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Posts posted by yellowjon

  1. Hate to hijack the thread, but I've been 50 since release day, and i've done quite a bit of PvP so I'll at least throw in my experiences.


    Healers aren't a threat alone if you know how to handle them, which is using Riot Strike/Storm to keep them locked down for the majority of the fight. (Back out of melee range to get a Storm off if you have to) Save Cryo Grenade/Neural Surge until they're low and Riot Strike is on cooldown, and finish them off with a good Stockstrike -> High Impact Bolt. Played correctly, your dps should be slightly more than they can handle, so you'll get them down eventually.


    Other tanks end up being your closest match, and a well-played Assassin tank can be a huge threat if they manage to get an opener on you. Stealth Scan becomes insanely important in this matchup, sometimes deciding the victor right from the beginning.


    DPS classes shouldn't give you many problems unless they swarm you (and it then becomes a non 1v1 situation). Do be wary of geared/good Marauders though, as they can do a number to you. Fortunately, good Marauders are few and far between, at least on my server. If you're on top of your game though, you shouldn't have any problems taking them out.


    You should be able to survive Concealment Operatives openers, (most don't take me below 60%) and after that they're pretty simple to take down, just don't let them get away.


    If you're really into PvP, I suggest getting Biochem. The reusable health pack is absolutely insane for us. I've had Alderaan games where I literally can't die defending a node, mainly due to being able to drag out the fight long enough to continually use it. (Obviously, call in reinforcements if your node gets swarmed though)


    Overall, you should not be worried if you're looking to do some tanking pvp. We're in a good spot.



    I'm reading this right now , And you very well understand the vanguard mechanics!.

    Healers are no problem unless they are inquistors who stun and run away and then heal.

    Tanks - Yeah they are the biggest problem , They live long enough in my cases to call for help.

    I Really have the most trouble with a Operative too , He has this insane opener and closer what deals 5k damage with just 3 melee attacks. If I get a starter on him or any other classes I get a dramatic advantage.


    And If I had to suggest anything , If you ARE hardcore pvp player Biochem is like a must to be powerful , You Need Thoes Rakata stims to help you kick but. And yeah pretty much reusable health pack is insane , I have done alot of stuff with it , Pvp , Ops , Hardmode flashpoints etc.


    Here Is something I would add , For all you tanks out there .http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801RRrrdoroGZMsr0oZb.1

    Works great for me in hardmode flashpoints and ops as well as pvp.

  2. Right now i feel very angry. All i have gotten is 2 unassambled main hand weapons from 25 BAGS. And i see some guy who has been lvl 50 for 2-3 days already has his centurion/champion gear. Its enraging because some people put so much effort in and get nothing but some people put a little in and get all that stuff. I agree it should be made for lvl 50 valor only. 40 for CENTURION GEAR.


    Why is this a problem? It sends the message to some people they get gear handed to them and we spend WEEKS just to get a single peice. I bet at my pace by the time i get a full champion set thoes lucky noobs will have there battlemaster set by then.:mad:

  3. Hey everyone, level 22 vanguard here, and loving it, cannot wait to try full shield spec in pvp. I just have one query really. I'm not grasping why people are putting 2 points in ion shield rather than 2 points in defensive measures. Surely immobilizing an enemy for 3 seconds after using harpoon is better than just 2% reduction.


    Any help on this is greatly appreciated.




    I just hit lvl 50 2 days ago now and i am reading this right now and thinking how glad i am to take 2% less damage. Seriously when your fighting a decked out champion damage spec inquistor you would want 2% less damage because they hit very hard:eek:. Sure immobilizing a enemy is fun in huttball or alderaan but when your on ilum. Every last bit of damage reduction or endurance is needed. My thoughts

  4. Game update 1.1 just ruined any grind chance , it takes 3 hours to complete a daily with 1 pack of champ gear with a even lower rate.

    and when your 50 you can only fight lvl 50's in warzones so they killed any hope of any new armor through centurion through battlemaster.

    And if your on a server with a guild fighting a imp decked out guild you wont get armor for months

  5. Hey dude i have a question , Is it better to have defence rating or absoruption rating? I don't know which and i am having a set of armor being built, Should i have 1 or the other.

    Also i have another question , How much is gut used? I am trying to get it for pvp but i Wonder if it is like a "Requriment,?

  6. For just earning credits in the marketplace, is it better to choose three gathering professions and auction the materials, or choose two gathering and one crafting profession?


    I'm a smuggler/gunslinger spec, and currently have scavenging, armstech, and investigation. But nothing I craft in armstech ever seems to sell. And materials seem to move rather well. Most of the rewards I'm receiving are better the things I've been able to craft anyway.



    This is just my open opion . I suggest you get slicing , scavanging and gathering.

    slicing may be used to fund the scavanging and gathering if you do it long enough , i havent tested it yet but i think it may work:rolleyes:

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