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Posts posted by Inaara

  1. Biowares current practice of not (sufficiently) informing the players on the TOS breach is against EU laws.


    As stated in chapter 7 of the Code of EU online rights 2012. The consumers have a right to know in clear and plain language, what the terms are.


    If in fact a paid service is being denied without a clear breach of the TOS and no restitution is being offered, Bioware is going against other laws.


    As stated in chapter 8 of the Code of EU online rights 2012. Ie. Bait and Switch.



    Hope that this realization that they are liable to claims, makes them step up and explain clearly what it is we are doing wrong according to the TOS.


    Likewise, it's a violation of Oklahoma law. And Oklahoma doesn't give a crap that you're based in TX or CA if you operate in OK--they will enforce OK state law on any company that operates in OK state, even if that operation is via the internet.

  2. So, he has a BOUND crystal on one character that he can replicate via his collection and instead of unlocking it via cartel coins on another character uses a method which EVERYONE has been using to send BOUND crystals/mods/enhancements via LEGACY items to their other chars and people are getting perma-banned for it?


    What the hell did BW think was going to happen when they introduced all this? It's not an exploit, it's using a process everyone has been using since legacy was introduced to send BOUND items between legacy characters. A process which BW implemented themselves.


    This is BW banning people for the own **** up in not thinking about this method of moving items around after they bought in the new collections.


    IMO they should be unbanning anyone they've been banned, giving them a free month and then patching the game to prevent this as they clearly don't want it to happen.


    This. This. This.


    So much this.


    And I don't even know the first dang thing about this process, couldn't tell you how to do it, not interested in finding out.


    But holy hell yes, what this poster above said. You can't punish players for using the system you implemented in the manner you indicated that you intended it to be used because you suddenly figured out that, holy crap, it means they won't be paying you $5 per character for the privilege of using the system. That's your problem, not the players'.

  3. It really feels like this is the result of adding collections to the game--which has the potential to increase the profitability of the Cartel Shop.


    I completely understand that this is a business, but the mechanics should have been changed and players should have been told the change was upcoming. Warnings--not bans--should have been given. We should have been told in advance.


    This is bad business practice. And yes, I do feel an unsub coming on if this is not resolved much sooner rather than later and if those affected by yet another truly horrid decision are not compensated. Honestly, this is beyond mismanagement.

  4. Who do I have to bribe/beg/sell my soul to/promise unsavory favors of an inappropriate nature to in order to get some sort of acknowledgement and ETA on a fix to the issues with the game that is causing game crashes since 1.1.0 and the patching and launcher that is causing so many of us to not even be able to log in at all since 1.1.2? Will there be some sort of compensation for those of us who haven't been able to log in at all for days or weeks but have been paying and have not (yet) canceled in the hopes that this major issue would be quickly resolved?
  5. I would also prefer Jaxo over Dorne.


    I would rather have Jaxo in my squad than...




    Tanno Vik



    ...and sometimes Dorne, but at least Dorne's halfway effective of you kit her out right. I can tolerate Jorgan if I have to, but I would trade the other 3 for Jaxo in a heartbeat.

  6. Jorgan because he had the leadership experience, even if he was a complete jerk, and if I had to listen to Dorne spout regulations at the expense of common sense, I probably would have beaten her to death with my carbine, no matter how good a healer she is.


    Dorne's too hung up on regulations to be an effective leader. Too many situations in the real world the rulebooks do not cover.

  7. I would say the biggest problem is you are level 21. I've done all the quests I've found through out coruscant, taris, and nar shadda and didn't get the Tavus ship quest until I was leaving Nar Shadda at level 27. Tank and spanked him with no problem with Elara as my companion.


    This was true for me as well. I don't believe I attempted the quest, either in beta or live, prior to about 25. But I didn't skip any content along the way, either, which contributed to my being that level when I reached it.


    Vanguard, Dorne as companion, no trouble at all.

  8. The problem with mortar volley goes beyond a mere delayed animation - it is actually designed to fire FOUR shots.


    It was broken a couple of builds from the end of beta and the people who had been in beta before this were complaining about it when I joined and were saying there was a noticable drop in damage output from the ability (25% less)


    This isn't something you would know unless you had seen the fully working version, maybe a long time tester could confirm this as I joined with the build where it was first broken.


    No, MV fired four shots through several beta builds, when it was finally nerfed to three shots (and, having played several builds of full beta as a Trooper on my other account, my opinion was and is, it desperately needed the nerf from four shots to three because at 4 shots, it was ridiculously overpowered. Just my opinion, and I was at level 40-something when they nerfed it).


    What they did not do was adjust the animation.


    Having said that... MV and Full Auto are both as buggy as a Killik-infested underground Alderaanian fortress. They're broken and desperately need fixed because currently, our class is not a mirror version of Bounty Hunter (which I also play), we're like the Bounty Hunter's goofy little brother who does a bad job of trying to imitate him.


    Stockstrike is just fine. There's nothing wrong with it at all. But MV and FA are decidedly broken and yes, there is more than half a second's delay on some Trooper skills that I do not see on my BH (when comparing the two side by side on activation times). In addition, Trooper skills get interrupted while BH skills do not - that's the fact of my experience. I'm not advocating a nerf of BH. I am saying fix Trooper and bring us inline with our Imperial counterparts, and do it sooner rather than later. Because Trooper is game-breakingly broken to the point that I have no desire to play mine.

  9. I've got one SE through Amazon - estimated arrival 16 Dec.


    my CE which is an in-store pickup at Best Buy?


    Cannot pick it up until the 20th at 10 am when the store opens.


    All my pals with CE's through Amazon? Delivery on the 16th.


    Internet order and delivery preference of 4 days over those of us who opted to get it at the store because delivery is unreliable seems a bit... well, disappointing. But it is what it is. /shrug


    Honestly? I'm a bit irritated that Amazon customers get theirs 4 days before me. Offical launch is the 20th, and that's when we all should get our boxes. Not before, not after.

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