credits on modding weapons for them, but it wasn't too bad.
  6. I don't know that I agree with medal chasing being a negative. I respect that different people play the game for different reasons, and if medal chasing is what floats someone's boat in PvP so be it, who am I or you to dictate how a person should spend their recreation time?


    Medal chasing is negative to begin with. In objective based PvP, if you are more interested in gaining medals in a convoluted, imbalanced, role based system, you won't be focusing on why you are actually there.




    This seems to be the reverse mindset we have now. I know when we start to lose a Civil War on live, three out of five times my team will just abandon objectives and start trying to farm medals.


    If the cap is four medals, you can easily get -four- medals by participating in the Warzones objective.

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