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Posts posted by Lord_Apophis

  1. Hi guys


    Im a long time Veng Jugg that has decided to try out Rage for PvE so my questions is, should I go Might or Overkill Augments? and should I go for the 4 set Jugg DPS set bonus for extra Scream dmg or stay with 2 set jugg and 2 set mara?


    Im currently sitting on almost full min/maxed 72, only thing Im missing is a underworld implant and relic. Im currently using a Dread Guard Power click relic, should I change that to a dmg proc as I have seen many juggs running dmg proc and Power proc since they fixed it.

  2. So I just dusted off my Operative after not playing it for a few months and started gearing him.


    Now that I have full Partisan and is about to start min/maxing the gear so do I have a few questions. Should I mod full Power/Surge with a few Accuracy pieces mixed in like most other dps classes at the moment or should I get some crit as well?


    Also should I augment Cunning or Power?

  3. Your health was close to 30k? Were you using the Bolster Bug?


    I doubt that, my sorc has conqueror ear, implant, one relic, mainhand, offhand and the rest partisan, all augmented with blue lvl 55 augment and I have 29,9k hp so he is just geared.

  4. Hey there,

    I am Kanre I am GM of Friendly Fire who are currently ranked 1 in the world of 16 man. We have cleared all content / farm all content, we have every single res for mods, enhancements, armouring’s, hilts and barrels from new content. We do not mind at all that people can buy these we actually really like it , however we are very pissed at Bioware for allowing people buy our mods ,enhancements , armouring’s , and hilts, barrels and place them in to their gear , this then takes off the crafters name and allows the items to be reversed engineered (witch is totally stupid bioware ) , we feel that to have the right to reverse and sell an item, it should not just bought it off the gtn to get the res. I see this as stealing, and don’t understand how Bioware has not fixed this known bug yet…….., I bet you if you could reverse the shells , of the gear on the cartel market and sell them for creds in the same way it would be fixed in less than a day.

    I feel people who have not cleared any of the content let alone stepped foot in it , have these resipys that we worked hard to get …. I do not feel that buying gear is paying to win you earn your credits you should spend them on what you want, however I do feel that bioware is penalising those who work to get the recipes by letting any tom dick or harry revers them off the gtn witch kills the market …… bio ware you wander why you need a credit sinks??? it is because people do this and do not raid to spend the credits on repairs, on consumables. Use your brains plz …. And fix this


    From kanre


    This I agree with 100 %


    My guild has been farming Terror HM for a long time, I was the first on my server to be able to craft Resolve Armoring 27, I sold 5-6 on gtn then suddenly was there another able to craft it, who not only almost certainly had learned it from me but also lowered the price of the armoring by setting it out for 400k less then me. Within a week was there 15+ able to craft the armoring and the price had been lowered by over 1 million.


    Its not about the money I lose but about the fact that I spent hundreds of thousands if not millions of credits on repairs and consumables to be able to learn to craft that armoring, someone buying it from gtn should not be able to learn to craft it...


    It dont care if people choose to gear up their chars by buying the armoring, mods and enhancements, it how I have geared up several alts, but only people that has "earned" it should be able to craft them.

  5. Neither can most Rage spec'd Maras/Sents. 7k+ damage is usually only seen versus low Expertise targets, and that's assuming the Rage Mara doing that kind of damage is min/maxed for Power/Surge, EWH, and wearing 4pc Vindicator. Against full Expertise targets, around 1300 or so, I typically only saw 5k-ish Smashes. So either you're grossly exaggerating to substantiate your position, or you're running around with low Expertise.


    I have a full WH min/maxed Sorc DPS, 1314 Expertise and 4 EWH pieces. I play at least 1 to 3 hours of pvp everyday. At least once every game am I smashed for 6,5k+ dmg, its rare that I am smashed for under 5k even with a bubble on me.


    and as someone said so I do try to knockback juggs/mara who I see are leaping towards me, but its not always that Im in time to kock them back, my knockback is on cool down or I simply dont see them because they are coming up from behind.


    That said, I dont think they should nerf how much dmg smash does as much as they should remove the 100 % crit chance after Charge/Obli, set it to 50 % so that rage mara/jugg need to stack some crit as well.


    A friend of mine has a smash mara, 80% + surge and 1500 Power... make rage specc need to stack crit as well so will it be fine

  6. One way could be to return Mercenery Comms and give them out for open world kills.


    For example, if I on my lvl 40 sniper kill a lvl 40 guardian would I get 10 Merc Comms and 50 Valor


    With more/less comms and valor being given based on if the enemy player has a lower/higher lvl then you. To prevent farming so would you only get 50 % of the reward the second time you kill the same player within 30 min and you get no reward for killing him more then 2 times within 30 min.


    You could then trade in Merc Comms for wz comms, pets or special custom gear.

  7. As someone who both queue as premade and solo so can I say that premades almost never ruin warzones for me even when queueing solo.


    Sure when I see that Im against 3-4 players from among the best pvp Rep guilds on the server then I know it will be a hard fight but that just makes me try harder to win.


    What ruins it is players, both pug and premade that do not know what to do and refuse to listen to advice. I cant count the number of times in Voidstar when people break cc while someone is capping, dont call incoming until after they are dead if even then, allowing enemy healers to free cast, standing on edges in huttball to allow enemy ball carrier leap points to score...


    I can make an example from a few days ago, I solo queued and got into ancient hypergate, with us was a sorc with 12,9k hp. He had a mix of green lvl 43-47 gear and a few recruit pieces, total expertice around 250. He refused to answer in the chat, he ran right into the middle and jumped the enemies, maybe getting of a death field before he died, he capped cubes but did not deliver them to our pylon, hell once I used my friendly pull to pull him towards our pylon while whispering him that he needed to run to the pylon, he did not answer and ran back into mid and died...



    and before people tell me to run ranked so I dont have the time or the skill, I do to much pve to have the time to play 4-5 nights a week 4 hours per night which is what our ranked team does, I play pvp because it is fun, I have min/maxed WH with a few EWH because I have made the time to farm gear, I know tactics because if I dont understand something or wants to do better do I talk to those in my guild that are hardcore pvpers and I listen to people in the warzones, if in voidstar someone says stealth to right and rest to left then I will run left not ignore them, run right and ruin a stealth cap...



    But perhaps the most important thing, I DONT LEAVE in the middle of a warzone, it ruins the warzone for the rest of us that stay and try to win. This is something that both pugs and premades do and it always pisses me off, I have been in wzs when 4 man pre-mades have left in the middle of the game and after that is there almost no point in trying to win because in the time it will take for us to have a full team again with all players out of the spawn area so

    will the enemy team totally dominate us...


    Instead of diffrent queues for premade and pug, make it so you MUST complete the quest to get recruit gear before being able to queue for lvl 50 wz, add a video sequence the first time you enter a warzone that describe the basic tactics and goals of the warzone and add a lockout timer for those that leave early like the group finder. If someone leaves a warzone early, he/she cant queue for another warzone for 15-20 min...

  8. The past two days has the game kept minimizing every 10 to 30 seconds, there is never any problem going into the game again but since it happens so often does it cause large problems in wzs...


    Anyone know why this is happening?


    I assume there is some easy fix that will leave my wanting to hit myself for not thinking of it :)

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