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Posts posted by Petnil

  1. my fokus would be on slowing enemies and boosting my own speed, not that i've done any pvp for the longest time. Speed is king in pvp though. Well. communication is king, but reacting to that communication can be done faster when you've got speed.


    Anyways. Don't pay to much attention to me. Like i said, i haven't done any PVP in years, i mostly stoppen when arena's started popping, and not to long after that i just stopped alltogether.

  2. A few thing's i'd like to change, but they're minor, like having my ranged attacks back.


    Only thing that i feel needs to be changed is giving charge back to tanks as soon as they specialise. Also, Translocate is stupid. Even as instant cast it's very hard to come up with PVE situations where it's useful. Maybe it's great for PVP, at least i could see a use for it there, but tanking has very little to do with PVP.


    So, instead of Translocate, make it a spell like the old paladin taunt from WoW. Target player, use spell. "taunts a small area around your target to attack you for 6 sec. additionally gives a heal to target and a small area heal at taunted area"


    Ok, maybe the added heal is a little much, but even if it was just an areataunt on target, it would be a hell of a lot more useful than the translocate we have today.

  3. I actually like

    does a good cover of it.


    my go to cover artist, Leo, have also made a cover of that song.


    Not the best cover he ever made, but not bad. just adding a couple of my favorite covers of his


    He's gotten help on some of the covers. I find that the best covers often are the ones where he collaborate with others.

    Careful though. you may end up clicking his videos for hours. I know i sometimes do.

  4. As long as all mm FP's are in the same random FP pot, they all should be fairly equal in how hard they are. I know they're not, but making some of the harder ones even harder is just not the right way to go.


    Now, i can agree that harder 4 man content would be nice, but if we want some FP's to be harder they should have a bracket for themselves. Back in time we had tier 2 FP's or whatever they were called, we could do that again.


    Alternatively make NiM FP's.

  5. Oh. i've picked up that rock on Voss. i never saw what hit me, and my friend just laughed while he ran for his life :)

    Ages ago, back in the 1.x era.


    I also clicked the thing on Taris. i survived that though. I just can't leave things alone. I'd rather find out for myself than to go online somewhere to find out what happens when i click things.

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  6. Can hardly remember what their personality is anymore. They never speak to me.


    For killing imperials i do like 4X-M1 (something like that) Often i just send them on missions and go solo though. In most content i actually prefer to solo, and by solo i mean no companion.

  7. I'd probably prefer less trash but far longer agro range on the remaining trash. For the FP story, trash is important, and walking by them clearly in field of view seems wrong. I know we've seen some of these FP's for years and do not care about the story in ex. Dir7 anymore, but to me it's part of the FP.


    I even did all bonus objectives in a vet Dir7 a few days ago in just a random group. Ofc. i asked first if people wanted to, at least one of them never knew there was a bonus boss in there. Even killing a lot more trash than a normal Dir7 run, it was one of this weeks better FP runs i've done via groupfinder with 3 strangers.

  8. So.... How would you feel about a lockout for FP's like there is on OP's ? I'm thinking a 48h lockout, maybe exclude Kuat, even though i'm not a huge fan, but if you're lowlevel you dont have a huge selection of FP's


    It would stop the HS and RR spam groups, and while that may or may not be a good thing i personly think a little forced variation of FP's is a good thing. Seeing only the same FP's over and over and over will only make you burn out faster imo.

  9. Not that the Alderaan stronghold isn't pretty, but damn it's huge. For me it just doesn't work as a home. It could work as a guild stronghold though, but it's just to big as a home for a single character imo. Next time can we please get a nice and small stronghold. No bigger than upper level of the Nar Shaddaa stronghold. A small outside area and 4-6 small to medium sized rooms. A stronghold that could logicly fit inside one of the cities of the game.
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