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Posts posted by LordbishopX

  1. struggling with ashara right now. back to kem? haven't used him for 15+ levels.

    Make sure ashara is fully geared off hand light saber and implants and ear pieces she is a beast. If in a pinch just use dark charge mode against harder mobs and bounce hate with ashara just send her in first. Or use mind trap on one the strongest kill the rest fast. As deception I loved how fast we can take a normal mob out.

  2. I understand, but with most classes here there is one spec that seems more viable (eg pre-1.2 Jedi Guardians favored Focus rather than Vigilance, or Defense).


    I went deception from 1-50 very fun killed fast against hard bosses at times used dark charge mode mostly leveled with Ashara and used Talos on hard bosses as well.

  3. That does indeed make sense. If you can currently create an equippable item with an augment slot, you should be able to create an augment kit for that item. It opens the market up significantly.



    For the reasons stated above, I hope they will be better focussed and not cross-skill.



    This is so awesome can't wait for 1.3 to hit.

  4. Does anyone know if there is a cap on the crit?


    I am not rly a number/stats person but can anyone confirm me that its better to have main stat augments (f.e. operative +18 skill, +12 endurance) instead of the overkill augments (+18 power, +12 endurance) because of the extra crit you get with main skill modifier?


    Crit and surge both suffer from diminishing returns IE after a point the benefit given to dps is less and less and yes both have a hard and softcap ie the pt at which putting pts in become less beneficial and the hard cap where more pts does zip.

    I been a surge -> crit -> power -> prim stat which states take each in order to its soft cap I do love power.....

  5. I only get the mouse lag when I have bloom or anti-aliasing turned on in-game.


    Bloom seems a bit unnecessary - just makes things glow.. It's okay, but I think the game looks less cartoony without it. And the in-game anti-aliasing I haven't found useful at all.


    I will try anything lol okay time for these to go off thanks....

  6. Mouse acceleration seems to have gotten worse since patch 1.2.


    For current hardware, mouse acceleration is a legacy feature, even for the desktop (Windows), so it should never be enabled for games by default. I still have a switch on my mouse software for turning acceleration off for Windows, but it does not seem to affect SWTOR.


    Please turn it off or add an option. Being able to alter this setting at least per INI file would be sufficient.


    My camera settings

    Smart Camera OFF

    Pivot Camera OFF

    Camera Rotation Speed 0%


    Average game performance

    FPS: 70-110

    Server Lag: 39-45ms



    Mouse: Razer DeathAdder, Driver: 3.05, Firmware: 2.45

    OS: Windows 7 64 bit


    Gonna try this tonight....

  7. The thing I find most funny is the it's impossible card that makes me laugh my arse off time and time again especially on huge meaningless damage numbers in a wz. If a job can stay alive and AOE its clearly capable of producing large damage numbers or one that spams dots on anything that moves.....
  8. Since the pace of gearing up was set pre 1.2.


    I liked the pace pre 1.2. I don't like the pace post 1.2. The pace post 1.2 is "way too grindy".


    The pace of gearing pre 1.2 was pretty much set by the dailies and weeklies. Now its set by how much time you spend in WZ's. And yes, imho, you can spend way too much time in WZ's. And MMO's for that matter.


    They had 2x the daily and weekly and both had more rewards this 99/99 is just not that good at all.

  9. I'm currently stacked on PvE gear almost up to Rakata and was just wondering if I should even bother getting Recruit gear at all for PvP. My Expertise at the moment is around 240 or so with all my PvE gear on, but I'm also wondering if the gear I have now will artificially 'boost' my Expertise stat until I can get enough BM gear on.


    To sum it up, I have PvE gear almost all the way up to Rakata so do I need to worry about more expertise for PvP at the moment or will my PvE gear help me in it?


    Without expertise ur at a serious disadvantage in wz all damage you take will be increased by 20% and all damage you do will be reduced by around 15%. Its hard to make up that difference in just pure pve stats from gear really. So the recruit gear is designed to be the starter set with at least 896 expertise.

  10. Its a simple fact that I will not argue a good healer takes 10x to play over most any dps and makes the different far more than any monkey doing dps in a match. Its hard to find decent peeps that want to heal let alone be good at it. But I am out this is pointless....
  11. You fail at sarcasm pretty much say what you like and spout the greatness none stop it's super squishy in comparison period and the damage isn't **** better on a 1 on 1 basis. I played deception for 1 - 50 and pvp non stop the entire way and it was squishy then and its squishy now I have no trouble with non speed hacking SINS I take madness over deception and pretty much alternate between madness and darkness now. Darkness by far is the harder to kill and brings enough damage to take out healers and sents and sins with ease.


    You must face bads that don't realize your a weak glass canon period.....

  12. See thats just that thing im talking about Darkness has to guard there healer cuz they cant do enough dmg fast enough to take down anyone. Its a boring pvp spec and sucks that people think its the best. I take down people so quick at times that they dont even have enough time to go through any of there CDs. Sorry Darkness spec isnt that fun to some of us and we rather go into a wz killing people then just sitting there guarding



    Winning is boring and on darkness I win a ton on madness and deception I die a hell of a lot more. I am easier to keep up and my healer doesn't have to focus keeping me a live since I take tons less damage. I kill efficiently and protect my healer with ease. Its not deception sins ppl are crying to nerf for a reason......

  13. Note who dies with pocket healer? Your healer has to work his arse off keeping you alive he should get the medal lol. With your healer not guarded unless someone else is doing it he goes down faster than a cheap ****** on 6th st...


    Even without pocket heals darkness is just harder to kill period and with it makes most ppl cry..

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