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Posts posted by Mirrox

  1. I would consider another class at this point, IA just isn't worth the effort.


    This... worthless and not true.



    It all really depends on what spec you are.



    As Lethality, it's all about keeping your 2 dots up, Shiv for TAs(used on Cull after you got Stim Boost up), and Backstabs in between CDs as long as resources/gcd vs cd allow it.


    As healers(OPs are good healers in case anyone would ever try objecting).


    Keep Kolto Probes up on MT and basically just use your "greater heal" along with the free instant heal and the occasional Recuprative Nano.

    With greater heals + Probes up you'll generate enough TAs to be using the freebie heal alot.


    Never fails(Healing OPS HM atm, and occasional Lethality dps when needed).


    If you want Concealment dps spec, forget it. Lethality is better for single-target encounters(aka bosses).


    Also, from a raiding perspective, playing IA is really nice seeing that there are so few of us, you can basically pick all IA loot dropping. ;)


    This is naturally all from a PvE perspective and my personal experience.

  2. Thanks for the input guys, much appreciated and just as I thought. And yes, Concealment spec will most certainly be shafted at the 1.1.1 patch given that there are, as of now, no boost to it's sustained dps ability.


    Lethality spec as of 1.1.1 it is.



    Mirrox@The Red Eclipse

  3. Anyone tried raiding as dps with OP?


    I'd like some input on Concealment vs Lethality as it seems my guild carries a slight overweight in the healer-department.


    Seems to me after doing some HM's with my guild that, although my burst is nice, the sustained dps is somewhat lacking and I have yet to try Lethality on 50.


    And it looks like Lethality has issues with TA generation for Cull.


    Experience, input and general opinions(regarding the topic, trolls!) are much appreciated.

  4. It's a well-known fact that perhaps one of the, for the time being, best classes is let off the nerfbat whereas OP's get shafted.


    Sincerely yours,

    Former IA(OP) now BH PT


    Now, on a more serious note, BH is alot of fun and the choice for rolling a tank was either Warrior, Inquisitor or BH. I'm for letting the kids play with the light-sticks whereas I roll a proper class(non-force in other words ;)) And I would've rolled BH anyway.


    But god, leveling up: Death from above..... it's like, free xp. You might as well just let the skill itself grant you xp, it's that good. :p

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